File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS                          --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                 ADA.CONTAINERS.FORMAL_INDEFINITE_VECTORS                 --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
  12 -- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
  13 -- apply solely to the  contents of the part following the private keyword. --
  14 --                                                                          --
  15 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  16 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  17 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  18 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  19 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  20 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 --                                                                          --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 --                                                                          --
  25 --                                                                          --
  26 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  27 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  28 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  29 -- <>.                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  Similar to Ada.Containers.Formal_Vectors. The main difference is that
  33 --  Element_Type may be indefinite (but not an unconstrained array). In
  34 --  addition, this is simplified by removing less-used functionality.
  36 with Ada.Containers.Bounded_Holders;
  37 with Ada.Containers.Formal_Vectors;
  39 generic
  40    type Index_Type is range <>;
  41    type Element_Type (<>) is private;
  42    Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements : Natural :=
  43                                     Element_Type'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements;
  44    --  Maximum size of Vector elements in bytes. This has the same meaning as
  45    --  in Ada.Containers.Bounded_Holders, with the same restrictions. Note that
  46    --  setting this too small can lead to erroneous execution; see comments in
  47    --  Ada.Containers.Bounded_Holders. If Element_Type is class-wide, it is the
  48    --  responsibility of clients to calculate the maximum size of all types in
  49    --  the class.
  51    with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
  53    Bounded : Boolean := True;
  54    --  If True, the containers are bounded; the initial capacity is the maximum
  55    --  size, and heap allocation will be avoided. If False, the containers can
  56    --  grow via heap allocation.
  58 package Ada.Containers.Formal_Indefinite_Vectors with
  59   SPARK_Mode => On
  60 is
  61    pragma Annotate (GNATprove, External_Axiomatization);
  62    pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Skip_Analysis);
  64    subtype Extended_Index is Index_Type'Base
  65    range Index_Type'First - 1 ..
  66      Index_Type'Min (Index_Type'Base'Last - 1, Index_Type'Last) + 1;
  68    No_Index : constant Extended_Index := Extended_Index'First;
  70    subtype Capacity_Range is
  71      Count_Type range 0 .. Count_Type (Index_Type'Last - Index_Type'First + 1);
  73    type Vector (Capacity : Capacity_Range) is limited private with
  74      Default_Initial_Condition;
  76    function Empty_Vector return Vector;
  78    function "=" (Left, Right : Vector) return Boolean with
  79      Global => null;
  81    function To_Vector
  82      (New_Item : Element_Type;
  83       Length   : Capacity_Range) return Vector
  84    with
  85      Global => null;
  87    function Capacity (Container : Vector) return Capacity_Range with
  88      Global => null,
  89      Post   => Capacity'Result >= Container.Capacity;
  91    procedure Reserve_Capacity
  92      (Container : in out Vector;
  93       Capacity  : Capacity_Range)
  94    with
  95      Global => null,
  96      Pre    => (if Bounded then Capacity <= Container.Capacity);
  98    function Length (Container : Vector) return Capacity_Range with
  99      Global => null;
 101    function Is_Empty (Container : Vector) return Boolean with
 102      Global => null;
 104    procedure Clear (Container : in out Vector) with
 105      Global => null;
 106    --  Note that this reclaims storage in the unbounded case. You need to call
 107    --  this before a container goes out of scope in order to avoid storage
 108    --  leaks.
 110    procedure Assign (Target : in out Vector; Source : Vector) with
 111      Global => null,
 112      Pre    => (if Bounded then Length (Source) <= Target.Capacity);
 114    function Copy
 115      (Source   : Vector;
 116       Capacity : Capacity_Range := 0) return Vector
 117    with
 118      Global => null,
 119      Pre    => (if Bounded then (Capacity = 0 or Length (Source) <= Capacity));
 121    function Element
 122      (Container : Vector;
 123       Index     : Index_Type) return Element_Type
 124    with
 125      Global => null,
 126      Pre    => Index in First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index (Container);
 128    procedure Replace_Element
 129      (Container : in out Vector;
 130       Index     : Index_Type;
 131       New_Item  : Element_Type)
 132    with
 133      Global => null,
 134      Pre    => Index in First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index (Container);
 136    procedure Append
 137      (Container : in out Vector;
 138       New_Item  : Vector)
 139    with
 140      Global => null,
 141      Pre    => (if Bounded
 142                 then Length (Container) + Length (New_Item) <=
 143                                                        Container.Capacity);
 145    procedure Append
 146      (Container : in out Vector;
 147       New_Item  : Element_Type)
 148    with
 149      Global => null,
 150      Pre    => (if Bounded
 151                 then Length (Container) < Container.Capacity);
 153    procedure Delete_Last
 154      (Container : in out Vector)
 155    with
 156      Global => null;
 158    procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out Vector) with
 159      Global => null;
 161    procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector; I, J : Index_Type) with
 162      Global => null,
 163      Pre    => I in First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index (Container)
 164       and then J in First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index (Container);
 166    function First_Index (Container : Vector) return Index_Type with
 167      Global => null;
 169    function First_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type with
 170      Global => null,
 171      Pre    => not Is_Empty (Container);
 173    function Last_Index (Container : Vector) return Extended_Index with
 174      Global => null;
 176    function Last_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type with
 177      Global => null,
 178      Pre    => not Is_Empty (Container);
 180    function Find_Index
 181      (Container : Vector;
 182       Item      : Element_Type;
 183       Index     : Index_Type := Index_Type'First) return Extended_Index
 184    with
 185      Global => null;
 187    function Reverse_Find_Index
 188      (Container : Vector;
 189       Item      : Element_Type;
 190       Index     : Index_Type := Index_Type'Last) return Extended_Index
 191    with
 192      Global => null;
 194    function Contains
 195      (Container : Vector;
 196       Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean
 197    with
 198      Global => null;
 200    function Has_Element
 201      (Container : Vector; Position : Extended_Index) return Boolean with
 202      Global => null;
 204    generic
 205       with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
 206    package Generic_Sorting with SPARK_Mode is
 208       function Is_Sorted (Container : Vector) return Boolean with
 209         Global => null;
 211       procedure Sort (Container : in out Vector) with
 212         Global => null;
 214    end Generic_Sorting;
 216    function First_To_Previous
 217      (Container : Vector;
 218       Current : Index_Type) return Vector
 219    with
 220      Ghost,
 221      Global => null;
 223    function Current_To_Last
 224      (Container : Vector;
 225       Current : Index_Type) return Vector
 226    with
 227      Ghost,
 228      Global => null;
 230 private
 231    pragma SPARK_Mode (Off);
 233    pragma Inline (First_Index);
 234    pragma Inline (Last_Index);
 235    pragma Inline (Element);
 236    pragma Inline (First_Element);
 237    pragma Inline (Last_Element);
 238    pragma Inline (Replace_Element);
 239    pragma Inline (Contains);
 241    --  The implementation method is to instantiate Bounded_Holders to get a
 242    --  definite type for Element_Type, and then use that Holder type to
 243    --  instantiate Formal_Vectors. All the operations are just wrappers.
 245    package Holders is new Bounded_Holders
 246      (Element_Type, Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements, "=");
 247    use Holders;
 249    package Def is new Formal_Vectors (Index_Type, Holder, "=", Bounded);
 250    use Def;
 252    --  ????Assert that Def subtypes have the same range
 254    type Vector (Capacity : Capacity_Range) is limited record
 255       V : Def.Vector (Capacity);
 256    end record;
 258    function Empty_Vector return Vector is
 259      ((Capacity => 0, V => Def.Empty_Vector));
 261 end Ada.Containers.Formal_Indefinite_Vectors;