File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS                          --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --              ADA.CONTAINERS.RESTRICTED_DOUBLY_LINKED_LISTS               --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 2004-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney.                  --
  28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30 --  The doubly-linked list container provides constant-time insertion and
  31 --  deletion at all positions, and allows iteration in both the forward and
  32 --  reverse directions. This list form allocates storage for all nodes
  33 --  statically (there is no dynamic allocation), and a discriminant is used to
  34 --  specify the capacity. This container is also "restricted", meaning that
  35 --  even though it does raise exceptions (as described below), it does not use
  36 --  internal exception handlers. No state changes are made that would need to
  37 --  be reverted (in the event of an exception), and so as a consequence, this
  38 --  container cannot detect tampering (of cursors or elements).
  40 generic
  41    type Element_Type is private;
  43    with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type)
  44       return Boolean is <>;
  46 package Ada.Containers.Restricted_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
  47    pragma Pure;
  49    type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is tagged limited private;
  50    pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (List);
  52    type Cursor is private;
  53    pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Cursor);
  55    Empty_List : constant List;
  56    --  The default value for list objects declared without an explicit
  57    --  initialization expression.
  59    No_Element : constant Cursor;
  60    --  The default value for cursor objects declared without an explicit
  61    --  initialization expression.
  63    function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean;
  64    --  If Left denotes the same list object as Right, then equality returns
  65    --  True. If the length of Left is different from the length of Right, then
  66    --  it returns False. Otherwise, list equality iterates over Left and Right,
  67    --  comparing the element of Left to the corresponding element of Right
  68    --  using the generic actual equality operator for elements. If the elements
  69    --  compare False, then the iteration terminates and list equality returns
  70    --  False. Otherwise, if all elements return True, then list equality
  71    --  returns True.
  73    procedure Assign (Target : in out List; Source : List);
  74    --  If Target denotes the same list object as Source, the operation does
  75    --  nothing. If Target.Capacity is less than Source.Length, then it raises
  76    --  Constraint_Error. Otherwise, it clears Target, and then inserts each
  77    --  element of Source into Target.
  79    function Length (Container : List) return Count_Type;
  80    --  Returns the total number of (active) elements in Container
  82    function Is_Empty (Container : List) return Boolean;
  83    --  Returns True if Container.Length is 0
  85    procedure Clear (Container : in out List);
  86    --  Deletes all elements from Container. Note that this is a bounded
  87    --  container and so the element is not "deallocated" in the same sense that
  88    --  an unbounded form would deallocate the element. Rather, the node is
  89    --  relinked off of the active part of the list and onto the inactive part
  90    --  of the list (the storage from which new elements are "allocated").
  92    function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;
  93    --  If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised.
  94    --  Otherwise, function Element returns the element designed by Position.
  96    procedure Replace_Element
  97      (Container : in out List;
  98       Position  : Cursor;
  99       New_Item  : Element_Type);
 100    --  If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised. If
 101    --  Position is associated with a list object different from Container,
 102    --  Program_Error is raised. Otherwise, the element designated by Position
 103    --  is assigned the value New_Item.
 105    procedure Query_Element
 106      (Position : Cursor;
 107       Process  : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type));
 108    --  If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised.
 109    --  Otherwise, it calls Process with (a constant view of) the element
 110    --  designated by Position as the parameter.
 112    procedure Update_Element
 113      (Container : in out List;
 114       Position  : Cursor;
 115       Process   : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type));
 116    --  If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised.
 117    --  Otherwise, it calls Process with (a variable view of) the element
 118    --  designated by Position as the parameter.
 120    procedure Insert
 121      (Container : in out List;
 122       Before    : Cursor;
 123       New_Item  : Element_Type;
 124       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 125    --  Inserts Count new elements, all with the value New_Item, into Container,
 126    --  immediately prior to the position specified by Before. If Before has the
 127    --  value No_Element, this is interpreted to mean that the elements are
 128    --  appended to the list. If Before is associated with a list object
 129    --  different from Container, then Program_Error is raised. If there are
 130    --  fewer than Count nodes available, then Constraint_Error is raised.
 132    procedure Insert
 133      (Container : in out List;
 134       Before    : Cursor;
 135       New_Item  : Element_Type;
 136       Position  : out Cursor;
 137       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 138    --  Inserts elements into Container as described above, but with the
 139    --  difference that cursor Position is returned, which designates the first
 140    --  of the new elements inserted. If Count is 0, Position returns the value
 141    --  Before.
 143    procedure Insert
 144      (Container : in out List;
 145       Before    : Cursor;
 146       Position  : out Cursor;
 147       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 148    --  Inserts elements in Container as described above, but with the
 149    --  difference that the new elements are initialized to the default value
 150    --  for objects of type Element_Type.
 152    procedure Prepend
 153      (Container : in out List;
 154       New_Item  : Element_Type;
 155       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 156    --  Inserts Count elements, all having the value New_Item, prior to the
 157    --  first element of Container.
 159    procedure Append
 160      (Container : in out List;
 161       New_Item  : Element_Type;
 162       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 163    --  Inserts Count elements, all having the value New_Item, following the
 164    --  last element of Container.
 166    procedure Delete
 167      (Container : in out List;
 168       Position  : in out Cursor;
 169       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 170    --  If Position equals No_Element, Constraint_Error is raised. If Position
 171    --  is associated with a list object different from Container, then
 172    --  Program_Error is raised. Otherwise, the Count nodes starting from
 173    --  Position are removed from Container ("removed" meaning that the nodes
 174    --  are unlinked from the active nodes of the list and relinked to inactive
 175    --  storage). On return, Position is set to No_Element.
 177    procedure Delete_First
 178      (Container : in out List;
 179       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 180    --  Removes the first Count nodes from Container
 182    procedure Delete_Last
 183      (Container : in out List;
 184       Count     : Count_Type := 1);
 185    --  Removes the last Count nodes from Container
 187    procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out List);
 188    --  Relinks the nodes in reverse order
 190    procedure Swap
 191      (Container : in out List;
 192       I, J      : Cursor);
 193    --  If I or J equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised. If I or J
 194    --  is associated with a list object different from Container, then
 195    --  Program_Error is raised. Otherwise, Swap exchanges (copies) the values
 196    --  of the elements (on the nodes) designated by I and J.
 198    procedure Swap_Links
 199      (Container : in out List;
 200       I, J      : Cursor);
 201    --  If I or J equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is raised. If I or J
 202    --  is associated with a list object different from Container, then
 203    --  Program_Error is raised. Otherwise, Swap exchanges (relinks) the nodes
 204    --  designated by I and J.
 206    procedure Splice
 207      (Container : in out List;
 208       Before    : Cursor;
 209       Position  : in out Cursor);
 210    --  If Before is associated with a list object different from Container,
 211    --  then Program_Error is raised. If Position equals No_Element, then
 212    --  Constraint_Error is raised; if it associated with a list object
 213    --  different from Container, then Program_Error is raised. Otherwise, the
 214    --  node designated by Position is relinked immediately prior to Before. If
 215    --  Before equals No_Element, this is interpreted to mean to move the node
 216    --  designed by Position to the last end of the list.
 218    function First (Container : List) return Cursor;
 219    --  If Container is empty, the function returns No_Element. Otherwise, it
 220    --  returns a cursor designating the first element.
 222    function First_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type;
 223    --  Equivalent to Element (First (Container))
 225    function Last (Container : List) return Cursor;
 226    --  If Container is empty, the function returns No_Element. Otherwise, it
 227    --  returns a cursor designating the last element.
 229    function Last_Element (Container : List) return Element_Type;
 230    --  Equivalent to Element (Last (Container))
 232    function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
 233    --  If Position equals No_Element or Last (Container), the function returns
 234    --  No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a cursor designating the node that
 235    --  immediately follows the node designated by Position.
 237    procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor);
 238    --  Equivalent to Position := Next (Position)
 240    function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
 241    --  If Position equals No_Element or First (Container), the function returns
 242    --  No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a cursor designating the node that
 243    --  immediately precedes the node designated by Position.
 245    procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);
 246    --  Equivalent to Position := Previous (Position)
 248    function Find
 249      (Container : List;
 250       Item      : Element_Type;
 251       Position  : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
 252    --  Searches for the node whose element is equal to Item, starting from
 253    --  Position and continuing to the last end of the list. If Position equals
 254    --  No_Element, the search starts from the first node. If Position is
 255    --  associated with a list object different from Container, then
 256    --  Program_Error is raised. If no node is found having an element equal to
 257    --  Item, then Find returns No_Element.
 259    function Reverse_Find
 260      (Container : List;
 261       Item      : Element_Type;
 262       Position  : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
 263    --  Searches in reverse for the node whose element is equal to Item,
 264    --  starting from Position and continuing to the first end of the list. If
 265    --  Position equals No_Element, the search starts from the last node. If
 266    --  Position is associated with a list object different from Container, then
 267    --  Program_Error is raised. If no node is found having an element equal to
 268    --  Item, then Reverse_Find returns No_Element.
 270    function Contains
 271      (Container : List;
 272       Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean;
 273    --  Equivalent to Container.Find (Item) /= No_Element
 275    function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
 276    --  Equivalent to Position /= No_Element
 278    procedure Iterate
 279      (Container : List;
 280       Process   : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
 281    --  Calls Process with a cursor designating each element of Container, in
 282    --  order from Container.First to Container.Last.
 284    procedure Reverse_Iterate
 285      (Container : List;
 286       Process   : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
 287    --  Calls Process with a cursor designating each element of Container, in
 288    --  order from Container.Last to Container.First.
 290    generic
 291       with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
 292    package Generic_Sorting is
 294       function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean;
 295       --  Returns False if there exists an element which is less than its
 296       --  predecessor.
 298       procedure Sort (Container : in out List);
 299       --  Sorts the elements of Container (by relinking nodes), according to
 300       --  the order specified by the generic formal less-than operator, such
 301       --  that smaller elements are first in the list. The sort is stable,
 302       --  meaning that the relative order of elements is preserved.
 304    end Generic_Sorting;
 306 private
 308    type Node_Type is limited record
 309       Prev    : Count_Type'Base;
 310       Next    : Count_Type;
 311       Element : Element_Type;
 312    end record;
 314    type Node_Array is array (Count_Type range <>) of Node_Type;
 316    type List (Capacity : Count_Type) is tagged limited record
 317       Nodes  : Node_Array (1 .. Capacity) := (others => <>);
 318       Free   : Count_Type'Base := -1;
 319       First  : Count_Type := 0;
 320       Last   : Count_Type := 0;
 321       Length : Count_Type := 0;
 322    end record;
 324    type List_Access is access all List;
 325    for List_Access'Storage_Size use 0;
 327    type Cursor is
 328       record
 329          Container : List_Access;
 330          Node      : Count_Type := 0;
 331       end record;
 333    Empty_List : constant List := (0, others => <>);
 335    No_Element : constant Cursor := (null, 0);
 337 end Ada.Containers.Restricted_Doubly_Linked_Lists;