File : a-except-cert.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                       A D A . E X C E P T I O N S                        --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This body is part of rts-cert, rts-ravenscar-cert and
  33 --  rts-ravenscar-cert-rtp. It implements Ada 83 exception handling, plus a
  34 --  subset of the operations available in Ada 95 for Exception_Occurrences
  35 --  and Exception_Ids (Exception_Name, Exception_Identity ...).
  37 with System;                  use System;
  38 with System.Standard_Library; use System.Standard_Library;
  39 with System.Soft_Links;       use System.Soft_Links;
  41 package body Ada.Exceptions is
  43    procedure Last_Chance_Handler (Except :  Exception_Occurrence);
  44    pragma Import (C, Last_Chance_Handler, "__gnat_last_chance_handler");
  45    pragma No_Return (Last_Chance_Handler);
  47    pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
  48    --  We definitely do not want exceptions occurring within this unit, or
  49    --  we are in big trouble. If an exceptional situation does occur, better
  50    --  that it not be raised, since raising it can cause confusing chaos.
  52    -----------------------
  53    -- Local Subprograms --
  54    -----------------------
  56    function Code_Address_For_AAA return System.Address;
  57    function Code_Address_For_ZZZ return System.Address;
  58    --  Return start and end of procedures in this package
  59    --
  60    --  These procedures are used to provide exclusion bounds in
  61    --  calls to Call_Chain at exception raise points from this unit. The
  62    --  purpose is to arrange for the exception tracebacks not to include
  63    --  frames from routines involved in the raise process, as these are
  64    --  meaningless from the user's standpoint.
  65    --
  66    --  For these bounds to be meaningful, we need to ensure that the object
  67    --  code for the routines involved in processing a raise is located after
  68    --  the object code Code_Address_For_AAA and before the object code
  69    --  Code_Address_For_ZZZ. This will indeed be the case as long as the
  70    --  following rules are respected:
  71    --
  72    --  1) The bodies of the subprograms involved in processing a raise
  73    --     are located after the body of Code_Address_For_AAA and before the
  74    --     body of Code_Address_For_ZZZ.
  75    --
  76    --  2) No pragma Inline applies to any of these subprograms, as this
  77    --     could delay the corresponding assembly output until the end of
  78    --     the unit.
  80    procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA);
  81    --  Generate traceback if enabled
  83    procedure Process_Exception (E : Exception_Id);
  84    --  Shared exception processing for raise / reraise
  85    pragma No_Return (Process_Exception);
  87    procedure Raise_Constraint_Error
  88      (File : System.Address;
  89       Line : Integer);
  90    pragma No_Return (Raise_Constraint_Error);
  91    pragma Export
  92      (C, Raise_Constraint_Error, "__gnat_raise_constraint_error");
  93    --  Raise constraint error
  95    procedure Raise_Current_Excep (E : Exception_Id);
  96    pragma No_Return (Raise_Current_Excep);
  97    pragma Export (C, Raise_Current_Excep, "__gnat_raise_nodefer_with_msg");
  98    --  This is a simple wrapper to Process_Exception
  99    --
 100    --  This external name for Raise_Current_Excep is historical, and probably
 101    --  should be changed but for now we keep it, because gdb and gigi know
 102    --  about it.
 104    procedure Raise_Program_Error
 105      (File : System.Address;
 106       Line : Integer);
 107    pragma No_Return (Raise_Program_Error);
 108    pragma Export
 109      (C, Raise_Program_Error, "__gnat_raise_program_error");
 110    --  Raise program error
 112    procedure Raise_Storage_Error
 113      (File : System.Address;
 114       Line : Integer);
 115    pragma No_Return (Raise_Storage_Error);
 116    pragma Export
 117      (C, Raise_Storage_Error, "__gnat_raise_storage_error");
 118    --  Raise storage error
 120    -----------------------------
 121    -- Run-Time Check Routines --
 122    -----------------------------
 124    --  These routines raise a specific exception with a reason message
 125    --  attached. The parameters are the file name and line number in each
 126    --  case. The names are defined by Exp_Ch11.Get_RT_Exception_Name.
 128    procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check
 129      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 130    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter
 131      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 132    procedure Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check
 133      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 134    procedure Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero
 135      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 136    procedure Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise
 137      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 138    procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check
 139      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 140    procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data
 141      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 142    procedure Rcheck_CE_Length_Check
 143      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 144    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id
 145      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 146    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed
 147      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 148    procedure Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check
 149      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 150    procedure Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check
 151      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 152    procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check
 153      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 154    procedure Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check
 155      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 156    procedure Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration
 157      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 158    procedure Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check
 159      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 160    procedure Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic
 161      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 162    procedure Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters
 163      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 164    procedure Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed
 165      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 166    procedure Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type
 167      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 168    procedure Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body
 169      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 170    procedure Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address
 171      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 172    procedure Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise
 173      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 174    procedure Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception
 175      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 176    procedure Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return
 177      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 178    procedure Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value
 179      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 180    procedure Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return
 181      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 182    procedure Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual
 183      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 184    procedure Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object
 185      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 186    procedure Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation
 187      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 188    procedure Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed
 189      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 190    procedure Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called
 191      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 192    procedure Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction
 193      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 194    procedure Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool
 195      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 196    procedure Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise
 197      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 198    procedure Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion
 199      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 200    procedure Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large
 201      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer);
 203    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Access_Check,
 204                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Access_Check");
 205    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter,
 206                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter");
 207    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check,
 208                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check");
 209    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero,
 210                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero");
 211    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise,
 212                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise");
 213    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Index_Check,
 214                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Index_Check");
 215    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data,
 216                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data");
 217    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Length_Check,
 218                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Length_Check");
 219    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id,
 220                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id");
 221    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed,
 222                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed");
 223    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check,
 224                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check");
 225    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check,
 226                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Partition_Check");
 227    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Range_Check,
 228                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Range_Check");
 229    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check,
 230                   "__gnat_rcheck_CE_Tag_Check");
 231    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration,
 232                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration");
 233    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check,
 234                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check");
 235    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic,
 236                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic");
 237    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters,
 238                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters");
 239    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed,
 240                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed");
 241    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type,
 242                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type");
 243    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body,
 244                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body");
 245    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address,
 246                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address");
 247    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise,
 248                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise");
 249    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception,
 250                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception");
 251    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return,
 252                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return");
 253    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value,
 254                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value");
 255    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return,
 256                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Missing_Return");
 257    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual,
 258                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual");
 259    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object,
 260                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object");
 261    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation,
 262                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation");
 263    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed,
 264                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed");
 265    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called,
 266                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called");
 267    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction,
 268                   "__gnat_rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction");
 269    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool,
 270                   "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool");
 271    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise,
 272                   "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise");
 273    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion,
 274                   "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion");
 275    pragma Export (C, Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large,
 276                   "__gnat_rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large");
 278    --  None of these procedures ever returns (they raise an exception). By
 279    --  using pragma No_Return, we ensure that any junk code after the call,
 280    --  such as normal return epilogue stuff, can be eliminated).
 282    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Access_Check);
 283    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter);
 284    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check);
 285    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero);
 286    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise);
 287    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Index_Check);
 288    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data);
 289    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Length_Check);
 290    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id);
 291    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed);
 292    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check);
 293    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check);
 294    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Range_Check);
 295    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check);
 296    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration);
 297    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check);
 298    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic);
 299    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters);
 300    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed);
 301    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type);
 302    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body);
 303    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address);
 304    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise);
 305    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return);
 306    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value);
 307    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return);
 308    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual);
 309    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object);
 310    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation);
 311    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed);
 312    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called);
 313    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction);
 314    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception);
 315    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool);
 316    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise);
 317    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion);
 318    pragma No_Return (Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large);
 320    --------------------------
 321    -- Code_Address_For_AAA --
 322    --------------------------
 324    --  This function gives us the start of the PC range for addresses within
 325    --  the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keep all the procedures
 326    --  in their original order.
 328    function Code_Address_For_AAA return System.Address is
 329    begin
 330       --  We are using a label instead of Code_Address_For_AAA'Address because
 331       --  on some platforms the latter does not yield the address we want, but
 332       --  the address of a stub or of a descriptor instead. This is the case at
 333       --  least on PA-HPUX.
 335       <<Start_Of_AAA>>
 336       return Start_Of_AAA'Address;
 337    end Code_Address_For_AAA;
 339    ----------------
 340    -- Call_Chain --
 341    ----------------
 343    procedure Call_Chain (Excep : EOA) is separate;
 345    ------------------------
 346    -- Exception_Identity --
 347    ------------------------
 349    function Exception_Identity
 350      (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Exception_Id
 351    is
 352    begin
 353       return X.Id;
 354    end Exception_Identity;
 356    --------------------
 357    -- Exception_Name --
 358    --------------------
 360    function Exception_Name (X : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
 361    begin
 362       return Exception_Name (X.Id);
 363    end Exception_Name;
 365    function Exception_Name (Id : Exception_Id) return String is
 366    begin
 367       return To_Ptr (Id.Full_Name).all (1 .. Id.Name_Length - 1);
 368    end Exception_Name;
 370    --------------------------------------
 371    -- Calls to Run-Time Check Routines --
 372    --------------------------------------
 374    procedure Rcheck_CE_Access_Check
 375      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 376    is
 377    begin
 378       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 379    end Rcheck_CE_Access_Check;
 381    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter
 382      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 383    is
 384    begin
 385       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 386    end Rcheck_CE_Null_Access_Parameter;
 388    procedure Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check
 389      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 390    is
 391    begin
 392       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 393    end Rcheck_CE_Discriminant_Check;
 395    procedure Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero
 396      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 397    is
 398    begin
 399       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 400    end Rcheck_CE_Divide_By_Zero;
 402    procedure Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise
 403      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 404    is
 405    begin
 406       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 407    end Rcheck_CE_Explicit_Raise;
 409    procedure Rcheck_CE_Index_Check
 410      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 411    is
 412    begin
 413       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 414    end Rcheck_CE_Index_Check;
 416    procedure Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data
 417      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 418    is
 419    begin
 420       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 421    end Rcheck_CE_Invalid_Data;
 423    procedure Rcheck_CE_Length_Check
 424      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 425    is
 426    begin
 427       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 428    end Rcheck_CE_Length_Check;
 430    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id
 431      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 432    is
 433    begin
 434       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 435    end Rcheck_CE_Null_Exception_Id;
 437    procedure Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed
 438      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 439    is
 440    begin
 441       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 442    end Rcheck_CE_Null_Not_Allowed;
 444    procedure Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check
 445      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 446    is
 447    begin
 448       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 449    end Rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check;
 451    procedure Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check
 452      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 453    is
 454    begin
 455       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 456    end Rcheck_CE_Partition_Check;
 458    procedure Rcheck_CE_Range_Check
 459      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 460    is
 461    begin
 462       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 463    end Rcheck_CE_Range_Check;
 465    procedure Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check
 466      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 467    is
 468    begin
 469       Raise_Constraint_Error (File, Line);
 470    end Rcheck_CE_Tag_Check;
 472    procedure Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration
 473      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 474    is
 475    begin
 476       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 477    end Rcheck_PE_Access_Before_Elaboration;
 479    procedure Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check
 480      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 481    is
 482    begin
 483       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 484    end Rcheck_PE_Accessibility_Check;
 486    procedure Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic
 487      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 488    is
 489    begin
 490       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 491    end Rcheck_PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic;
 493    procedure Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters
 494      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 495    is
 496    begin
 497       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 498    end Rcheck_PE_Aliased_Parameters;
 500    procedure Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed
 501      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 502    is
 503    begin
 504       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 505    end Rcheck_PE_All_Guards_Closed;
 507    procedure Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type
 508      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 509    is
 510    begin
 511       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 512    end Rcheck_PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type;
 514    procedure Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body
 515      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 516    is
 517    begin
 518       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 519    end Rcheck_PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body;
 521    procedure Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address
 522      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 523    is
 524    begin
 525       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 526    end Rcheck_PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address;
 528    procedure Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise
 529      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 530    is
 531    begin
 532       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 533    end Rcheck_PE_Explicit_Raise;
 535    procedure Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return
 536      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 537    is
 538    begin
 539       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 540    end Rcheck_PE_Implicit_Return;
 542    procedure Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value
 543      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 544    is
 545    begin
 546       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 547    end Rcheck_PE_Misaligned_Address_Value;
 549    procedure Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return
 550      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 551    is
 552    begin
 553       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 554    end Rcheck_PE_Missing_Return;
 556    procedure Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual
 557      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 558    is
 559    begin
 560       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 561    end Rcheck_PE_Non_Transportable_Actual;
 563    procedure Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object
 564      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 565    is
 566    begin
 567       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 568    end Rcheck_PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object;
 570    procedure Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation
 571      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 572    is
 573    begin
 574       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 575    end Rcheck_PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation;
 577    procedure Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed
 578      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 579    is
 580    begin
 581       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 582    end Rcheck_PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed;
 584    procedure Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called
 585      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 586    is
 587    begin
 588       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 589    end Rcheck_PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called;
 591    procedure Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction
 592      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 593    is
 594    begin
 595       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 596    end Rcheck_PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction;
 598    procedure Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool
 599      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 600    is
 601    begin
 602       Raise_Storage_Error (File, Line);
 603    end Rcheck_SE_Empty_Storage_Pool;
 605    procedure Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise
 606      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 607    is
 608    begin
 609       Raise_Storage_Error (File, Line);
 610    end Rcheck_SE_Explicit_Raise;
 612    procedure Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion
 613      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 614    is
 615    begin
 616       Raise_Storage_Error (File, Line);
 617    end Rcheck_SE_Infinite_Recursion;
 619    procedure Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large
 620      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 621    is
 622    begin
 623       Raise_Storage_Error (File, Line);
 624    end Rcheck_SE_Object_Too_Large;
 626    procedure Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception
 627      (File : System.Address; Line : Integer)
 628    is
 629    begin
 630       Raise_Program_Error (File, Line);
 631    end Rcheck_PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception;
 633    ----------------------------
 634    -- Raise_Constraint_Error --
 635    ----------------------------
 637    procedure Raise_Constraint_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer) is
 638       pragma Unreferenced (File, Line);
 639    begin
 640       Raise_Current_Excep (Constraint_Error_Def'Access);
 641    end Raise_Constraint_Error;
 643    -----------------------
 644    -- Process_Exception --
 645    -----------------------
 647    procedure Process_Exception (E : Exception_Id) is
 648       Jumpbuf_Ptr : constant Address := Get_Jmpbuf_Address.all;
 649       Excep       : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
 651    begin
 652       --  Store the identifier for this exception because it may be
 653       --  needed by a reraise.
 655       Excep.Id := E;
 657       --  Generate traceback if enabled. Call_Chain determines whether this
 658       --  is a reraise, as is done for the full run-time
 660       Call_Chain (Excep);
 662       --  WARNING : There should be no exception handler for this body
 663       --  because this would cause gigi to prepend a setup for a new
 664       --  jmpbuf to the sequence of statements. We would then always get
 665       --  this new buf in Jumpbuf_Ptr instead of the one for the exception
 666       --  we are handling, which would completely break the whole design
 667       --  of this procedure.
 669       --  If the jump buffer pointer is non-null, transfer control using
 670       --  it. Otherwise, this is an unhandled exception.
 672       if Jumpbuf_Ptr /= Null_Address then
 673          builtin_longjmp (To_Jmpbuf_Address (Jumpbuf_Ptr), 1);
 674       else
 675          --  Code to be executed for unhandled exceptions
 677          Last_Chance_Handler (Excep.all);
 678       end if;
 679    end Process_Exception;
 681    -------------------------
 682    -- Raise_Current_Excep --
 683    -------------------------
 685    procedure Raise_Current_Excep (E : Exception_Id) is
 687       pragma Inspection_Point (E);
 688       --  This is so the debugger can reliably inspect the parameter when
 689       --  inserting a breakpoint at the start of this procedure.
 691       --  To provide support for breakpoints on unhandled exceptions, the
 692       --  debugger will also need to be able to inspect the value of E from
 693       --  inner frames so we need to make sure that its value is also spilled
 694       --  on stack.  We take the address and dereference using volatile local
 695       --  objects for this purpose.
 697       --  The pragma Warnings (Off) are needed because the compiler knows that
 698       --  these locals are not referenced and that this use of pragma Volatile
 699       --  is peculiar.
 701       type EID_Access is access Exception_Id;
 703       Access_To_E : EID_Access := E'Unrestricted_Access;
 704       pragma Volatile (Access_To_E);
 705       pragma Warnings (Off, Access_To_E);
 707       Id : Exception_Id := Access_To_E.all;
 708       pragma Volatile (Id);
 709       pragma Warnings (Off, Id);
 711       Excep  : constant EOA := Get_Current_Excep.all;
 713    begin
 714       --  This is done in Exception_Data.Set_Exception_Msg in the full run-time
 715       --  but we do not support exception messages here.
 717       Excep.Id := E;
 718       Excep.Num_Tracebacks := 0;
 720       Process_Exception (E);
 721    end Raise_Current_Excep;
 723    ---------------------
 724    -- Raise_Exception --
 725    ---------------------
 727    procedure Raise_Exception (E : Exception_Id; Message : String := "") is
 728       pragma Unreferenced (Message);
 729       --  This appears to be as early as we can start ignoring the "Message"
 730       --  parameter, since "Raise_Exception" is externally callable.
 731    begin
 732       Raise_Current_Excep (E);
 733    end Raise_Exception;
 735    ----------------------------
 736    -- Raise_Exception_Always --
 737    ----------------------------
 739    procedure Raise_Exception_Always
 740      (E       : Exception_Id;
 741       Message : String := "") renames Raise_Exception;
 743    -------------------------
 744    -- Raise_Program_Error --
 745    -------------------------
 747    procedure Raise_Program_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer) is
 748       pragma Unreferenced (File, Line);
 749    begin
 750       Raise_Current_Excep (Program_Error_Def'Access);
 751    end Raise_Program_Error;
 753    -------------------------
 754    -- Raise_Storage_Error --
 755    -------------------------
 757    procedure Raise_Storage_Error (File : System.Address; Line : Integer) is
 758       pragma Unreferenced (File, Line);
 759    begin
 760       Raise_Current_Excep (Storage_Error_Def'Access);
 761    end Raise_Storage_Error;
 763    ------------------------
 764    -- Reraise_Occurrence --
 765    ------------------------
 767    procedure Reraise_Occurrence (X : Exception_Occurrence) is
 768    begin
 769       Process_Exception (X.Id);
 770    end Reraise_Occurrence;
 772    -------------------------------
 773    -- Reraise_Occurrence_Always --
 774    -------------------------------
 776    procedure Reraise_Occurrence_Always (X : Exception_Occurrence)
 777      renames Reraise_Occurrence;
 779    ---------------------------------
 780    -- Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer --
 781    ---------------------------------
 783    procedure Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer (X : Exception_Occurrence)
 784      renames Reraise_Occurrence;
 786    ---------------------
 787    -- Save_Occurrence --
 788    ---------------------
 790    procedure Save_Occurrence
 791      (Target : out Exception_Occurrence;
 792       Source : Exception_Occurrence)
 793    is
 794    begin
 795       Target.Id             := Source.Id;
 796       Target.Num_Tracebacks := Source.Num_Tracebacks;
 798       Target.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks) :=
 799         Source.Tracebacks (1 .. Target.Num_Tracebacks);
 800    end Save_Occurrence;
 802    --------------------------
 803    -- Code_Address_For_ZZZ --
 804    --------------------------
 806    --  This function gives us the end of the PC range for addresses
 807    --  within the exception unit itself. We hope that gigi/gcc keeps all the
 808    --  procedures in their original order.
 810    function Code_Address_For_ZZZ return System.Address is
 811    begin
 812       <<Start_Of_ZZZ>>
 813       return Start_Of_ZZZ'Address;
 814    end Code_Address_For_ZZZ;
 816 end Ada.Exceptions;