File : a-reatim-xi.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                         A D A . R E A L _ T I M E                        --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --                     Copyright (C) 2001-2016, AdaCore                     --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This is the Ravenscar version of this package for generic bare board
  33 --  targets. Note that the operations here assume that Time is a 64-bit
  34 --  unsigned integer and Time_Span is a 64-bit signed integer.
  36 with System.Tasking;
  37 with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
  39 with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
  41 package body Ada.Real_Time with
  42   SPARK_Mode => Off
  43 is
  44    pragma Suppress (Overflow_Check);
  45    --  This package has careful manual overflow checks, and unsuppresses them
  46    --  where appropriate. This default enables compilation with checks enabled
  47    --  on Ravenscar SFP, where 64-bit multiplication with overflow checking is
  48    --  not available.
  50    package OSI renames System.OS_Interface;
  51    subtype LLI is Long_Long_Integer;
  53    ------------------------------------------------------------
  54    -- Handling of Conversions Between Duration and Time_Span --
  55    ------------------------------------------------------------
  57    --  For the To_Duration and To_Time_Span conversion functions, we use the
  58    --  intermediate Integer representation of Duration (64-bit) to allow for
  59    --  simple Integer operations instead of Float. We take advantage of the
  60    --  fact that Duration is represented as an Integer with units of Small.
  61    --  Within these conversions we perform the range checks required by
  62    --  AI-00432 manually.
  64    --  Note that in the past, within To_Duration and To_Time_Span, we were
  65    --  first computing the conversion factor between Duration and Time_Span
  66    --  (10 ** 9 / Clock_Frecuency) and then we multiplied or divided by it. The
  67    --  advantage of this approach was that the operations were simple, and we
  68    --  limited a lot the number of occurrences of overflows, but the accuracy
  69    --  loss could be significant depending on the clock frequency. For example,
  70    --  with a clock frequency of 600 MHz the factor was 1.66, which was rounded
  71    --  to 1 (Integer), and hence with a 67% difference.
  73    --  We tried also to have a better tradeoff (Constraint_Error being raised
  74    --  when transforming very big values, but limiting a lot the loss of
  75    --  accuracy) using Clock_Frequency in MHz instead of Hz. Therefore, we
  76    --  multiplied first by 10 ** 3 (or Clock_Frequency / 10 ** 6 which is
  77    --  typically smaller than 1000), and hence overflow could occur only with
  78    --  really big values). The problem of this approach was that some processor
  79    --  frequencies may not be expressed in multiples of MHz (for example,
  80    --  33.3333 MHz). The approach finally followed is to do the operations
  81    --  "by hand" on the upper and the lower part of the 64-bit value. This is
  82    --  slightly heavier, but we can preserve the best accuracy and the lowest
  83    --  occurrence of overflows.
  85    pragma Compile_Time_Error
  86      (Duration'Size /= 64,
  87       "this version of Ada.Real_Time requires 64-bit Duration");
  89    -----------------------
  90    -- Local definitions --
  91    -----------------------
  93    type Uint_64 is mod 2 ** 64;
  94    --  Type used to represent intermediate results of arithmetic operations
  96    Max_Pos_Time_Span : constant := Uint_64 (Time_Span_Last);
  97    Max_Neg_Time_Span : constant := Uint_64 (2 ** 63);
  98    --  Absolute value of Time_Span_Last and Time_Span_First. Used in overflow
  99    --  checks. Note that we avoid using abs on Time_Span_First everywhere.
 101    -----------------------
 102    -- Local subprograms --
 103    -----------------------
 105    function Mul_Div (V : LLI; M : Natural; D : Positive) return LLI;
 106    --  Compute V * M / D where division rounds to the nearest integer, away
 107    --  from zero if exactly halfway between. If the result would overflow then
 108    --  Constraint_Error is raised.
 110    function Rounded_Div (L, R : LLI) return LLI;
 111    pragma Inline (Rounded_Div);
 112    --  Return L / R rounded to the nearest integer, away from zero if exactly
 113    --  halfway between; required to implement ARM D.8 (26). Assumes R > 0.
 115    function To_Duration is
 116      new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (LLI, Duration);
 118    function To_Integer is
 119      new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Duration, LLI);
 121    function To_Integer is
 122      new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Time_Span, LLI);
 124    ---------------------
 125    -- Local constants --
 126    ---------------------
 128    Duration_Units : constant Positive := Positive (1.0 / Duration'Small);
 129    --  Number of units of Duration in one second. The result is correct (not
 130    --  rounded) as Duration'Small is 10.0**(-9).
 132    ---------
 133    -- "*" --
 134    ---------
 136    function "*" (Left : Time_Span; Right : Integer) return Time_Span is
 137       Is_Negative : constant Boolean :=
 138         (if Left > 0 then
 139             Right < 0
 140          elsif Left < 0
 141             then Right > 0
 142          else
 143             False);
 144       --  Sign of the result
 146       Max_Value : constant Uint_64 :=
 147         (if Is_Negative then
 148             Max_Neg_Time_Span
 149          else
 150             Max_Pos_Time_Span);
 151       --  Maximum absolute value that can be returned by the multiplication
 152       --  taking into account the sign of the operators.
 154       Abs_Left : constant Uint_64 :=
 155         (if Left = Time_Span_First then
 156             Max_Neg_Time_Span
 157          else
 158             Uint_64 (abs (Left)));
 159       --  Remove sign of left operator
 161       Abs_Right : constant Uint_64 := Uint_64 (abs (LLI (Right)));
 162       --  Remove sign of right operator
 164    begin
 165       --  Overflow check is performed by hand assuming that Time_Span is a
 166       --  64-bit signed integer. Otherwise these checks would need an
 167       --  intermediate type with more than 64-bit. The sign of the operators
 168       --  is removed to simplify the intermediate computation of the overflow
 169       --  check.
 171       if Abs_Right /= 0 and then Max_Value / Abs_Right < Abs_Left then
 172          raise Constraint_Error;
 173       else
 174          return Left * Time_Span (Right);
 175       end if;
 176    end "*";
 178    function "*" (Left : Integer; Right : Time_Span) return Time_Span is
 179    begin
 180       return Right * Left;
 181    end "*";
 183    ---------
 184    -- "+" --
 185    ---------
 187    function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Time_Span) return Time is
 188    begin
 189       --  Overflow checks are performed by hand assuming that Time and
 190       --  Time_Span are 64-bit unsigned and signed integers respectively.
 191       --  Otherwise these checks would need an intermediate type with more
 192       --  than 64 bits.
 194       if Right >= 0
 195         and then Uint_64 (Time_Last) - Uint_64 (Left) >= Uint_64 (Right)
 196       then
 197          return Time (Uint_64 (Left) + Uint_64 (Right));
 199       --  The case of Right = Time_Span'First needs to be treated differently
 200       --  because the absolute value of -2 ** 63 is not within the range of
 201       --  Time_Span.
 203       elsif Right = Time_Span'First and then Left >= Max_Neg_Time_Span then
 204          return Time (Uint_64 (Left) - Max_Neg_Time_Span);
 206       elsif Right < 0 and then Right > Time_Span'First
 207         and then Left >= Time (abs (Right))
 208       then
 209          return Time (Uint_64 (Left) - Uint_64 (abs (Right)));
 211       else
 212          raise Constraint_Error;
 213       end if;
 214    end "+";
 216    function "+" (Left, Right : Time_Span) return Time_Span is
 217       pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
 218    begin
 219       return Time_Span (LLI (Left) + LLI (Right));
 220    end "+";
 222    ---------
 223    -- "-" --
 224    ---------
 226    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time_Span) return Time is
 227    begin
 228       --  Overflow checks must be performed by hand assuming that Time and
 229       --  Time_Span are 64-bit unsigned and signed integers respectively.
 230       --  Otherwise these checks would need an intermediate type with more
 231       --  than 64-bit.
 233       if Right >= 0 and then Left >= Time (Right) then
 234          return Time (Uint_64 (Left) - Uint_64 (Right));
 236       --  The case of Right = Time_Span'First needs to be treated differently
 237       --  because the absolute value of -2 ** 63 is not within the range of
 238       --  Time_Span.
 240       elsif Right = Time_Span'First
 241         and then Uint_64 (Time_Last) - Uint_64 (Left) >= Max_Neg_Time_Span
 242       then
 243          return Left + Time (Max_Neg_Time_Span);
 245       elsif Right < 0 and then Right > Time_Span'First
 246         and then Uint_64 (Time_Last) - Uint_64 (Left) >= Uint_64 (abs (Right))
 247       then
 248          return Left + Time (abs (Right));
 250       else
 251          raise Constraint_Error;
 252       end if;
 253    end "-";
 255    function "-" (Left, Right : Time) return Time_Span is
 256    begin
 257       --  Overflow checks must be performed by hand assuming that Time and
 258       --  Time_Span are 64-bit unsigned and signed integers respectively.
 259       --  Otherwise these checks would need an intermediate type with more
 260       --  than 64-bit.
 262       if Left >= Right
 263         and then Uint_64 (Left) - Uint_64 (Right) <= Max_Pos_Time_Span
 264       then
 265          return Time_Span (Uint_64 (Left) - Uint_64 (Right));
 267       elsif Left < Right
 268         and then Uint_64 (Right) - Uint_64 (Left) <= Max_Neg_Time_Span
 269       then
 270          return -1 - Time_Span (Uint_64 (Right) - Uint_64 (Left) - 1);
 272       else
 273          raise Constraint_Error;
 274       end if;
 275    end "-";
 277    function "-" (Left, Right : Time_Span) return Time_Span is
 278       pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
 279    begin
 280       return Time_Span (LLI (Left) - LLI (Right));
 281    end "-";
 283    function "-" (Right : Time_Span) return Time_Span is
 284       pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
 285    begin
 286       return Time_Span (-LLI (Right));
 287    end "-";
 289    ---------
 290    -- "/" --
 291    ---------
 293    function "/" (Left, Right : Time_Span) return Integer is
 294       pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
 295       pragma Unsuppress (Division_Check);
 296    begin
 297       return Integer (LLI (Left) / LLI (Right));
 298    end "/";
 300    function "/" (Left : Time_Span; Right : Integer) return Time_Span is
 301       pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
 302       pragma Unsuppress (Division_Check);
 303    begin
 304       return Left / Time_Span (Right);
 305    end "/";
 307    -----------
 308    -- Clock --
 309    -----------
 311    function Clock return Time is
 312    begin
 313       return Time (System.Task_Primitives.Operations.Monotonic_Clock);
 314    end Clock;
 316    ------------------
 317    -- Microseconds --
 318    ------------------
 320    function Microseconds (US : Integer) return Time_Span is
 321    begin
 322       --  Overflow can't happen (Ticks_Per_Second is Natural)
 324       return
 325         Time_Span (Rounded_Div (LLI (US) * LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second), 1E6));
 326    end Microseconds;
 328    ------------------
 329    -- Milliseconds --
 330    ------------------
 332    function Milliseconds (MS : Integer) return Time_Span is
 333    begin
 334       --  Overflow can't happen (Ticks_Per_Second is Natural)
 336       return
 337         Time_Span (Rounded_Div (LLI (MS) * LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second), 1E3));
 338    end Milliseconds;
 340    -------------
 341    -- Minutes --
 342    -------------
 344    function Minutes (M : Integer) return Time_Span is
 345       Min_M : constant LLI := LLI'First / LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second);
 346       Max_M : constant LLI := LLI'Last  / LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second);
 347       --  Bounds for Sec_M. Note that we can't use unsuppress overflow checks,
 348       --  as this would require the use of arit64.
 350       Sec_M : constant LLI := LLI (M) * 60;
 351       --  M converted to seconds
 353    begin
 354       if Sec_M < Min_M or else Sec_M > Max_M then
 355          raise Constraint_Error;
 356       else
 357          return Time_Span (Sec_M * LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second));
 358       end if;
 359    end Minutes;
 361    -------------
 362    -- Mul_Div --
 363    -------------
 365    function Mul_Div (V : LLI; M : Natural; D : Positive) return LLI is
 367       --  We first multiply V * M and then divide the result by D, while
 368       --  avoiding overflow in intermediate calculations and detecting it in
 369       --  the final result. To get the rounding to the nearest integer, away
 370       --  from zero if exactly halfway between two values, we add +/- D/2
 371       --  (depending on the sign on V) directly at the end of multiplication.
 372       --
 373       --  ----------------------------------------
 374       --  Multiplication (and rounding adjustment)
 375       --  ----------------------------------------
 376       --
 377       --  Since V is a signed 64-bit integer and M is signed (but non-negative)
 378       --  32-bit integer, their product may not fit in 64-bits. To avoid
 379       --  overflow we split V and into high and low parts
 380       --
 381       --    V_Hi = V  /  2 ** 32
 382       --    V_Lo = V rem 2 ** 32
 383       --
 384       --  where each part is either zero or has the sign of the dividend; thus
 385       --
 386       --    V = V_Hi * 2 ** 32 + V_Lo
 387       --
 388       --  In either case V_Hi and V_Lo are in range of 32-bit signed integer,
 389       --  yet stored in 64-bit signed variables. When multiplied by M, which is
 390       --  in range of 0 .. 2 ** 31 - 1, the results will still fit in 64-bit
 391       --  integer, even if we extend it by D/2 as required to implement
 392       --  rounding. We will get the value of V * M ± D/2 as low and high part:
 393       --
 394       --    (V * M ± D/2)_Lo = (V_Lo * M ± D/2) with carry zeroed
 395       --    (V * M ± D/2)_Hi = (V_Hi * M) with carry from (V_Lo * M ± D/2)
 396       --
 397       --  (carry flows only from low to high part), or mathematically speaking:
 398       --
 399       --    (V * M ± D/2)_Lo = (V * M ± D/2) rem 2 ** 32
 400       --    (V * M ± D/2)_Hi = (V * M ± D/2)  /  2 ** 32
 401       --
 402       --  and thus
 403       --
 404       --    V * M ± D/2 = (V * M ± D/2)_Hi * 2 ** 32 + (V * M ± D/2)_Lo
 405       --
 406       --  with signs just like described for V_Hi and V_Lo.
 407       --
 408       --  --------
 409       --  Division
 410       --  --------
 411       --
 412       --  The final result (V * M ± D/2) / D is computed as a high and low
 413       --  parts:
 414       --
 415       --    ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Hi = (V * M ± D/2)_Hi / D
 416       --    ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Lo =
 417       --        ((V * M ± D/2)_Lo + remainder from high part division) / D
 418       --
 419       --  (remainder flows only from high to low part, opposite to carry),
 420       --  or mathematically speaking:
 421       --
 422       --    ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Hi = ((V * M ± D/2) / D)  /  2 ** 32
 423       --    ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Lo = ((V * M ± D/2) / D) rem 2 ** 32
 424       --
 425       --  and thus
 426       --
 427       --    (V * M ± D/2) / D = ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Hi * 2 ** 32
 428       --                      + ((V * M ± D/2) / D)_Lo
 429       --
 430       --  with signs just like described for V_Hi and V_Lo.
 431       --
 432       --  References: this calculation is partly inspired by Knuth's algorithm
 433       --  in TAoCP Vol.2, section 4.3.1, excercise 16. However, here it is
 434       --  adapted it for signed arithmetic; has no loop (since the input number
 435       --  has fixed width); and discard the remainder of the result.
 437       V_Hi : constant LLI := V  /  2 ** 32;
 438       V_Lo : constant LLI := V rem 2 ** 32;
 439       --  High and low parts of V
 441       V_M_Hi : LLI;
 442       V_M_Lo : LLI;
 443       --  High and low parts of V * M (+-) D / 2
 445       Result_Hi : LLI;
 446       --  High part of the result
 448       Result_Lo : LLI;
 449       --  Low part of the result
 451       Remainder : LLI;
 452       --  Remainder of the first division
 454    begin
 455       --  Multiply V * M and add/subtract D/2
 457       V_M_Lo := V_Lo * LLI (M) + (if V >= 0 then 1 else -1) * LLI (D / 2);
 458       V_M_Hi := V_Hi * LLI (M) + V_M_Lo / 2 ** 32;
 459       V_M_Lo := V_M_Lo rem 2 ** 32;
 461       --  First quotient
 463       Result_Hi := V_M_Hi / LLI (D);
 465       --  The final result would overflow
 467       if Result_Hi not in -(2 ** 31) .. 2 ** 31 - 1 then
 468          raise Constraint_Error;
 469       end if;
 471       Remainder := V_M_Hi rem LLI (D);
 472       Result_Hi := Result_Hi * 2 ** 32;
 474       --  Second quotient
 476       Result_Lo := (V_M_Lo + Remainder * 2 ** 32) / LLI (D);
 478       --  Combine low and high parts of the result
 480       return Result_Hi + Result_Lo;
 481    end Mul_Div;
 483    -----------------
 484    -- Nanoseconds --
 485    -----------------
 487    function Nanoseconds (NS : Integer) return Time_Span is
 488    begin
 489       --  Overflow can't happen (Ticks_Per_Second is Natural)
 491       return
 492         Time_Span (Rounded_Div (LLI (NS) * LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second), 1E9));
 493    end Nanoseconds;
 495    -----------------
 496    -- Rounded_Div --
 497    -----------------
 499    function Rounded_Div (L, R : LLI) return LLI is
 500       Left : LLI;
 501    begin
 502       if L >= 0 then
 503          Left := L + R / 2;
 504       else
 505          Left := L - R / 2;
 506       end if;
 508       return Left / R;
 509    end Rounded_Div;
 511    -------------
 512    -- Seconds --
 513    -------------
 515    function Seconds (S : Integer) return Time_Span is
 516    begin
 517       --  Overflow can't happen (Ticks_Per_Second is Natural)
 519       return Time_Span (LLI (S) * LLI (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second));
 520    end Seconds;
 522    -----------
 523    -- Split --
 524    -----------
 526    procedure Split (T : Time; SC : out Seconds_Count; TS : out Time_Span) is
 527       Res : constant Time := Time (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second);
 528    begin
 529       SC := Seconds_Count (T / Res);
 530       TS := T - Time (SC) * Res;
 531    end Split;
 533    -------------
 534    -- Time_Of --
 535    -------------
 537    function Time_Of (SC : Seconds_Count; TS : Time_Span) return Time is
 538       Res : constant Time := Time (OSI.Ticks_Per_Second);
 540    begin
 541       --  We want to return SC * Resolution + TS. To avoid spurious overflows
 542       --  in the intermediate result (SC * Resolution) we take advantage of the
 543       --  different signs in SC and TS (when that is the case).
 545       --  If signs of SC and TS are different then we avoid converting SC to
 546       --  Time (as we do in the else part). The reason for that is that SC
 547       --  converted to Time may overflow the range of Time, while the addition
 548       --  of SC plus TS does not overflow (because of their different signs).
 549       --  The approach is to first extract the number of seconds from TS, then
 550       --  add the result to SC, and finally include the remainder from TS.
 552       --  Note that SC is always nonnegative
 554       if TS < 0 then
 555          declare
 556             Seconds_From_Ts : constant Seconds_Count :=
 557               Seconds_Count (abs (TS / Time_Span (Res))) +
 558                 (if TS rem Time_Span (Res) = 0 then 0 else 1);
 559             --  Absolute value of the number of seconds in TS. Round towards
 560             --  infinity so that Remainder_Ts is always positive.
 562             Remainder_Ts : constant Time :=
 563               TS + Time_Span (Seconds_From_Ts - 1) * Time_Span (Res) + Res;
 564             --  Remainder from TS that needs to be added to the result once
 565             --  we removed the number of seconds. Note that we do not add
 566             --  Time_Span (Seconds_From_Ts) * Time_Span (Res) directly with
 567             --  a single operation because for values of TS close to
 568             --  Time_Span_First this multiplication would overflow.
 570          begin
 571             --  Both operands in the inner subtraction are positive. Hence,
 572             --  there will be no positive overflow in SC - Seconds_From_Ts. If
 573             --  there is a negative overflow then the result of adding SC and
 574             --  TS would overflow anyway.
 576             if SC < Seconds_From_Ts
 577               or else Time_Last / Res < Time (SC - Seconds_From_Ts)
 578             then
 579                raise Constraint_Error;
 580             else
 581                return Time (SC - Seconds_From_Ts) * Res + Remainder_Ts;
 582             end if;
 583          end;
 585       --  SC and TS are nonnegative. Check whether Time (SC) * Res overflows
 587       elsif Time_Last / Res < Time (SC) then
 588          raise Constraint_Error;
 590       --  Both operands have the same sign, so we can convert SC into Time
 591       --  right away; if this conversion overflows then the result of adding SC
 592       --  and TS would overflow anyway (so we would just be detecting the
 593       --  overflow a bit earlier).
 595       else
 596          return Time (SC) * Res + TS;
 597       end if;
 598    end Time_Of;
 600    -----------------
 601    -- To_Duration --
 602    -----------------
 604    function To_Duration (TS : Time_Span) return Duration is
 605    begin
 606       return
 607         To_Duration
 608           (Mul_Div (To_Integer (TS), Duration_Units, OSI.Ticks_Per_Second));
 609    end To_Duration;
 611    ------------------
 612    -- To_Time_Span --
 613    ------------------
 615    function To_Time_Span (D : Duration) return Time_Span is
 616    begin
 617       return
 618         Time_Span
 619           (Mul_Div (To_Integer (D), OSI.Ticks_Per_Second, Duration_Units));
 620    end To_Time_Span;
 622 begin
 623    --  Ensure that the tasking run time is initialized when using clock and/or
 624    --  delay operations. The initialization routine has the required machinery
 625    --  to prevent multiple calls to Initialize.
 627    System.Tasking.Initialize;
 628 end Ada.Real_Time;