File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                             A D A . T A G S                              --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
  12 -- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
  13 -- apply solely to the  contents of the part following the private keyword. --
  14 --                                                                          --
  15 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  16 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  17 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  18 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  19 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  20 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 --                                                                          --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 --                                                                          --
  25 --                                                                          --
  26 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  27 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  28 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  29 -- <>.                                          --
  30 --                                                                          --
  31 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  32 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  33 --                                                                          --
  34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36 --  This is the HI-E version of this file. It provides full object oriented
  37 --  semantics (including dynamic dispatching and support for abstract
  38 --  interface types), assuming that tagged types are declared at the library
  39 --  level. Some functionality has been removed in order to simplify this
  40 --  run-time unit. Compared to the full version of this package, the following
  41 --  subprograms have been removed:
  43 --     Internal_Tag, Register_Tag, Descendant_Tag, Is_Descendant_At_Same_Level:
  44 --     These subprograms are used for cross-referencing the external and
  45 --     internal representation of tags. The implementation of these routines
  46 --     was considered neither simple nor esential for this restricted run-time,
  47 --     and hence these functions were removed.
  49 --     Get_Entry_Index, Get_Offset_Index, Get_Prim_Op_Kind, Get_Tagged_Kind,
  50 --     SSD, Set_Entry_Index, Set_Prim_Op_Kind, OSD: They are used with types
  51 --     that implement limited interfaces and are only invoked when there are
  52 --     selective waits and ATC's where the trigger is a call to an interface
  53 --     operation. These functions have been removed because selective waits
  54 --     and ATC's are not supported by the restricted run-time.
  56 --     Displace, IW_Membership, Offset_To_Top, Set_Dynamic_Offset_To_Top,
  57 --     Base_Address, Register_Interface_Offset: They are used with extended
  58 --     support for interface types that is not part of the zfp runtime
  59 --     (membership test applied to interfaces, tagged types with variable
  60 --     size components covering interfaces, explicit dereference through
  61 --     access to interfaces, and unchecked deallocation through access to
  62 --     interfaces).
  64 --     The operations in this package provide the guarantee that all
  65 --     dispatching calls on primitive operations of tagged types and
  66 --     interfaces take constant time (in terms of source lines executed),
  67 --     that is to say, the cost of these calls is independent of the number
  68 --     of primitives of the type or interface, and independent of the number
  69 --     of ancestors or interface progenitors that a tagged type may have.
  71 with System;
  72 with System.Storage_Elements;
  74 package Ada.Tags is
  75    pragma Preelaborate;
  76    --  In accordance with Ada 2005 AI-362
  78    type Tag is private;
  79    pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Tag);
  81    No_Tag : constant Tag;
  83    function Expanded_Name (T : Tag) return String;
  85    function External_Tag (T : Tag) return String;
  87    function Parent_Tag (T : Tag) return Tag;
  88    pragma Ada_05 (Parent_Tag);
  90    Tag_Error : exception;
  92 private
  94    --  Structure of the GNAT Primary Dispatch Table
  96    --          +--------------------+
  97    --          |    Predef_Prims ---------------------------> +------------+
  98    --          +--------------------+                         |  table of  |
  99    --          |Typeinfo_Ptr/TSD_Ptr --> Type Specific Data   | predefined |
 100    --  Tag --> +--------------------+  +-------------------+  | primitives |
 101    --          |      table of      |  | inheritance depth |  +------------+
 102    --          :   primitive ops    :  +-------------------+
 103    --          |      pointers      |  |   access level    |
 104    --          +--------------------+  +-------------------+
 105    --                                  |     alignment     |
 106    --                                  +-------------------+
 107    --                                  |   expanded name   |
 108    --                                  +-------------------+
 109    --                                  |   external tag    |
 110    --                                  +-------------------+
 111    --                                  |   hash table link |
 112    --                                  +-------------------+
 113    --                                  |   transportable   |
 114    --                                  +-------------------+
 115    --                                  | needs finalization|
 116    --                                  +-------------------+
 117    --                                  | table of          |
 118    --                                  :    ancestor       :
 119    --                                  |       tags        |
 120    --                                  +-------------------+
 122    --  The runtime information kept for each tagged type is separated into
 123    --  three objects: the Dispatch Table of predefined primitives, the dispatch
 124    --  table of user-defined primitives and the Type_Specific_Data record.
 126    package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
 128    subtype Cstring is String (Positive);
 129    type Cstring_Ptr is access all Cstring;
 130    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Cstring_Ptr);
 132    type Tag_Table is array (Natural range <>) of Tag;
 134    type Prim_Ptr is access procedure;
 135    type Address_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Prim_Ptr;
 137    subtype Dispatch_Table is Address_Array (1 .. 1);
 138    --  Used by GDB to identify the _tags and traverse the run-time structure
 139    --  associated with tagged types. For compatibility with older versions of
 140    --  gdb, its name must not be changed.
 142    type Tag is access all Dispatch_Table;
 143    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Tag);
 145    type Interface_Tag is access all Dispatch_Table;
 147    No_Tag : constant Tag := null;
 149    --  The expander ensures that Tag objects reference the Prims_Ptr component
 150    --  of the wrapper.
 152    type Tag_Ptr is access all Tag;
 153    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Tag_Ptr);
 155    type Offset_To_Top_Ptr is access all SSE.Storage_Offset;
 156    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Offset_To_Top_Ptr);
 158    type Type_Specific_Data (Idepth : Natural) is record
 159       --  Inheritance Depth Level: Used to implement the membership test
 160       --  associated with single inheritance of tagged types in constant-time.
 161       --  It also indicates the size of the Tags_Table component.
 163       Access_Level : Natural;
 164       --  Accessibility level required to give support to Ada 2005 nested type
 165       --  extensions. This feature allows safe nested type extensions by
 166       --  shifting the accessibility checks to certain operations, rather than
 167       --  being enforced at the type declaration. In particular, by performing
 168       --  run-time accessibility checks on class-wide allocators, class-wide
 169       --  function return, and class-wide stream I/O, the danger of objects
 170       --  outliving their type declaration can be eliminated (Ada 2005: AI-344)
 172       Alignment     : Natural;
 173       Expanded_Name : Cstring_Ptr;
 174       External_Tag  : Cstring_Ptr;
 175       HT_Link       : Tag_Ptr;
 176       --  Components used to support to the Ada.Tags subprograms in ARM 3.9
 178       --  Note: Expanded_Name is referenced by GDB to determine the actual name
 179       --  of the tagged type. Its requirements are: 1) it must have this exact
 180       --  name, and 2) its contents must point to a C-style Nul terminated
 181       --  string containing its expanded name. GDB has no requirement on a
 182       --  given position inside the record.
 184       Transportable : Boolean;
 185       --  Used to check RM E.4(18), set for types that satisfy the requirements
 186       --  for being used in remote calls as actuals for classwide formals or as
 187       --  return values for classwide functions.
 189       Needs_Finalization : Boolean;
 190       --  Used to dynamically check whether an object is controlled or not
 192       Tags_Table : Tag_Table (0 .. Idepth);
 193       --  Table of ancestor tags. Its size actually depends on the inheritance
 194       --  depth level of the tagged type.
 195    end record;
 197    type Type_Specific_Data_Ptr is access all Type_Specific_Data;
 198    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Type_Specific_Data_Ptr);
 200    type Dispatch_Table_Wrapper (Num_Prims : Natural) is record
 201       Predef_Prims : System.Address;
 202       --  Pointer to the dispatch table of predefined Ada primitives
 204       --  According to the C++ ABI the components Offset_To_Top and TSD are
 205       --  stored just "before" the dispatch table (that is, the Prims_Ptr
 206       --  table), and they are referenced with negative offsets referring to
 207       --  the base of the dispatch table. The _Tag (or the VTable_Ptr in C++
 208       --  terminology) must point to the base of the virtual table, just after
 209       --  these components, to point to the Prims_Ptr table.
 211       Offset_To_Top : SSE.Storage_Offset;
 212       TSD           : System.Address;
 214       Prims_Ptr : Address_Array (1 .. Num_Prims);
 215       --  The size of the Prims_Ptr array actually depends on the tagged type
 216       --  to which it applies. For each tagged type, the expander computes the
 217       --  actual array size, allocates the Dispatch_Table record accordingly.
 218    end record;
 220    --  The following type declaration is used by the compiler when the program
 221    --  is compiled with restriction No_Dispatching_Calls
 223    type No_Dispatch_Table_Wrapper is record
 224       NDT_TSD       : System.Address;
 225       NDT_Prims_Ptr : Natural;
 226    end record;
 228    DT_Predef_Prims_Size : constant SSE.Storage_Count :=
 229                             SSE.Storage_Count
 230                               (1 * (Standard'Address_Size /
 231                                       System.Storage_Unit));
 232    --  Size of the Predef_Prims field of the Dispatch_Table
 234    DT_Offset_To_Top_Size : constant SSE.Storage_Count :=
 235                              SSE.Storage_Count
 236                                (1 * (Standard'Address_Size /
 237                                        System.Storage_Unit));
 238    --  Size of the Offset_To_Top field of the Dispatch Table
 240    DT_Typeinfo_Ptr_Size : constant SSE.Storage_Count :=
 241                             SSE.Storage_Count
 242                               (1 * (Standard'Address_Size /
 243                                       System.Storage_Unit));
 244    --  Size of the Typeinfo_Ptr field of the Dispatch Table
 246    use type System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset;
 248    DT_Offset_To_Top_Offset : constant SSE.Storage_Count :=
 249                                DT_Typeinfo_Ptr_Size
 250                                  + DT_Offset_To_Top_Size;
 252    DT_Predef_Prims_Offset : constant SSE.Storage_Count :=
 253                               DT_Typeinfo_Ptr_Size
 254                                 + DT_Offset_To_Top_Size
 255                                 + DT_Predef_Prims_Size;
 256    --  Offset from Prims_Ptr to Predef_Prims component
 258    Max_Predef_Prims : constant Positive := 9;
 259    --  Number of reserved slots for predefined ada primitives: Size, Read,
 260    --  Write, Input, Output, "=", assignment, deep adjust, and deep finalize.
 261    --  The compiler checks that this value is correct.
 263    subtype Predef_Prims_Table  is Address_Array (1 .. Max_Predef_Prims);
 264    type Predef_Prims_Table_Ptr is access Predef_Prims_Table;
 265    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Predef_Prims_Table_Ptr);
 267    type Addr_Ptr is access System.Address;
 268    pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Addr_Ptr);
 270 end Ada.Tags;