File : debug.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                                D E B U G                                 --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 package body Debug is
  34    ---------------------------------
  35    -- Summary of Debug Flag Usage --
  36    ---------------------------------
  38    --  Debug flags for compiler (GNAT1)
  40    --  da   Generate messages tracking semantic analyzer progress
  41    --  db   Show encoding of type names for debug output
  42    --  dc   List names of units as they are compiled
  43    --  dd   Dynamic allocation of tables messages generated
  44    --  de   List the entity table
  45    --  df   Full tree/source print (includes withed units)
  46    --  dg   Print source from tree (generated code only)
  47    --  dh   Generate listing showing loading of name table hash chains
  48    --  di   Generate messages for visibility linking/delinking
  49    --  dj   Suppress "junk null check" for access parameter values
  50    --  dk   Generate GNATBUG message on abort, even if previous errors
  51    --  dl   Generate unit load trace messages
  52    --  dm
  53    --  dn   Generate messages for node/list allocation
  54    --  do   Print source from tree (original code only)
  55    --  dp   Generate messages for parser scope stack push/pops
  56    --  dq   No auto-alignment of small records
  57    --  dr   Generate parser resynchronization messages
  58    --  ds   Print source from tree (including original and generated stuff)
  59    --  dt   Print full tree
  60    --  du   Uncheck categorization pragmas
  61    --  dv   Output trace of overload resolution
  62    --  dw   Print trace of semantic scope stack
  63    --  dx   Force expansion on, even if no code being generated
  64    --  dy   Print tree of package Standard
  65    --  dz   Print source of package Standard
  67    --  dA   All entities included in representation information output
  68    --  dB   Output debug encoding of type names and variants
  69    --  dC   Output debugging information on check suppression
  70    --  dD   Delete elaboration checks in inner level routines
  71    --  dE   Apply elaboration checks to predefined units
  72    --  dF   Front end data layout enabled
  73    --  dG   Generate all warnings including those normally suppressed
  74    --  dH   Hold (kill) call to gigi
  75    --  dI   Inhibit internal name numbering in gnatG listing
  76    --  dJ
  77    --  dK   Kill all error messages
  78    --  dL   Output trace information on elaboration checking
  79    --  dM   Assume all variables are modified (no current values)
  80    --  dN   No file name information in exception messages
  81    --  dO   Output immediate error messages
  82    --  dP   Do not check for controlled objects in preelaborable packages
  83    --  dQ   Use old secondary stack method
  84    --  dR   Bypass check for correct version of s-rpc
  85    --  dS   Never convert numbers to machine numbers in Sem_Eval
  86    --  dT   Convert to machine numbers only for constant declarations
  87    --  dU   Enable garbage collection of unreachable entities
  88    --  dV   Enable viewing of all symbols in debugger
  89    --  dW   Disable warnings on calls for IN OUT parameters
  90    --  dX   Display messages on reads of potentially uninitialized scalars
  91    --  dY   Enable configurable run-time mode
  92    --  dZ   Generate listing showing the contents of the dispatch tables
  94    --  d.a  Force Target_Strict_Alignment mode to True
  95    --  d.b  Dump backend types
  96    --  d.c  Generate inline concatenation, do not call procedure
  97    --  d.d  Disable atomic synchronization
  98    --  d.e  Enable atomic synchronization
  99    --  d.f  Inhibit folding of static expressions
 100    --  d.g  Enable conversion of raise into goto
 101    --  d.h  Minimize the creation of public internal symbols for concatenation
 102    --  d.i  Ignore Warnings pragmas
 103    --  d.j  Generate listing of frontend inlined calls
 104    --  d.k  Kill referenced run-time library unit line numbers
 105    --  d.l  Use Ada 95 semantics for limited function returns
 106    --  d.m  For -gnatl, print full source only for main unit
 107    --  d.n  Print source file names
 108    --  d.o  Conservative elaboration order for indirect calls
 109    --  d.p
 110    --  d.q
 111    --  d.r  Enable OK_To_Reorder_Components in non-variant records
 112    --  d.s
 113    --  d.t  Disable static allocation of library level dispatch tables
 114    --  d.u  Enable Modify_Tree_For_C (update tree for c)
 115    --  d.v  Enable OK_To_Reorder_Components in variant records
 116    --  d.w  Do not check for infinite loops
 117    --  d.x  No exception handlers
 118    --  d.y
 119    --  d.z  Restore previous support for frontend handling of Inline_Always
 121    --  d.A  Read/write Aspect_Specifications hash table to tree
 122    --  d.B  Generate a bug box on abort_statement
 123    --  d.C  Generate concatenation call, do not generate inline code
 124    --  d.D  Disable errors on use of overriding keyword in Ada 95 mode
 125    --  d.E  Turn selected errors into warnings
 126    --  d.F  Debug mode for GNATprove
 127    --  d.G  Ignore calls through generic formal parameters for elaboration
 128    --  d.H  GNSA mode for ASIS
 129    --  d.I  Do not ignore enum representation clauses in CodePeer mode
 130    --  d.J  Disable parallel SCIL generation mode
 131    --  d.K
 132    --  d.L  Depend on back end for limited types in if and case expressions
 133    --  d.M  Relaxed RM semantics
 134    --  d.N  Add node to all entities
 135    --  d.O  Dump internal SCO tables
 136    --  d.P  Previous (non-optimized) handling of length comparisons
 137    --  d.Q  Previous (incomplete) style check for binary operators
 138    --  d.R  Restrictions in ali files in positional form
 139    --  d.S  Force Optimize_Alignment (Space)
 140    --  d.T  Force Optimize_Alignment (Time)
 141    --  d.U  Ignore indirect calls for static elaboration
 142    --  d.V  Do not verify validity of SCIL files (CodePeer mode)
 143    --  d.W  Print out debugging information for Walk_Library_Items
 144    --  d.X  Old treatment of indexing aspects
 145    --  d.Y  Output C code to standard output instead of file
 146    --  d.Z  Do not enable expansion in configurable run-time mode
 148    --  d1   Error msgs have node numbers where possible
 149    --  d2   Eliminate error flags in verbose form error messages
 150    --  d3   Dump bad node in Comperr on an abort
 151    --  d4   Inhibit automatic krunch of predefined library unit files
 152    --  d5   Debug output for tree read/write
 153    --  d6   Default access unconstrained to thin pointers
 154    --  d7   Suppress version/source stamp/compilation time for -gnatv/-gnatl
 155    --  d8   Force opposite endianness in packed stuff
 156    --  d9   Allow lock free implementation
 158    --  d.1  Enable unnesting of nested procedures
 159    --  d.2  Allow statements in declarative part
 160    --  d.3  Output debugging information from Exp_Unst
 161    --  d.4  Do not delete generated C file in case of errors
 162    --  d.5  Do not generate imported subprogram definitions in C code
 163    --  d.6
 164    --  d.7
 165    --  d.8
 166    --  d.9
 168    --  Debug flags for binder (GNATBIND)
 170    --  da  All links (including internal units) listed if there is a cycle
 171    --  db  Output information from Better_Choice
 172    --  dc  List units as they are chosen
 173    --  dd
 174    --  de  Elaboration dependencies including system units
 175    --  df
 176    --  dg
 177    --  dh
 178    --  di  Ignore_Errors mode for reading ali files
 179    --  dj
 180    --  dk
 181    --  dl
 182    --  dm
 183    --  dn  List details of manipulation of Num_Pred values
 184    --  do  Use old preference for elaboration order
 185    --  dp
 186    --  dq
 187    --  dr
 188    --  ds
 189    --  dt
 190    --  du  List units as they are acquired
 191    --  dv
 192    --  dw
 193    --  dx  Force binder to read xref information from ali files
 194    --  dy
 195    --  dz
 197    --  Debug flags used in package Make and its clients (e.g. GNATMAKE)
 199    --  da
 200    --  db
 201    --  dc
 202    --  dd
 203    --  de
 204    --  df  Only output file names, not path names, in log
 205    --  dg
 206    --  dh  Generate listing showing loading of name table hash chains
 207    --  di
 208    --  dj
 209    --  dk
 210    --  dl
 211    --  dm  Display the number of maximum simultaneous compilations
 212    --  dn  Do not delete temp files created by gnatmake
 213    --  do
 214    --  dp  Prints the contents of the Q used by Make.Compile_Sources
 215    --  dq  Prints source files as they are enqueued and dequeued
 216    --  dr
 217    --  ds
 218    --  dt  Display time stamps when there is a mismatch
 219    --  du  List units as their ali files are acquired
 220    --  dv
 221    --  dw  Prints the list of units withed by the unit currently explored
 222    --  dx
 223    --  dy
 224    --  dz
 226    --------------------------------------------
 227    -- Documentation for Compiler Debug Flags --
 228    --------------------------------------------
 230    --  da   Generate messages tracking semantic analyzer progress. A message
 231    --       is output showing each node as it gets analyzed, expanded,
 232    --       resolved, or evaluated. This option is useful for finding out
 233    --       exactly where a bomb during semantic analysis is occurring.
 235    --  db   In Exp_Dbug, certain type names are encoded to include debugging
 236    --       information. This debug switch causes lines to be output showing
 237    --       the encodings used.
 239    --  dc   List names of units as they are compiled. One line of output will
 240    --       be generated at the start of compiling each unit (package or
 241    --       subprogram).
 243    --  dd   Dynamic allocation of tables messages generated. Each time a
 244    --       table is reallocated, a line is output indicating the expansion.
 246    --  de   List the entity table
 248    --  df   Full tree/source print (includes withed units). Normally the tree
 249    --       output (dt) or recreated source output (dg,do,ds) includes only
 250    --       the main unit. If df is set, then the output in either case
 251    --       includes all compiled units (see also dg,do,ds,dt). Note that to
 252    --       be effective, this switch must be used in combination with one or
 253    --       more of dt, dg, do or ds.
 255    --  dg   Print the source recreated from the generated tree. In the case
 256    --       where the tree has been rewritten this output includes only the
 257    --       generated code, not the original code (see also df,do,ds,dz).
 258    --       This flag differs from -gnatG in that the output also includes
 259    --       non-source generated null statements, and freeze nodes, which
 260    --       are normally omitted in -gnatG mode.
 262    --  dh   Generates a table at the end of a compilation showing how the hash
 263    --       table chains built by the Namet package are loaded. This is useful
 264    --       in ensuring that the hashing algorithm (in Namet.Hash) is working
 265    --       effectively with typical sets of program identifiers.
 267    --  di   Generate messages for visibility linking/delinking
 269    --  dj   Suppress "junk null check" for access parameters. This flag permits
 270    --       Ada programs to pass null parameters to access parameters, and to
 271    --       explicitly check such access values against the null literal.
 272    --       Neither of these is valid Ada, but both were allowed in versions of
 273    --       GNAT before 3.10, so this switch can ease the transition process.
 275    --  dk   Immediate kill on abort. Normally on an abort (i.e. a call to
 276    --       Comperr.Compiler_Abort), the GNATBUG message is not given if
 277    --       there is a previous error. This debug switch bypasses this test
 278    --       and gives the message unconditionally (useful for debugging).
 280    --  dl   Generate unit load trace messages. A line of traceback output is
 281    --       generated each time a request is made to the library manager to
 282    --       load a new unit.
 284    --  dn   Generate messages for node/list allocation. Each time a node or
 285    --       list header is allocated, a line of output is generated. Certain
 286    --       other basic tree operations also cause a line of output to be
 287    --       generated. This option is useful in seeing where the parser is
 288    --       blowing up.
 290    --  do   Print the source recreated from the generated tree. In the case
 291    --       where the tree has been rewritten, this output includes only the
 292    --       original code, not the generated code (see also df,dg,ds,dz).
 294    --  dp   Generate messages for parser scope stack push/pops. A line of
 295    --       output by the parser each time the parser scope stack is either
 296    --       pushed or popped. Useful in debugging situations where the
 297    --       parser scope stack ends up incorrectly synchronized
 299    --  dq   In layout version 1.38, 2002/01/12, a circuit was implemented
 300    --       to give decent default alignment to short records that had no
 301    --       specific alignment set. This debug option restores the previous
 302    --       behavior of giving such records poor alignments, typically 1.
 303    --       This may be useful in dealing with transition.
 305    --  dr   Generate parser resynchronization messages. Normally the parser
 306    --       resynchronizes quietly. With this debug option, two messages
 307    --       are generated, one when the parser starts a resynchronization
 308    --       skip, and another when it resumes parsing. Useful in debugging
 309    --       inadequate error recovery situations.
 311    --  ds   Print the source recreated from the generated tree. In the case
 312    --       where the tree has been rewritten this output includes both the
 313    --       generated code and the original code with the generated code
 314    --       being enlosed in curly brackets (see also df,do,ds,dz)
 316    --  dt   Print full tree. The generated tree is output (see also df,dy)
 318    --  du   Uncheck categorization pragmas. This debug switch causes the
 319    --       elaboration control pragmas (Pure, Preelaborate, etc.) and the
 320    --       categorization pragmas (Shared_Passive, Remote_Types, etc.) to be
 321    --       ignored, so that normal checks are not made (this is particularly
 322    --       useful for adding temporary debugging code to units that have
 323    --       pragmas that are inconsistent with the debugging code added).
 325    --  dv   Output trace of overload resolution. Outputs messages for
 326    --       overload attempts that involve cascaded errors, or where
 327    --       an interpretation is incompatible with the context.
 329    --  dw   Write semantic scope stack messages. Each time a scope is created
 330    --       or removed, a message is output (see the Sem_Ch8.Push_Scope and
 331    --       Sem_Ch8.Pop_Scope subprograms).
 333    --  dx   Force expansion on, even if no code being generated. Normally the
 334    --       expander is inhibited if no code is generated. This switch forces
 335    --       expansion to proceed normally even if the backend is not being
 336    --       called. This is particularly useful for debugging purposes when
 337    --       using the front-end only version of the compiler (which normally
 338    --       would never do any expansion).
 340    --  dy   Print tree of package Standard. Normally the tree print out does
 341    --       not include package Standard, even if the -df switch is set. This
 342    --       switch forces output of the internal tree built for Standard.
 344    --  dz   Print source of package Standard. Normally the source print out
 345    --       does not include package Standard, even if the -df switch is set.
 346    --       This switch forces output of the source recreated from the internal
 347    --       tree built for Standard. Note that this differs from -gnatS in
 348    --       that it prints from the actual tree using the normal Sprint
 349    --       circuitry for printing trees.
 351    --  dA   Forces output of representation information, including full
 352    --       information for all internal type and object entities, as well
 353    --       as all user defined type and object entities including private
 354    --       and incomplete types. This debug switch also automatically sets
 355    --       the equivalent of -gnatR3m.
 357    --  dB   Output debug encodings for types and variants. See Exp_Dbug for
 358    --       exact form of the generated output.
 360    --  dC   Output trace information showing the decisions made during
 361    --       check suppression activity in unit Checks.
 363    --  dD   Delete new elaboration checks. This flag causes GNAT to return
 364    --       to the 3.13a elaboration semantics, and to suppress the fixing
 365    --       of two bugs. The first is in the context of inner routines in
 366    --       dynamic elaboration mode, when the subprogram we are in was
 367    --       called at elaboration time by a unit that was also compiled with
 368    --       dynamic elaboration checks. In this case, if A calls B calls C,
 369    --       and all are in different units, we need an elaboration check at
 370    --       each call. These nested checks were only put in recently (see
 371    --       version 1.80 of Sem_Elab) and we provide this debug flag to
 372    --       revert to the previous behavior in case of regressions. The
 373    --       other behavior reverted by this flag is the treatment of the
 374    --       Elaborate_Body pragma in static elaboration mode. This used to
 375    --       be treated as not needing elaboration checking, but in fact in
 376    --       general Elaborate_All is still required because of nested calls.
 378    --  dE   Apply compile time elaboration checking for with relations between
 379    --       predefined units. Normally no checks are made (it seems that at
 380    --       least on the SGI, such checks run into trouble).
 382    --  dF   Front end data layout enabled. Normally front end data layout
 383    --       is only enabled if the target parameter Backend_Layout is False.
 384    --       This debugging switch enables it unconditionally.
 386    --  dG   Generate all warnings. Normally Errout suppresses warnings on
 387    --       units that are not part of the main extended source, and also
 388    --       suppresses warnings on instantiations in the main extended
 389    --       source that duplicate warnings already posted on the template.
 390    --       This switch stops both kinds of deletion and causes Errout to
 391    --       post all warnings sent to it.
 393    --  dH   Inhibit call to gigi. This is useful for testing front end data
 394    --       layout, and may be useful in other debugging situations where
 395    --       you do not want gigi to intefere with the testing.
 397    --  dI   Inhibit internal name numbering in gnatDG listing. Any sequence of
 398    --       the form <uppercase-letter><digits><lowercase-letter> appearing in
 399    --       a name is replaced by <uppercase-letter>...<lowercase-letter>. This
 400    --       is used in the fixed bugs run to minimize system and version
 401    --       dependency in filed -gnatD or -gnatG output.
 403    --  dK   Kill all error messages. This debug flag suppresses the output
 404    --       of all error messages. It is used in regression tests where the
 405    --       error messages are target dependent and irrelevant.
 407    --  dL   Output trace information on elaboration checking. This debug
 408    --       switch causes output to be generated showing each call or
 409    --       instantiation as it is checked, and the progress of the recursive
 410    --       trace through calls at elaboration time.
 412    --  dM   Assume all variables have been modified, and ignore current value
 413    --       indications. This debug flag disconnects the tracking of constant
 414    --       values (see Exp_Ch2.Expand_Current_Value).
 416    --  dN   Do not generate file name information in exception messages
 418    --  dO   Output immediate error messages. This causes error messages to
 419    --       be output as soon as they are generated (disconnecting several
 420    --       circuits for improvement of messages, deletion of duplicate
 421    --       messages etc). Useful to diagnose compiler bombs caused by
 422    --       erroneous handling of error situations
 424    --  dP   Do not check for controlled objects in preelaborable packages.
 425    --       RM 10.2.1(9) forbids the use of library level controlled objects
 426    --       in preelaborable packages, but this restriction is a huge pain,
 427    --       especially in the predefined library units.
 429    --  dQ   Use old method for determining what goes on the secondary stack.
 430    --       This disables some newer optimizations. The intent is to use this
 431    --       temporarily to measure before/after efficiency. ???Remove this
 432    --       when we are done (see Sem_Util.Requires_Transient_Scope).
 434    --  dR   Bypass the check for a proper version of s-rpc being present
 435    --       to use the -gnatz? switch. This allows debugging of the use
 436    --       of stubs generation without needing to have GLADE (or some
 437    --       other PCS  installed).
 439    --  dS   Omit conversion of fpt numbers to exact machine numbers in
 440    --       non-static evaluation contexts (see Check_Non_Static_Context).
 441    --       This is intended for testing out timing problems with this
 442    --       conversion circuit.
 444    --  dT   Similar to dS, but omits the conversions only in the case where
 445    --       the parent is not a constant declaration.
 447    --  dU   Enable garbage collection of unreachable entities. This enables
 448    --       both the reachability analysis and changing the Is_Public and
 449    --       Is_Eliminated flags.
 451    --  dV   Enable viewing of all symbols in debugger. Causes debug information
 452    --       to be generated for all symbols, including internal symbols. This
 453    --       is enabled by default for -gnatD, but this switch allows this to
 454    --       be enabled without generating modified source files. Note that the
 455    --       use of -gnatdV ensures in the dwarf/elf case that all symbols that
 456    --       are present in the elf tables are also in the dwarf tables (which
 457    --       seems to be required by some tools). Another effect of dV is to
 458    --       generate full qualified names, including internal names generated
 459    --       for blocks and loops.
 461    --  dW   Disable warnings when a possibly uninitialized scalar value is
 462    --       passed to an IN OUT parameter of a procedure. This usage is a
 463    --       quite improper bounded error [erroneous in Ada 83] situation,
 464    --       and would normally generate a warning. However, to ease the
 465    --       task of transitioning incorrect legacy code, we provide this
 466    --       undocumented feature for suppressing these warnings.
 468    --  dY   Enable configurable run-time mode, just as though the System file
 469    --       had Configurable_Run_Time_Mode set to True. This is useful in
 470    --       testing high integrity mode.
 472    --  dZ   Generate listing showing the contents of the dispatch tables. Each
 473    --       line has an internally generated number used for references between
 474    --       tagged types and primitives. For each primitive the output has the
 475    --       following fields:
 476    --
 477    --         - Letter 'P' or letter 's': The former indicates that this
 478    --           primitive will be located in a primary dispatch table. The
 479    --           latter indicates that it will be located in a secondary
 480    --           dispatch table.
 481    --
 482    --         - Name of the primitive. In case of predefined Ada primitives
 483    --           the text "(predefined)" is added before the name, and these
 484    --           acronyms are used: SR (Stream_Read), SW (Stream_Write), SI
 485    --           (Stream_Input), SO (Stream_Output), DA (Deep_Adjust), DF
 486    --           (Deep_Finalize). In addition Oeq identifies the equality
 487    --           operator, and "_assign" the assignment.
 488    --
 489    --         - If the primitive covers interface types, two extra fields
 490    --           referencing other primitives are generated: "Alias" references
 491    --           the primitive of the tagged type that covers an interface
 492    --           primitive, and "AI_Alias" references the covered interface
 493    --           primitive.
 494    --
 495    --         - The expression "at #xx" indicates the slot of the dispatch
 496    --           table occupied by such primitive in its corresponding primary
 497    --           or secondary dispatch table.
 498    --
 499    --         - In case of abstract subprograms the text "is abstract" is
 500    --           added at the end of the line.
 502    --  d.a  Force Target_Strict_Alignment to True, even on targets where it
 503    --       would normally be false. Can be used for testing strict alignment
 504    --       circuitry in the compiler.
 506    --  d.b  Dump back end types. During Create_Standard, the back end is
 507    --       queried for all available types. This option shows them.
 509    --  d.c  Generate inline concatenation, instead of calling one of the
 510    --       System.Concat_n.Str_Concat_n routines in cases where the latter
 511    --       routines would normally be called.
 513    --  d.d  Disable atomic synchronization for all atomic variable references.
 514    --       Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization is ignored.
 516    --  d.e  Enable atomic synchronization for all atomic variable references.
 517    --       Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization is ignored, and also the
 518    --       compiler switch -gnated is ignored.
 520    --  d.f  Suppress folding of static expressions. This of course results
 521    --       in seriously non-conforming behavior, but is useful sometimes
 522    --       when tracking down handling of complex expressions.
 524    --  d.g  Enables conversion of a raise statement into a goto when the
 525    --       relevant handler is statically determinable. For now we only try
 526    --       this if this debug flag is set. Later we will enable this more
 527    --       generally by default.
 529    --  d.h  Minimize the creation of public internal symbols for concatenation
 530    --       by enforcing a secondary stack-like handling of the final result.
 531    --       The target of the concatenation is thus constrained in place and
 532    --       initialized with the result instead of acting as its alias.
 534    --  d.i  Ignore all occurrences of pragma Warnings in the sources. This can
 535    --       be used in particular to disable Warnings (Off) to check if any of
 536    --       these statements are inappropriate.
 538    --  d.k  If an error message contains a reference to a location in an
 539    --       internal unit, then suppress the line number in this reference.
 541    --  d.j  Generate listing of frontend inlined calls and inline calls passed
 542    --       to the backend. This is useful to locate skipped calls that must be
 543    --       inlined by the frontend.
 545    --  d.l  Use Ada 95 semantics for limited function returns. This may be
 546    --       used to work around the incompatibility introduced by AI-318-2.
 547    --       It is useful only in -gnat05 mode.
 549    --  d.m  When -gnatl is used, the normal output includes full listings of
 550    --       all files in the extended main source (body/spec/subunits). If this
 551    --       debug switch is used, then the full listing is given only for the
 552    --       main source (this corresponds to a previous behavior of -gnatl and
 553    --       is used for running the ACATS tests).
 555    --  d.n  Print source file names as they are loaded. This is useful if the
 556    --       compiler has a bug -- these are the files that need to be included
 557    --       in a bug report.
 559    --  d.o  Conservative elaboration order for indirect calls. This causes
 560    --       P'Access to be treated as a call in more cases.
 562    --  d.r  Forces the flag OK_To_Reorder_Components to be set in all record
 563    --       base types that have no discriminants.
 565    --  d.t  The compiler has been modified (a fairly extensive modification)
 566    --       to generate static dispatch tables for library level tagged types.
 567    --       This debug switch disables this modification and reverts to the
 568    --       previous dynamic construction of tables. It is there as a possible
 569    --       work around if we run into trouble with the new implementation.
 571    --  d.u  Sets Modify_Tree_For_C mode in which tree is modified to make it
 572    --       easier to generate code using a C compiler.
 574    --  d.v  Forces the flag OK_To_Reorder_Components to be set in all record
 575    --       base types that have at least one discriminant (v = variant).
 577    --  d.w  This flag turns off the scanning of loops to detect possible
 578    --       infinite loops.
 580    --  d.x  No exception handlers in generated code. This causes exception
 581    --       handlers to be eliminated from the generated code. They are still
 582    --       fully compiled and analyzed, they just get eliminated from the
 583    --       code generation step.
 585    --  d.z  Restore previous front-end support for Inline_Always. In default
 586    --       mode, for targets that use the GCC back end, Inline_Always is
 587    --       handled by the back end. Use of this switch restores the previous
 588    --       handling of Inline_Always by the front end on such targets. For the
 589    --       targets that do not use the GCC back end, this switch is ignored.
 591    --  d.A  There seems to be a problem with ASIS if we activate the circuit
 592    --       for reading and writing the aspect specification hash table, so
 593    --       for now, this is controlled by the debug flag d.A. The hash table
 594    --       is only written and read if this flag is set.
 596    --  d.B  Generate a bug box when we see an abort_statement, even though
 597    --       there is no bug. Useful for testing Comperr.Compiler_Abort: write
 598    --       some code containing an abort_statement, and compile it with
 599    --       -gnatd.B. There is nothing special about abort_statements; it just
 600    --       provides a way to control where the bug box is generated. See "when
 601    --       N_Abort_Statement" in package body Expander.
 603    --  d.C  Generate call to System.Concat_n.Str_Concat_n routines in cases
 604    --       where we would normally generate inline concatenation code.
 606    --  d.D  For compatibility with some Ada 95 compilers implementing only
 607    --       one feature of Ada 2005 (overriding keyword), disable errors on use
 608    --       of overriding keyword in Ada 95 mode.
 610    --  d.E  Turn selected errors into warnings. This debug switch causes a
 611    --       specific set of error messages into warnings. Setting this switch
 612    --       causes Opt.Error_To_Warning to be set to True. The intention is
 613    --       that this be used for messages representing upwards incompatible
 614    --       changes to Ada 2012 that cause previously correct programs to be
 615    --       treated as illegal now. The following cases are affected:
 616    --
 617    --          Errors relating to overlapping subprogram parameters for cases
 618    --          other than IN OUT parameters to functions.
 619    --
 620    --          Errors relating to the new rules about not defining equality
 621    --          too late so that composition of equality can be assured.
 622    --
 623    --          Errors relating to overriding indicators on protected subprogram
 624    --          bodies (not an Ada 2012 incompatibility, but might cause errors
 625    --          for existing programs assuming they were legal because GNAT
 626    --          formerly allowed them).
 628    --  d.F  Sets GNATprove_Mode to True. This allows debugging the frontend in
 629    --       the special mode used by GNATprove.
 631    --  d.G  Previously the compiler ignored calls via generic formal parameters
 632    --       when doing the analysis for the static elaboration model. This is
 633    --       now fixed, but we provide this debug flag to revert to the previous
 634    --       situation of ignoring such calls to aid in transition.
 636    --  d.H  Sets ASIS_GNSA_Mode to True. This signals the front end to suppress
 637    --       the call to gigi in ASIS_Mode.
 639    --  d.I  Do not ignore enum representation clauses in CodePeer mode.
 640    --       The default of ignoring representation clauses for enumeration
 641    --       types in CodePeer is good for the majority of Ada code, but in some
 642    --       cases being able to change this default might be useful to remove
 643    --       some false positives.
 645    --  d.J  Disable parallel SCIL generation. Normally SCIL file generation is
 646    --       done in parallel to speed processing. This switch disables this
 647    --       behavior.
 649    --  d.L  Normally the front end generates special expansion for conditional
 650    --       expressions of a limited type. This debug flag removes this special
 651    --       case expansion, leaving it up to the back end to handle conditional
 652    --       expressions correctly.
 654    --  d.M  Relaxed RM semantics. This flag sets Opt.Relaxed_RM_Semantics
 655    --       See Opt.Relaxed_RM_Semantics for more details.
 657    --  d.N  Enlarge entities by one node (but don't attempt to use this extra
 658    --       node for storage of any flags or fields). This can be used to do
 659    --       experiments on the impact of increasing entity sizes.
 661    --  d.O  Dump internal SCO tables. Before outputting the SCO information to
 662    --       the ALI file, the internal SCO tables (SCO_Table/SCO_Unit_Table)
 663    --       are dumped for debugging purposes.
 665    --  d.P  Previous non-optimized handling of length comparisons. Setting this
 666    --       flag inhibits the effect of Optimize_Length_Comparison in Exp_Ch4.
 667    --       This is there in case we find a situation where the optimization
 668    --       malfunctions, to provide a work around.
 670    --  d.Q  Previous incomplete style checks for binary operators. Style checks
 671    --       for token separation rules were incomplete and have been made
 672    --       compliant with the documentation. For example, no warning was
 673    --       issued for expressions such as 16-One or "A"&"B". Setting this flag
 674    --       inhibits these new checks.
 676    --  d.R  As documented in, restrictions in the ali file can
 677    --       have two forms, positional and named. The named notation is the
 678    --       current preferred form, but the use of this debug switch will force
 679    --       the use of the obsolescent positional form.
 681    --  d.S  Force Optimize_Alignment (Space) mode as the default
 683    --  d.T  Force Optimize_Alignment (Time) mode as the default
 685    --  d.U  Ignore indirect calls for static elaboration. The static
 686    --       elaboration model is conservative, especially regarding indirect
 687    --       calls. If you say Proc'Access, it will assume you might call
 688    --       Proc. This can cause elaboration cycles at bind time. This flag
 689    --       reverts to the behavior of earlier compilers, which ignored
 690    --       indirect calls.
 692    --  d.V  Do not verify the validity of SCIL files (CodePeer mode). When
 693    --       generating SCIL files for CodePeer, by default we verify that the
 694    --       SCIL is well formed before saving it on disk. This switch can be
 695    --       used to disable this checking, either to improve speed or to shut
 696    --       down a false positive detected during the verification.
 698    --  d.W  Print out debugging information for Walk_Library_Items, including
 699    --       the order in which units are walked. This is primarily for use in
 700    --       debugging CodePeer mode.
 702    --  d.X  A previous version of GNAT allowed indexing aspects to be redefined
 703    --       on derived container types, while the default iterator was
 704    --       inherited from the parent type. This nonstandard extension is
 705    --       preserved temporarily for use by the modeling project under debug
 706    --       flag d.X.
 708    --  d.Y  Output C code to standard output instead of writing *.c and *.h
 709    --       files, this is particularly useful when debugging cprint.
 711    --  d.Z  Normally we always enable expansion in configurable run-time mode
 712    --       to make sure we get error messages about unsupported features even
 713    --       when compiling in -gnatc mode. But expansion is turned off in this
 714    --       case if debug flag -gnatd.Z is used. This is to deal with the case
 715    --       where we discover difficulties in this new processing.
 717    --  d1   Error messages have node numbers where possible. Normally error
 718    --       messages have only source locations. This option is useful when
 719    --       debugging errors caused by expanded code, where the source location
 720    --       does not give enough information.
 722    --  d2   Suppress output of the error position flags for verbose form error
 723    --       messages. The messages are still interspersed in the listing, but
 724    --       without any error flags or extra blank lines. Also causes an extra
 725    --       <<< to be output at the right margin. This is intended to be the
 726    --       easiest format for checking conformance of ACATS B tests. This
 727    --       flag also suppresses the additional messages explaining why a
 728    --       non-static expression is non-static (see Sem_Eval.Why_Not_Static).
 729    --       This avoids having to worry about these messages in ACATS testing.
 731    --  d3   Causes Comperr to dump the contents of the node for which an abort
 732    --       was detected (normally only the Node_Id of the node is output).
 734    --  d4   Inhibits automatic krunching of predefined library unit file names.
 735    --       Normally, as described in the spec of package Krunch, such files
 736    --       are automatically krunched to 8 characters, with special treatment
 737    --       of the prefixes Ada, System, and Interfaces. Setting this debug
 738    --       switch disables this special treatment.
 740    --  d5   Causes the tree read/write circuit to output detailed information
 741    --       tracking the data that is read and written element by element.
 743    --  d6   Normally access-to-unconstrained-array types are represented
 744    --       using fat (double) pointers. Using this debug flag causes them
 745    --       to default to thin. This can be used to test the performance
 746    --       implications of using thin pointers, and also to test that the
 747    --       compiler functions correctly with this choice.
 749    --  d7   Normally a -gnatl or -gnatv listing includes the time stamp of the
 750    --       source file and the time of the compilation. This debug flag can
 751    --       be used to suppress this output, and also suppresses the message
 752    --       with the version of the compiler. This is useful for regression
 753    --       tests which need to have consistent output.
 755    --  d8   This forces the packed stuff to generate code assuming the
 756    --       opposite endianness from the actual correct value. Useful in
 757    --       testing out code generation from the packed routines.
 759    --  d9   This allows lock free implementation for protected objects
 760    --       (see Exp_Ch9).
 762    --  d.1  Sets Opt.Unnest_Subprogram_Mode to enable unnesting of subprograms.
 763    --       This special pass does not actually unnest things, but it ensures
 764    --       that a nested procedure does not contain any uplevel references.
 765    --       See spec of Exp_Unst for full details.
 767    --  d.2  Allow statements within declarative parts. This is not usually
 768    --       allowed, but in some debugging contexts (e.g. testing the circuit
 769    --       for unnesting of procedures), it is useful to allow this.
 771    --  d.3  Output debugging information from Exp_Unst, including the name of
 772    --       any unreachable subprograms that get deleted.
 774    --  d.4  By default in case of an error during C generation, the .c or .h
 775    --       file is deleted. This flag keeps the C file.
 777    --  d.5  By default a subprogram imported generates a subprogram profile.
 778    --       This debug flag disables this generation when generating C code,
 779    --       assuming a proper #include will be used instead.
 781    ------------------------------------------
 782    -- Documentation for Binder Debug Flags --
 783    ------------------------------------------
 785    --  da  Normally if there is an elaboration circularity, then in describing
 786    --      the cycle, links involving internal units are omitted, since they
 787    --      are irrelevant and confusing. This debug flag causes all links to
 788    --      be listed, and is useful when diagnosing circularities introduced
 789    --      by incorrect changes to the run-time library itself.
 791    --  db  Output debug information from Better_Choice in Binde, which uses
 792    --      various heuristics to determine elaboration order in cases where
 793    --      multiple orders are valid.
 795    --  dc  List units as they are chosen. As units are selected for addition to
 796    --      the elaboration order, a line of output is generated showing which
 797    --      unit has been selected.
 799    --  de  Similar to the effect of -e (output complete list of elaboration
 800    --      dependencies) except that internal units are included in the
 801    --      listing.
 803    --  di  Normally gnatbind calls Read_Ali with Ignore_Errors set to
 804    --      False, since the binder really needs correct version ALI
 805    --      files to do its job. This debug flag causes Ignore_Errors
 806    --      mode to be set for the binder (and is particularly useful
 807    --      for testing ignore errors mode).
 809    --  dn  List details of manipulation of Num_Pred values during execution of
 810    --      the algorithm used to determine a correct order of elaboration. This
 811    --      is useful in diagnosing any problems in its behavior.
 813    --  do  Use old elaboration order preference. The new preference rules
 814    --      prefer specs with no bodies to specs with bodies, and between two
 815    --      specs with bodies, prefers the one whose body is closer to being
 816    --      able to be elaborated. This is a clear improvement, but we provide
 817    --      this debug flag in case of regressions.
 819    --  du  List unit name and file name for each unit as it is read in
 821    --  dx  Force the binder to read (and then ignore) the xref information
 822    --      in ali files (used to check that read circuit is working OK).
 824    --------------------------------------------
 825    -- Documentation for gnatmake Debug Flags --
 826    --------------------------------------------
 828    --  df  Only output file names, not path names, in log
 830    --  dh  Generate listing showing loading of name table hash chains,
 831    --      same as for the compiler.
 833    --  dm  Issue a message indicating the maximum number of simultaneous
 834    --      compilations.
 836    --  dn  Do not delete temporary files created by gnatmake at the end
 837    --      of execution, such as temporary config pragma files, mapping
 838    --      files or project path files. This debug switch is equivalent to
 839    --      the standard switch --keep-temp-files. We retain the debug switch
 840    --      for back compatibility with past usage.
 842    --  dp  Prints the Q used by routine Make.Compile_Sources every time
 843    --      we go around the main compile loop of Make.Compile_Sources
 845    --  dq  Prints source files as they are enqueued and dequeued in the Q
 846    --      used by routine Make.Compile_Sources. Useful to figure out the
 847    --      order in which sources are recompiled.
 849    --  dt  When a time stamp mismatch has been found for an ALI file,
 850    --      display the source file name, the time stamp expected and
 851    --      the time stamp found.
 853    --  du  List unit name and file name for each unit as it is read in
 855    --  dw  Prints the list of units withed by the unit currently explored
 856    --      during the main loop of Make.Compile_Sources.
 858    ---------------------------------------------
 859    -- Documentation for gprbuild Debug Flags  --
 860    ---------------------------------------------
 862    --  dm  Display the maximum number of simultaneous compilations.
 864    --  dn  Do not delete temporary files created by gprbuild at the end
 865    --      of execution, such as temporary config pragma files, mapping
 866    --      files or project path files. This debug switch is equivalent to
 867    --      the standard switch --keep-temp-files. We retain the debug switch
 868    --      for back compatibility with past usage.
 870    --  dt  When a time stamp mismatch has been found for an ALI file,
 871    --      display the source file name, the time stamp expected and
 872    --      the time stamp found.
 874    --------------------
 875    -- Set_Debug_Flag --
 876    --------------------
 878    procedure Set_Debug_Flag (C : Character; Val : Boolean := True) is
 879       subtype Dig is Character range '1' .. '9';
 880       subtype LLet is Character range 'a' .. 'z';
 881       subtype ULet is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
 883    begin
 884       if C in Dig then
 885          case Dig (C) is
 886             when '1' =>
 887                Debug_Flag_1 := Val;
 888             when '2' =>
 889                Debug_Flag_2 := Val;
 890             when '3' =>
 891                Debug_Flag_3 := Val;
 892             when '4' =>
 893                Debug_Flag_4 := Val;
 894             when '5' =>
 895                Debug_Flag_5 := Val;
 896             when '6' =>
 897                Debug_Flag_6 := Val;
 898             when '7' =>
 899                Debug_Flag_7 := Val;
 900             when '8' =>
 901                Debug_Flag_8 := Val;
 902             when '9' =>
 903                Debug_Flag_9 := Val;
 904          end case;
 906       elsif C in ULet then
 907          case ULet (C) is
 908             when 'A' =>
 909                Debug_Flag_AA := Val;
 910             when 'B' =>
 911                Debug_Flag_BB := Val;
 912             when 'C' =>
 913                Debug_Flag_CC := Val;
 914             when 'D' =>
 915                Debug_Flag_DD := Val;
 916             when 'E' =>
 917                Debug_Flag_EE := Val;
 918             when 'F' =>
 919                Debug_Flag_FF := Val;
 920             when 'G' =>
 921                Debug_Flag_GG := Val;
 922             when 'H' =>
 923                Debug_Flag_HH := Val;
 924             when 'I' =>
 925                Debug_Flag_II := Val;
 926             when 'J' =>
 927                Debug_Flag_JJ := Val;
 928             when 'K' =>
 929                Debug_Flag_KK := Val;
 930             when 'L' =>
 931                Debug_Flag_LL := Val;
 932             when 'M' =>
 933                Debug_Flag_MM := Val;
 934             when 'N' =>
 935                Debug_Flag_NN := Val;
 936             when 'O' =>
 937                Debug_Flag_OO := Val;
 938             when 'P' =>
 939                Debug_Flag_PP := Val;
 940             when 'Q' =>
 941                Debug_Flag_QQ := Val;
 942             when 'R' =>
 943                Debug_Flag_RR := Val;
 944             when 'S' =>
 945                Debug_Flag_SS := Val;
 946             when 'T' =>
 947                Debug_Flag_TT := Val;
 948             when 'U' =>
 949                Debug_Flag_UU := Val;
 950             when 'V' =>
 951                Debug_Flag_VV := Val;
 952             when 'W' =>
 953                Debug_Flag_WW := Val;
 954             when 'X' =>
 955                Debug_Flag_XX := Val;
 956             when 'Y' =>
 957                Debug_Flag_YY := Val;
 958             when 'Z' =>
 959                Debug_Flag_ZZ := Val;
 960          end case;
 962       else
 963          case LLet (C) is
 964             when 'a' =>
 965                Debug_Flag_A := Val;
 966             when 'b' =>
 967                Debug_Flag_B := Val;
 968             when 'c' =>
 969                Debug_Flag_C := Val;
 970             when 'd' =>
 971                Debug_Flag_D := Val;
 972             when 'e' =>
 973                Debug_Flag_E := Val;
 974             when 'f' =>
 975                Debug_Flag_F := Val;
 976             when 'g' =>
 977                Debug_Flag_G := Val;
 978             when 'h' =>
 979                Debug_Flag_H := Val;
 980             when 'i' =>
 981                Debug_Flag_I := Val;
 982             when 'j' =>
 983                Debug_Flag_J := Val;
 984             when 'k' =>
 985                Debug_Flag_K := Val;
 986             when 'l' =>
 987                Debug_Flag_L := Val;
 988             when 'm' =>
 989                Debug_Flag_M := Val;
 990             when 'n' =>
 991                Debug_Flag_N := Val;
 992             when 'o' =>
 993                Debug_Flag_O := Val;
 994             when 'p' =>
 995                Debug_Flag_P := Val;
 996             when 'q' =>
 997                Debug_Flag_Q := Val;
 998             when 'r' =>
 999                Debug_Flag_R := Val;
1000             when 's' =>
1001                Debug_Flag_S := Val;
1002             when 't' =>
1003                Debug_Flag_T := Val;
1004             when 'u' =>
1005                Debug_Flag_U := Val;
1006             when 'v' =>
1007                Debug_Flag_V := Val;
1008             when 'w' =>
1009                Debug_Flag_W := Val;
1010             when 'x' =>
1011                Debug_Flag_X := Val;
1012             when 'y' =>
1013                Debug_Flag_Y := Val;
1014             when 'z' =>
1015                Debug_Flag_Z := Val;
1016          end case;
1017       end if;
1018    end Set_Debug_Flag;
1020    ---------------------------
1021    -- Set_Dotted_Debug_Flag --
1022    ---------------------------
1024    procedure Set_Dotted_Debug_Flag (C : Character; Val : Boolean := True) is
1025       subtype Dig is Character range '1' .. '9';
1026       subtype LLet is Character range 'a' .. 'z';
1027       subtype ULet is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
1029    begin
1030       if C in Dig then
1031          case Dig (C) is
1032             when '1' =>
1033                Debug_Flag_Dot_1 := Val;
1034             when '2' =>
1035                Debug_Flag_Dot_2 := Val;
1036             when '3' =>
1037                Debug_Flag_Dot_3 := Val;
1038             when '4' =>
1039                Debug_Flag_Dot_4 := Val;
1040             when '5' =>
1041                Debug_Flag_Dot_5 := Val;
1042             when '6' =>
1043                Debug_Flag_Dot_6 := Val;
1044             when '7' =>
1045                Debug_Flag_Dot_7 := Val;
1046             when '8' =>
1047                Debug_Flag_Dot_8 := Val;
1048             when '9' =>
1049                Debug_Flag_Dot_9 := Val;
1050          end case;
1052       elsif C in ULet then
1053          case ULet (C) is
1054             when 'A' =>
1055                Debug_Flag_Dot_AA := Val;
1056             when 'B' =>
1057                Debug_Flag_Dot_BB := Val;
1058             when 'C' =>
1059                Debug_Flag_Dot_CC := Val;
1060             when 'D' =>
1061                Debug_Flag_Dot_DD := Val;
1062             when 'E' =>
1063                Debug_Flag_Dot_EE := Val;
1064             when 'F' =>
1065                Debug_Flag_Dot_FF := Val;
1066             when 'G' =>
1067                Debug_Flag_Dot_GG := Val;
1068             when 'H' =>
1069                Debug_Flag_Dot_HH := Val;
1070             when 'I' =>
1071                Debug_Flag_Dot_II := Val;
1072             when 'J' =>
1073                Debug_Flag_Dot_JJ := Val;
1074             when 'K' =>
1075                Debug_Flag_Dot_KK := Val;
1076             when 'L' =>
1077                Debug_Flag_Dot_LL := Val;
1078             when 'M' =>
1079                Debug_Flag_Dot_MM := Val;
1080             when 'N' =>
1081                Debug_Flag_Dot_NN := Val;
1082             when 'O' =>
1083                Debug_Flag_Dot_OO := Val;
1084             when 'P' =>
1085                Debug_Flag_Dot_PP := Val;
1086             when 'Q' =>
1087                Debug_Flag_Dot_QQ := Val;
1088             when 'R' =>
1089                Debug_Flag_Dot_RR := Val;
1090             when 'S' =>
1091                Debug_Flag_Dot_SS := Val;
1092             when 'T' =>
1093                Debug_Flag_Dot_TT := Val;
1094             when 'U' =>
1095                Debug_Flag_Dot_UU := Val;
1096             when 'V' =>
1097                Debug_Flag_Dot_VV := Val;
1098             when 'W' =>
1099                Debug_Flag_Dot_WW := Val;
1100             when 'X' =>
1101                Debug_Flag_Dot_XX := Val;
1102             when 'Y' =>
1103                Debug_Flag_Dot_YY := Val;
1104             when 'Z' =>
1105                Debug_Flag_Dot_ZZ := Val;
1106          end case;
1108       else
1109          case LLet (C) is
1110             when 'a' =>
1111                Debug_Flag_Dot_A := Val;
1112             when 'b' =>
1113                Debug_Flag_Dot_B := Val;
1114             when 'c' =>
1115                Debug_Flag_Dot_C := Val;
1116             when 'd' =>
1117                Debug_Flag_Dot_D := Val;
1118             when 'e' =>
1119                Debug_Flag_Dot_E := Val;
1120             when 'f' =>
1121                Debug_Flag_Dot_F := Val;
1122             when 'g' =>
1123                Debug_Flag_Dot_G := Val;
1124             when 'h' =>
1125                Debug_Flag_Dot_H := Val;
1126             when 'i' =>
1127                Debug_Flag_Dot_I := Val;
1128             when 'j' =>
1129                Debug_Flag_Dot_J := Val;
1130             when 'k' =>
1131                Debug_Flag_Dot_K := Val;
1132             when 'l' =>
1133                Debug_Flag_Dot_L := Val;
1134             when 'm' =>
1135                Debug_Flag_Dot_M := Val;
1136             when 'n' =>
1137                Debug_Flag_Dot_N := Val;
1138             when 'o' =>
1139                Debug_Flag_Dot_O := Val;
1140             when 'p' =>
1141                Debug_Flag_Dot_P := Val;
1142             when 'q' =>
1143                Debug_Flag_Dot_Q := Val;
1144             when 'r' =>
1145                Debug_Flag_Dot_R := Val;
1146             when 's' =>
1147                Debug_Flag_Dot_S := Val;
1148             when 't' =>
1149                Debug_Flag_Dot_T := Val;
1150             when 'u' =>
1151                Debug_Flag_Dot_U := Val;
1152             when 'v' =>
1153                Debug_Flag_Dot_V := Val;
1154             when 'w' =>
1155                Debug_Flag_Dot_W := Val;
1156             when 'x' =>
1157                Debug_Flag_Dot_X := Val;
1158             when 'y' =>
1159                Debug_Flag_Dot_Y := Val;
1160             when 'z' =>
1161                Debug_Flag_Dot_Z := Val;
1162          end case;
1163       end if;
1164    end Set_Dotted_Debug_Flag;
1166 end Debug;