File : lib-load.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                             L I B . L O A D                              --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
  17 -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
  18 -- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
  19 -- for a complete copy of the license.          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  22 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 with Atree;    use Atree;
  27 with Debug;    use Debug;
  28 with Einfo;    use Einfo;
  29 with Errout;   use Errout;
  30 with Fname;    use Fname;
  31 with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
  32 with Nlists;   use Nlists;
  33 with Nmake;    use Nmake;
  34 with Opt;      use Opt;
  35 with Osint;    use Osint;
  36 with Osint.C;  use Osint.C;
  37 with Output;   use Output;
  38 with Par;
  39 with Restrict; use Restrict;
  40 with Scn;      use Scn;
  41 with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;
  42 with Sinput;   use Sinput;
  43 with Sinput.L; use Sinput.L;
  44 with Stand;    use Stand;
  45 with Tbuild;   use Tbuild;
  46 with Uname;    use Uname;
  48 package body Lib.Load is
  50    -----------------------
  51    -- Local Subprograms --
  52    -----------------------
  54    function From_Limited_With_Chain return Boolean;
  55    --  Check whether a possible circular dependence includes units that
  56    --  have been loaded through limited_with clauses, in which case there
  57    --  is no real circularity.
  59    function Spec_Is_Irrelevant
  60      (Spec_Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
  61       Body_Unit : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean;
  62    --  The Spec_Unit and Body_Unit parameters are the unit numbers of the
  63    --  spec file that corresponds to the main unit which is a body. This
  64    --  function determines if the spec file is irrelevant and will be
  65    --  overridden by the body as described in RM 10.1.4(4). See description
  66    --  in "Special Handling of Subprogram Bodies" for further details.
  68    procedure Write_Dependency_Chain;
  69    --  This procedure is used to generate error message info lines that
  70    --  trace the current dependency chain when a load error occurs.
  72    ------------------------------
  73    -- Change_Main_Unit_To_Spec --
  74    ------------------------------
  76    procedure Change_Main_Unit_To_Spec is
  77       U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (Main_Unit);
  78       N : File_Name_Type;
  79       X : Source_File_Index;
  81    begin
  82       --  Get name of unit body
  84       Get_Name_String (U.Unit_File_Name);
  86       --  Note: for the following we should really generalize and consult the
  87       --  file name pattern data, but for now we just deal with the common
  88       --  naming cases, which is probably good enough in practice ???
  90       --  Change .adb to .ads
  92       if Name_Len >= 5
  93         and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len) = ".adb"
  94       then
  95          Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := 's';
  97       --  Change .2.ada to .1.ada (Rational convention)
  99       elsif Name_Len >= 7
 100         and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 5 .. Name_Len) = ".2.ada"
 101       then
 102          Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 4) := '1';
 104       --  Change .ada to _.ada (DEC convention)
 106       elsif Name_Len >= 5
 107         and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len) = ".ada"
 108       then
 109          Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len + 1) := "_.ada";
 110          Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
 112       --  No match, don't make the change
 114       else
 115          return;
 116       end if;
 118       --  Try loading the spec
 120       N := Name_Find;
 121       X := Load_Source_File (N);
 123       --  No change if we did not find the spec
 125       if X = No_Source_File then
 126          return;
 127       end if;
 129       --  Otherwise modify Main_Unit entry to point to spec
 131       U.Unit_File_Name := N;
 132       U.Source_Index := X;
 133    end Change_Main_Unit_To_Spec;
 135    -------------------------------
 136    -- Create_Dummy_Package_Unit --
 137    -------------------------------
 139    function Create_Dummy_Package_Unit
 140      (With_Node : Node_Id;
 141       Spec_Name : Unit_Name_Type) return Unit_Number_Type
 142    is
 143       Unum         : Unit_Number_Type;
 144       Cunit_Entity : Entity_Id;
 145       Cunit        : Node_Id;
 146       Du_Name      : Node_Or_Entity_Id;
 147       End_Lab      : Node_Id;
 148       Save_CS      : constant Boolean := Get_Comes_From_Source_Default;
 150    begin
 151       --  The created dummy package unit does not come from source
 153       Set_Comes_From_Source_Default (False);
 155       --  Normal package
 157       if Nkind (Name (With_Node)) = N_Identifier then
 158          Cunit_Entity :=
 159            Make_Defining_Identifier (No_Location,
 160              Chars => Chars (Name (With_Node)));
 161          Du_Name := Cunit_Entity;
 162          End_Lab := New_Occurrence_Of (Cunit_Entity, No_Location);
 164       --  Child package
 166       else
 167          Cunit_Entity :=
 168            Make_Defining_Identifier (No_Location,
 169              Chars => Chars (Selector_Name (Name (With_Node))));
 170          Du_Name :=
 171            Make_Defining_Program_Unit_Name (No_Location,
 172              Name => Copy_Separate_Tree (Prefix (Name (With_Node))),
 173              Defining_Identifier => Cunit_Entity);
 175          Set_Is_Child_Unit (Cunit_Entity);
 177          End_Lab :=
 178            Make_Designator (No_Location,
 179              Name => Copy_Separate_Tree (Prefix (Name (With_Node))),
 180              Identifier => New_Occurrence_Of (Cunit_Entity, No_Location));
 181       end if;
 183       Set_Scope (Cunit_Entity, Standard_Standard);
 185       Cunit :=
 186         Make_Compilation_Unit (No_Location,
 187           Context_Items => Empty_List,
 188           Unit =>
 189             Make_Package_Declaration (No_Location,
 190               Specification =>
 191                 Make_Package_Specification (No_Location,
 192                   Defining_Unit_Name   => Du_Name,
 193                   Visible_Declarations => Empty_List,
 194                   End_Label            => End_Lab)),
 195           Aux_Decls_Node =>
 196             Make_Compilation_Unit_Aux (No_Location));
 198       --  Mark the dummy package as analyzed to prevent analysis of this
 199       --  (non-existent) unit in -gnatQ mode because at the moment the
 200       --  structure and attributes of this dummy package does not allow
 201       --  a normal analysis of this unit
 203       Set_Analyzed (Cunit);
 205       Units.Increment_Last;
 206       Unum := Units.Last;
 208       Units.Table (Unum) := (
 209         Cunit             => Cunit,
 210         Cunit_Entity      => Cunit_Entity,
 211         Dependency_Num    => 0,
 212         Dynamic_Elab      => False,
 213         Error_Location    => Sloc (With_Node),
 214         Expected_Unit     => Spec_Name,
 215         Fatal_Error       => Error_Detected,
 216         Generate_Code     => False,
 217         Has_RACW          => False,
 218         Filler            => False,
 219         Ident_String      => Empty,
 220         Loading           => False,
 221         Main_Priority     => Default_Main_Priority,
 222         Main_CPU          => Default_Main_CPU,
 223         Munit_Index       => 0,
 224         No_Elab_Code_All  => False,
 225         Serial_Number     => 0,
 226         Source_Index      => No_Source_File,
 227         Unit_File_Name    => Get_File_Name (Spec_Name, Subunit => False),
 228         Unit_Name         => Spec_Name,
 229         Version           => 0,
 230         OA_Setting        => 'O',
 231         SPARK_Mode_Pragma => Empty);
 233       Set_Comes_From_Source_Default (Save_CS);
 234       Set_Error_Posted (Cunit_Entity);
 235       Set_Error_Posted (Cunit);
 236       return Unum;
 237    end Create_Dummy_Package_Unit;
 239    -----------------------------
 240    -- From_Limited_With_Chain --
 241    -----------------------------
 243    function From_Limited_With_Chain return Boolean is
 244       Curr_Num : constant Unit_Number_Type :=
 245                    Load_Stack.Table (Load_Stack.Last).Unit_Number;
 247    begin
 248       --  True if the current load operation is through a limited_with clause
 249       --  and we are not within a loop of regular with_clauses.
 251       for U in reverse Load_Stack.First .. Load_Stack.Last - 1 loop
 252          if Load_Stack.Table (U).Unit_Number = Curr_Num then
 253             return False;
 255          elsif Present (Load_Stack.Table (U).With_Node)
 256            and then Limited_Present (Load_Stack.Table (U).With_Node)
 257          then
 258             return True;
 259          end if;
 260       end loop;
 262       return False;
 263    end From_Limited_With_Chain;
 265    ----------------
 266    -- Initialize --
 267    ----------------
 269    procedure Initialize is
 270    begin
 271       Units.Init;
 272       Load_Stack.Init;
 273    end Initialize;
 275    ------------------------
 276    -- Initialize_Version --
 277    ------------------------
 279    procedure Initialize_Version (U : Unit_Number_Type) is
 280    begin
 281       Units.Table (U).Version := Source_Checksum (Source_Index (U));
 282    end Initialize_Version;
 284    ----------------------
 285    -- Load_Main_Source --
 286    ----------------------
 288    procedure Load_Main_Source is
 289       Fname   : File_Name_Type;
 290       Version : Word := 0;
 292    begin
 293       Load_Stack.Increment_Last;
 294       Load_Stack.Table (Load_Stack.Last) := (Main_Unit, Empty);
 296       --  Initialize unit table entry for Main_Unit. Note that we don't know
 297       --  the unit name yet, that gets filled in when the parser parses the
 298       --  main unit, at which time a check is made that it matches the main
 299       --  file name, and then the Unit_Name field is set. The Cunit and
 300       --  Cunit_Entity fields also get filled in later by the parser.
 302       Units.Increment_Last;
 303       Fname := Next_Main_Source;
 305       Units.Table (Main_Unit).Unit_File_Name := Fname;
 307       if Fname /= No_File then
 308          Main_Source_File := Load_Source_File (Fname);
 309          Current_Error_Source_File := Main_Source_File;
 311          if Main_Source_File /= No_Source_File then
 312             Version := Source_Checksum (Main_Source_File);
 313          end if;
 315          Units.Table (Main_Unit) := (
 316            Cunit             => Empty,
 317            Cunit_Entity      => Empty,
 318            Dependency_Num    => 0,
 319            Dynamic_Elab      => False,
 320            Error_Location    => No_Location,
 321            Expected_Unit     => No_Unit_Name,
 322            Fatal_Error       => None,
 323            Generate_Code     => False,
 324            Has_RACW          => False,
 325            Filler            => False,
 326            Ident_String      => Empty,
 327            Loading           => True,
 328            Main_Priority     => Default_Main_Priority,
 329            Main_CPU          => Default_Main_CPU,
 330            Munit_Index       => 0,
 331            No_Elab_Code_All  => False,
 332            Serial_Number     => 0,
 333            Source_Index      => Main_Source_File,
 334            Unit_File_Name    => Fname,
 335            Unit_Name         => No_Unit_Name,
 336            Version           => Version,
 337            OA_Setting        => 'O',
 338            SPARK_Mode_Pragma => Empty);
 339       end if;
 340    end Load_Main_Source;
 342    ---------------
 343    -- Load_Unit --
 344    ---------------
 346    function Load_Unit
 347      (Load_Name         : Unit_Name_Type;
 348       Required          : Boolean;
 349       Error_Node        : Node_Id;
 350       Subunit           : Boolean;
 351       Corr_Body         : Unit_Number_Type := No_Unit;
 352       Renamings         : Boolean          := False;
 353       With_Node         : Node_Id          := Empty;
 354       PMES              : Boolean          := False) return Unit_Number_Type
 355    is
 356       Calling_Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
 357       Uname_Actual : Unit_Name_Type;
 358       Unum         : Unit_Number_Type;
 359       Unump        : Unit_Number_Type;
 360       Fname        : File_Name_Type;
 361       Src_Ind      : Source_File_Index;
 362       Save_PMES    : constant Boolean := Parsing_Main_Extended_Source;
 364       Save_Cunit_Restrictions : constant Save_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions :=
 365                                   Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions_Save;
 366       --  Save current restrictions for restore at end
 368    begin
 369       Parsing_Main_Extended_Source := PMES;
 371       --  Initialize restrictions to config restrictions for unit to load if
 372       --  it is part of the main extended source, otherwise reset them.
 374       --  Note: it's a bit odd but PMES is False for subunits, which is why
 375       --  we have the OR here. Should be investigated some time???
 377       if PMES or Subunit then
 378          Restore_Config_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
 379       else
 380          Reset_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
 381       end if;
 383       --  If renamings are allowed and we have a child unit name, then we
 384       --  must first load the parent to deal with finding the real name.
 385       --  Retain the with_clause that names the child, so that if it is
 386       --  limited, the parent is loaded under the same condition.
 388       if Renamings and then Is_Child_Name (Load_Name) then
 389          Unump :=
 390            Load_Unit
 391              (Load_Name  => Get_Parent_Spec_Name (Load_Name),
 392               Required   => Required,
 393               Subunit    => False,
 394               Renamings  => True,
 395               Error_Node => Error_Node,
 396               With_Node  => With_Node);
 398          if Unump = No_Unit then
 399             Parsing_Main_Extended_Source := Save_PMES;
 400             return No_Unit;
 401          end if;
 403          --  If parent is a renaming, then we use the renamed package as
 404          --  the actual parent for the subsequent load operation.
 406          if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unump))) = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration then
 407             Uname_Actual :=
 408               New_Child
 409                 (Load_Name, Get_Unit_Name (Name (Unit (Cunit (Unump)))));
 411             --  If the load is for a with_clause, for visibility purposes both
 412             --  the renamed entity and renaming one must be available in the
 413             --  current unit: the renamed one in order to retrieve the child
 414             --  unit, and the original one because it may be used as a prefix
 415             --  in the body of the current unit. We add an explicit with_clause
 416             --  for the original parent so that the renaming declaration is
 417             --  properly loaded and analyzed.
 419             if Present (With_Node) then
 420                Insert_After (With_Node,
 421                  Make_With_Clause (Sloc (With_Node),
 422                    Name => Copy_Separate_Tree (Prefix (Name (With_Node)))));
 423             end if;
 425             --  Save the renaming entity, to establish its visibility when
 426             --  installing the context. The implicit with is on this entity,
 427             --  not on the package it renames. This is somewhat redundant given
 428             --  the with_clause just created, but it simplifies subsequent
 429             --  expansion of the current with_clause. Optimizable ???
 431             if Nkind (Error_Node) = N_With_Clause
 432               and then Nkind (Name (Error_Node)) = N_Selected_Component
 433             then
 434                declare
 435                   Par : Node_Id := Name (Error_Node);
 437                begin
 438                   while Nkind (Par) = N_Selected_Component
 439                     and then Chars (Selector_Name (Par)) /=
 440                              Chars (Cunit_Entity (Unump))
 441                   loop
 442                      Par := Prefix (Par);
 443                   end loop;
 445                   --  Case of some intermediate parent is a renaming
 447                   if Nkind (Par) = N_Selected_Component then
 448                      Set_Entity (Selector_Name (Par), Cunit_Entity (Unump));
 450                   --  Case where the ultimate parent is a renaming
 452                   else
 453                      Set_Entity (Par, Cunit_Entity (Unump));
 454                   end if;
 455                end;
 456             end if;
 458          --  If the parent is not a renaming, then get its name (this may
 459          --  be different from the parent spec name obtained above because
 460          --  of renamings higher up in the hierarchy).
 462          else
 463             Uname_Actual := New_Child (Load_Name, Unit_Name (Unump));
 464          end if;
 466       --  Here if unit to be loaded is not a child unit
 468       else
 469          Uname_Actual := Load_Name;
 470       end if;
 472       Fname := Get_File_Name (Uname_Actual, Subunit);
 474       if Debug_Flag_L then
 475          Write_Eol;
 476          Write_Str ("*** Load request for unit: ");
 477          Write_Unit_Name (Load_Name);
 479          if Required then
 480             Write_Str (" (Required = True)");
 481          else
 482             Write_Str (" (Required = False)");
 483          end if;
 485          Write_Eol;
 487          if Uname_Actual /= Load_Name then
 488             Write_Str ("*** Actual unit loaded: ");
 489             Write_Unit_Name (Uname_Actual);
 490          end if;
 491       end if;
 493       --  Capture error location if it is for the main unit. The idea is to
 494       --  post errors on the main unit location, not the most recent unit.
 495       --  Note: Unit_Name (Main_Unit) is not set if we are parsing gnat.adc.
 497       if Present (Error_Node)
 498         and then Unit_Name (Main_Unit) /= No_Unit_Name
 499       then
 500          --  It seems like In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Error_Node) would
 501          --  do the trick here, but that's wrong, it is much too early to
 502          --  call this routine. We are still in the parser, and the required
 503          --  semantic information is not established yet. So we base the
 504          --  judgment on unit names.
 506          Get_External_Unit_Name_String (Unit_Name (Main_Unit));
 508          declare
 509             Main_Unit_Name : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
 511          begin
 512             Get_External_Unit_Name_String
 513               (Unit_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Error_Node)));
 515             --  If the two names are identical, then for sure we are part
 516             --  of the extended main unit
 518             if Main_Unit_Name = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) then
 519                Load_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Error_Node);
 521             --  If the load is called from a with_type clause, the error
 522             --  node is correct.
 524             --  Otherwise, check for the subunit case, and if so, consider
 525             --  we have a match if one name is a prefix of the other name.
 527             else
 528                if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Main_Unit))) = N_Subunit
 529                     or else
 530                   Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Get_Source_Unit (Error_Node)))) =
 531                                                                 N_Subunit
 532                then
 533                   Name_Len := Integer'Min (Name_Len, Main_Unit_Name'Length);
 535                   if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)
 536                         =
 537                      Main_Unit_Name (1 .. Name_Len)
 538                   then
 539                      Load_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Error_Node);
 540                   end if;
 541                end if;
 542             end if;
 543          end;
 544       end if;
 546       --  If we are generating error messages, then capture calling unit
 548       if Present (Error_Node) then
 549          Calling_Unit := Get_Source_Unit (Error_Node);
 550       else
 551          Calling_Unit := No_Unit;
 552       end if;
 554       --  See if we already have an entry for this unit
 556       Unum := Main_Unit;
 557       while Unum <= Units.Last loop
 558          exit when Uname_Actual = Units.Table (Unum).Unit_Name;
 559          Unum := Unum + 1;
 560       end loop;
 562       --  Whether or not the entry was found, Unum is now the right value,
 563       --  since it is one more than Units.Last (i.e. the index of the new
 564       --  entry we will create) in the not found case.
 566       --  A special check is necessary in the unit not found case. If the unit
 567       --  is not found, but the file in which it lives has already been loaded,
 568       --  then we have the problem that the file does not contain the unit that
 569       --  is needed. We simply treat this as a file not found condition.
 571       --  We skip this test in multiple unit per file mode since in this
 572       --  case we can have multiple units from the same source file.
 574       if Unum > Units.Last and then Get_Unit_Index (Uname_Actual) = 0 then
 575          for J in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
 576             if Fname = Units.Table (J).Unit_File_Name then
 577                if Debug_Flag_L then
 578                   Write_Str ("  file does not contain unit, Unit_Number = ");
 579                   Write_Int (Int (Unum));
 580                   Write_Eol;
 581                   Write_Eol;
 582                end if;
 584                if Present (Error_Node) then
 585                   if Is_Predefined_File_Name (Fname) then
 586                      Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Uname_Actual;
 587                      Error_Msg
 588                        ("$$ is not a language defined unit", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 589                   else
 590                      Error_Msg_File_1 := Fname;
 591                      Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Uname_Actual;
 592                      Error_Msg ("File{ does not contain unit$", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 593                   end if;
 595                   Write_Dependency_Chain;
 596                   Unum := No_Unit;
 597                   goto Done;
 599                else
 600                   Unum := No_Unit;
 601                   goto Done;
 602                end if;
 603             end if;
 604          end loop;
 605       end if;
 607       --  If we are proceeding with load, then make load stack entry,
 608       --  and indicate the kind of with_clause responsible for the load.
 610       Load_Stack.Increment_Last;
 611       Load_Stack.Table (Load_Stack.Last) := (Unum, With_Node);
 613       --  Case of entry already in table
 615       if Unum <= Units.Last then
 617          --  Here is where we check for a circular dependency, which is
 618          --  an attempt to load a unit which is currently in the process
 619          --  of being loaded. We do *not* care about a circular chain that
 620          --  leads back to a body, because this kind of circular dependence
 621          --  legitimately occurs (e.g. two package bodies that contain
 622          --  inlined subprogram referenced by the other).
 624          --  Ada 2005 (AI-50217): We also ignore limited_with clauses, because
 625          --  their purpose is precisely to create legal circular structures.
 627          if Loading (Unum)
 628            and then (Is_Spec_Name (Units.Table (Unum).Unit_Name)
 629                        or else Acts_As_Spec (Units.Table (Unum).Cunit))
 630            and then (Nkind (Error_Node) /= N_With_Clause
 631                        or else not Limited_Present (Error_Node))
 632            and then not From_Limited_With_Chain
 633          then
 634             if Debug_Flag_L then
 635                Write_Str ("  circular dependency encountered");
 636                Write_Eol;
 637             end if;
 639             if Present (Error_Node) then
 640                Error_Msg ("circular unit dependency", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 641                Write_Dependency_Chain;
 642             else
 643                Load_Stack.Decrement_Last;
 644             end if;
 646             Unum := No_Unit;
 647             goto Done;
 648          end if;
 650          if Debug_Flag_L then
 651             Write_Str ("  unit already in file table, Unit_Number = ");
 652             Write_Int (Int (Unum));
 653             Write_Eol;
 654          end if;
 656          Load_Stack.Decrement_Last;
 657          goto Done;
 659       --  Unit is not already in table, so try to open the file
 661       else
 662          if Debug_Flag_L then
 663             Write_Str ("  attempt unit load, Unit_Number = ");
 664             Write_Int (Int (Unum));
 665             Write_Eol;
 666          end if;
 668          Src_Ind := Load_Source_File (Fname);
 670          --  Make a partial entry in the file table, used even in the file not
 671          --  found case to print the dependency chain including the last entry
 673          Units.Increment_Last;
 674          Units.Table (Unum).Unit_Name := Uname_Actual;
 676          --  File was found
 678          if Src_Ind /= No_Source_File then
 679             Units.Table (Unum) := (
 680               Cunit             => Empty,
 681               Cunit_Entity      => Empty,
 682               Dependency_Num    => 0,
 683               Dynamic_Elab      => False,
 684               Error_Location    => Sloc (Error_Node),
 685               Expected_Unit     => Uname_Actual,
 686               Fatal_Error       => None,
 687               Generate_Code     => False,
 688               Has_RACW          => False,
 689               Filler            => False,
 690               Ident_String      => Empty,
 691               Loading           => True,
 692               Main_Priority     => Default_Main_Priority,
 693               Main_CPU          => Default_Main_CPU,
 694               Munit_Index       => 0,
 695               No_Elab_Code_All  => False,
 696               Serial_Number     => 0,
 697               Source_Index      => Src_Ind,
 698               Unit_File_Name    => Fname,
 699               Unit_Name         => Uname_Actual,
 700               Version           => Source_Checksum (Src_Ind),
 701               OA_Setting        => 'O',
 702               SPARK_Mode_Pragma => Empty);
 704             --  Parse the new unit
 706             declare
 707                Save_Index : constant Nat     := Multiple_Unit_Index;
 708                Save_PMES  : constant Boolean := Parsing_Main_Extended_Source;
 710             begin
 711                Multiple_Unit_Index := Get_Unit_Index (Uname_Actual);
 712                Units.Table (Unum).Munit_Index := Multiple_Unit_Index;
 713                Initialize_Scanner (Unum, Source_Index (Unum));
 715                if Calling_Unit = Main_Unit and then Subunit then
 716                   Parsing_Main_Extended_Source := True;
 717                end if;
 719                Discard_List (Par (Configuration_Pragmas => False));
 721                Parsing_Main_Extended_Source := Save_PMES;
 723                Multiple_Unit_Index := Save_Index;
 724                Set_Loading (Unum, False);
 725             end;
 727             --  If spec is irrelevant, then post errors and quit
 729             if Corr_Body /= No_Unit
 730               and then Spec_Is_Irrelevant (Unum, Corr_Body)
 731             then
 732                Error_Msg_File_1 := Unit_File_Name (Corr_Body);
 733                Error_Msg
 734                  ("cannot compile subprogram in file {!", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 735                Error_Msg_File_1 := Unit_File_Name (Unum);
 736                Error_Msg
 737                  ("\incorrect spec in file { must be removed first!",
 738                   Load_Msg_Sloc);
 739                Unum := No_Unit;
 740                goto Done;
 741             end if;
 743             --  If loaded unit had an error, then caller inherits setting
 745             if Present (Error_Node) then
 746                case Units.Table (Unum).Fatal_Error is
 748                   --  Nothing to do if with'ed unit had no error
 750                   when None =>
 751                      null;
 753                   --  If with'ed unit had a detected fatal error, propagate it
 755                   when Error_Detected =>
 756                      Units.Table (Calling_Unit).Fatal_Error := Error_Detected;
 758                   --  If with'ed unit had an ignored error, then propagate it
 759                   --  but do not overide an existring setting.
 761                   when Error_Ignored =>
 762                      if Units.Table (Calling_Unit).Fatal_Error = None then
 763                         Units.Table (Calling_Unit).Fatal_Error :=
 764                                                                Error_Ignored;
 765                      end if;
 766                end case;
 767             end if;
 769             --  Remove load stack entry and return the entry in the file table
 771             Load_Stack.Decrement_Last;
 773             --  All done, return unit number
 775             goto Done;
 777          --  Case of file not found
 779          else
 780             if Debug_Flag_L then
 781                Write_Str ("  file was not found, load failed");
 782                Write_Eol;
 783             end if;
 785             --  Generate message if unit required
 787             if Required and then Present (Error_Node) then
 788                if Is_Predefined_File_Name (Fname) then
 790                   --  This is a predefined library unit which is not present
 791                   --  in the run time. If a predefined unit is not available
 792                   --  it may very likely be the case that there is also pragma
 793                   --  Restriction forbidding its usage. This is typically the
 794                   --  case when building a configurable run time, where the
 795                   --  usage of certain run-time units is restricted by means
 796                   --  of both the corresponding pragma Restriction (such as
 797                   --  No_Calendar), and by not including the unit. Hence, we
 798                   --  check whether this predefined unit is forbidden, so that
 799                   --  the message about the restriction violation is generated,
 800                   --  if needed.
 802                   Check_Restricted_Unit (Load_Name, Error_Node);
 804                   Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Uname_Actual;
 805                   Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
 806                     ("$$ is not a predefined library unit", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 808                else
 809                   Error_Msg_File_1 := Fname;
 810                   Error_Msg ("file{ not found", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 811                end if;
 813                Write_Dependency_Chain;
 815                --  Remove unit from stack, to avoid cascaded errors on
 816                --  subsequent missing files.
 818                Load_Stack.Decrement_Last;
 819                Units.Decrement_Last;
 821             --  If unit not required, remove load stack entry and the junk
 822             --  file table entry, and return No_Unit to indicate not found,
 824             else
 825                Load_Stack.Decrement_Last;
 826                Units.Decrement_Last;
 827             end if;
 829             Unum := No_Unit;
 830             goto Done;
 831          end if;
 832       end if;
 834       --  Here to exit, with result in Unum
 836       <<Done>>
 837       Parsing_Main_Extended_Source := Save_PMES;
 838       Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions_Restore (Save_Cunit_Restrictions);
 839       return Unum;
 840    end Load_Unit;
 842    --------------------------
 843    -- Make_Child_Decl_Unit --
 844    --------------------------
 846    procedure Make_Child_Decl_Unit (N : Node_Id) is
 847       Unit_Decl : constant Node_Id := Library_Unit (N);
 849    begin
 850       Units.Increment_Last;
 851       Units.Table (Units.Last) := Units.Table (Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (N));
 852       Units.Table (Units.Last).Unit_Name :=
 853         Get_Spec_Name (Unit_Name (Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (N)));
 854       Units.Table (Units.Last).Cunit := Unit_Decl;
 855       Units.Table (Units.Last).Cunit_Entity  :=
 856         Defining_Identifier
 857           (Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Unit (Unit_Decl))));
 859       --  The library unit created for of a child subprogram unit plays no
 860       --  role in code generation and binding, so label it accordingly.
 862       Units.Table (Units.Last).Generate_Code := False;
 863       Set_Has_No_Elaboration_Code (Unit_Decl);
 864    end Make_Child_Decl_Unit;
 866    ------------------------
 867    -- Make_Instance_Unit --
 868    ------------------------
 870    --  If the unit is an instance, it appears as a package declaration, but
 871    --  contains both declaration and body of the instance. The body becomes
 872    --  the main unit of the compilation, and the declaration is inserted
 873    --  at the end of the unit table. The main unit now has the name of a
 874    --  body, which is constructed from the name of the original spec,
 875    --  and is attached to the compilation node of the original unit. The
 876    --  declaration has been attached to a new compilation unit node, and
 877    --  code will have to be generated for it.
 879    procedure Make_Instance_Unit (N : Node_Id; In_Main : Boolean) is
 880       Sind : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (Main_Unit);
 882    begin
 883       Units.Increment_Last;
 885       if In_Main then
 886          Units.Table (Units.Last)               := Units.Table (Main_Unit);
 887          Units.Table (Units.Last).Cunit         := Library_Unit (N);
 888          Units.Table (Units.Last).Generate_Code := True;
 889          Units.Table (Main_Unit).Cunit          := N;
 890          Units.Table (Main_Unit).Unit_Name      :=
 891            Get_Body_Name
 892              (Unit_Name (Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (Library_Unit (N))));
 893          Units.Table (Main_Unit).Version        := Source_Checksum (Sind);
 895       else
 896          --  Duplicate information from instance unit, for the body. The unit
 897          --  node N has been rewritten as a body, but it was placed in the
 898          --  units table when first loaded as a declaration.
 900          Units.Table (Units.Last) := Units.Table (Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (N));
 901          Units.Table (Units.Last).Cunit := Library_Unit (N);
 902       end if;
 903    end Make_Instance_Unit;
 905    ------------------------
 906    -- Spec_Is_Irrelevant --
 907    ------------------------
 909    function Spec_Is_Irrelevant
 910      (Spec_Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
 911       Body_Unit : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean
 912    is
 913       Sunit : constant Node_Id := Cunit (Spec_Unit);
 914       Bunit : constant Node_Id := Cunit (Body_Unit);
 916    begin
 917       --  The spec is irrelevant if the body is a subprogram body, and the spec
 918       --  is other than a subprogram spec or generic subprogram spec. Note that
 919       --  the names must be the same, we don't need to check that, because we
 920       --  already know that from the fact that the file names are the same.
 922       return
 923          Nkind (Unit (Bunit)) = N_Subprogram_Body
 924            and then Nkind (Unit (Sunit)) /= N_Subprogram_Declaration
 925            and then Nkind (Unit (Sunit)) /= N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration;
 926    end Spec_Is_Irrelevant;
 928    --------------------
 929    -- Version_Update --
 930    --------------------
 932    procedure Version_Update (U : Node_Id; From : Node_Id) is
 933       Unum  : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (U);
 934       Fnum  : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (From);
 935    begin
 936       if Source_Index (Fnum) /= No_Source_File then
 937          Units.Table (Unum).Version :=
 938            Units.Table (Unum).Version
 939              xor
 940               Source_Checksum (Source_Index (Fnum));
 941       end if;
 942    end Version_Update;
 944    ----------------------------
 945    -- Write_Dependency_Chain --
 946    ----------------------------
 948    procedure Write_Dependency_Chain is
 949    begin
 950       --  The dependency chain is only written if it is at least two entries
 951       --  deep, otherwise it is trivial (the main unit depending on a unit
 952       --  that it obviously directly depends on).
 954       if Load_Stack.Last - 1 > Load_Stack.First then
 955          for U in Load_Stack.First .. Load_Stack.Last - 1 loop
 956             Error_Msg_Unit_1 :=
 957               Unit_Name (Load_Stack.Table (U).Unit_Number);
 958             Error_Msg_Unit_2 :=
 959               Unit_Name (Load_Stack.Table (U + 1).Unit_Number);
 960             Error_Msg ("$ depends on $!", Load_Msg_Sloc);
 961          end loop;
 962       end if;
 963    end Write_Dependency_Chain;
 965 end Lib.Load;