File : par-endh.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                             P A R . E N D H                              --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
  17 -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
  18 -- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
  19 -- for a complete copy of the license.          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  22 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 with Namet.Sp; use Namet.Sp;
  27 with Stringt;  use Stringt;
  28 with Uintp;    use Uintp;
  30 with GNAT.Spelling_Checker; use GNAT.Spelling_Checker;
  32 separate (Par)
  33 package body Endh is
  35    ----------------
  36    -- Local Data --
  37    ----------------
  39    type End_Action_Type is (
  40    --  Type used to describe the result of the Pop_End_Context call
  42       Accept_As_Scanned,
  43       --  Current end sequence is entirely c correct. In this case Token and
  44       --  the scan pointer are left pointing past the end sequence (i.e. they
  45       --  are unchanged from the values set on entry to Pop_End_Context).
  47       Insert_And_Accept,
  48       --  Current end sequence is to be left in place to satisfy some outer
  49       --  scope. Token and the scan pointer are set to point to the end
  50       --  token, and should be left there. A message has been generated
  51       --  indicating a missing end sequence. This status is also used for
  52       --  the case when no end token is present.
  54       Skip_And_Accept,
  55       --  The end sequence is incorrect (and an error message has been
  56       --  posted), but it will still be accepted. In this case Token and
  57       --  the scan pointer point back to the end token, and the caller
  58       --  should skip past the end sequence before proceeding.
  60       Skip_And_Reject);
  61       --  The end sequence is judged to belong to an unrecognized inner
  62       --  scope. An appropriate message has been issued and the caller
  63       --  should skip past the end sequence and then proceed as though
  64       --  no end sequence had been encountered.
  66    End_Action : End_Action_Type;
  67    --  The variable set by Pop_End_Context call showing which of the four
  68    --  decisions described above is judged the best.
  70    End_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
  71    --  Source location of END token
  73    End_OK : Boolean;
  74    --  Set False if error is found in END line
  76    End_Column : Column_Number;
  77    --  Column of END line
  79    End_Type : SS_End_Type;
  80    --  Type of END expected. The special value E_Dummy is set to indicate that
  81    --  no END token was present (so a missing END inserted message is needed)
  83    End_Labl : Node_Id;
  84    --  Node_Id value for explicit name on END line, or for compiler supplied
  85    --  name in the case where an optional name is not given. Empty if no name
  86    --  appears. If non-empty, then it is either an N_Designator node for a
  87    --  child unit or a node with a Chars field identifying the actual label.
  89    End_Labl_Present : Boolean;
  90    --  Indicates that the value in End_Labl was for an explicit label
  92    Syntax_OK : Boolean;
  93    --  Set True if the entry is syntactically correct
  95    Token_OK : Boolean;
  96    --  Set True if the keyword in the END sequence matches, or if neither
  97    --  the END sequence nor the END stack entry has a keyword.
  99    Label_OK : Boolean;
 100    --  Set True if both the END sequence and the END stack entry contained
 101    --  labels (other than No_Name or Error_Name) and the labels matched.
 102    --  This is a stronger condition than SYNTAX_OK, since it means that a
 103    --  label was present, even in a case where it was optional. Note that
 104    --  the case of no label required, and no label present does NOT set
 105    --  Label_OK to True, it is True only if a positive label match is found.
 107    Column_OK : Boolean;
 108    --  Column_OK is set True if the END sequence appears in the expected column
 110    Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
 111    --  Save state at start of END sequence, in case we decide not to eat it up
 113    -----------------------
 114    -- Local Subprograms --
 115    -----------------------
 117    procedure Evaluate_End_Entry (SS_Index : Nat);
 118    --  Compare scanned END entry (as recorded by a prior call to P_End_Scan)
 119    --  with a specified entry in the scope stack (the single parameter is the
 120    --  entry index in the scope stack). Note that Scan is not called. The above
 121    --  variables xxx_OK are set to indicate the result of the evaluation.
 123    function Explicit_Start_Label (SS_Index : Nat) return Boolean;
 124    --  Determines whether the specified entry in the scope stack has an
 125    --  explicit start label (i.e. one other than one that was created by
 126    --  the parser when no explicit label was present).
 128    procedure Output_End_Deleted;
 129    --  Output a message complaining that the current END structure does not
 130    --  match anything and is being deleted.
 132    procedure Output_End_Expected (Ins : Boolean);
 133    --  Output a message at the start of the current token which is always an
 134    --  END, complaining that the END is not of the right form. The message
 135    --  indicates the expected form. The information for the message is taken
 136    --  from the top entry in the scope stack. The Ins parameter is True if
 137    --  an end is being inserted, and false if an existing end is being
 138    --  replaced. Note that in the case of a suspicious IS for the Ins case,
 139    --  we do not output the message, but instead simply mark the scope stack
 140    --  entry as being a case of a bad IS.
 142    procedure Output_End_Missing;
 143    --  Output a message just before the current token, complaining that the
 144    --  END is not of the right form. The message indicates the expected form.
 145    --  The information for the message is taken from the top entry in the
 146    --  scope stack. Note that in the case of a suspicious IS, we do not output
 147    --  the message, but instead simply mark the scope stack entry as a bad IS.
 149    procedure Pop_End_Context;
 150    --  Pop_End_Context is called after processing a construct, to pop the
 151    --  top entry off the end stack. It decides on the appropriate action to
 152    --  to take, signalling the result by setting End_Action as described in
 153    --  the global variable section.
 155    function Same_Label (Label1, Label2 : Node_Id) return Boolean;
 156    --  This function compares the two names associated with the given nodes.
 157    --  If they are both simple (i.e. have Chars fields), then they have to
 158    --  be the same name. Otherwise they must both be N_Selected_Component
 159    --  nodes, referring to the same set of names, or Label1 is an N_Designator
 160    --  referring to the same set of names as the N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
 161    --  in Label2. Any other combination returns False. This routine is used
 162    --  to compare the End_Labl scanned from the End line with the saved label
 163    --  value in the scope stack.
 165    ---------------
 166    -- Check_End --
 167    ---------------
 169    function Check_End
 170      (Decl   : Node_Id    := Empty;
 171       Is_Loc : Source_Ptr := No_Location) return Boolean
 172    is
 173       Name_On_Separate_Line : Boolean;
 174       --  Set True if the name on an END line is on a separate source line
 175       --  from the END. This is highly suspicious, but is allowed. The point
 176       --  is that we want to make sure that we don't just have a missing
 177       --  semicolon misleading us into swallowing an identifier from the
 178       --  following line.
 180       Name_Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
 181       --  Save state at start of name if Name_On_Separate_Line is TRUE
 183       Span_Node : constant Node_Id := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Node;
 185    begin
 186       End_Labl_Present := False;
 187       End_Labl := Empty;
 189       --  Our first task is to scan out the END sequence if one is present.
 190       --  If none is present, signal by setting End_Type to E_Dummy.
 192       if Token /= Tok_End then
 193          End_Type := E_Dummy;
 195       else
 196          Save_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- at END
 197          End_Sloc := Token_Ptr;
 198          End_Column := Start_Column;
 199          End_OK := True;
 200          Scan; -- past END
 202          --  Set End_Span if expected. Note that this will be useless
 203          --  if we do not have the right ending keyword, but in this
 204          --  case we have a malformed program anyway, and the setting
 205          --  of End_Span will simply be unreliable in this case anyway.
 207          if Present (Span_Node) then
 208             Set_End_Location (Span_Node, Token_Ptr);
 209          end if;
 211          --  Cases of keywords where no label is allowed
 213          if Token = Tok_Case then
 214             End_Type := E_Case;
 215             Scan; -- past CASE
 217          elsif Token = Tok_If then
 218             End_Type := E_If;
 219             Scan; -- past IF
 221          elsif Token = Tok_Record then
 222             End_Type := E_Record;
 223             Scan; -- past RECORD
 225          elsif Token = Tok_Return then
 226             End_Type := E_Return;
 227             Scan; -- past RETURN
 229          elsif Token = Tok_Select then
 230             End_Type := E_Select;
 231             Scan; -- past SELECT
 233          --  Cases which do allow labels
 235          else
 236             --  LOOP
 238             if Token = Tok_Loop then
 239                Scan; -- past LOOP
 240                End_Type := E_Loop;
 242             --  FOR or WHILE allowed (signalling error) to substitute for LOOP
 243             --  if on the same line as the END.
 245             elsif (Token = Tok_For or else Token = Tok_While)
 246               and then not Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
 247             then
 248                Scan; -- past FOR or WHILE
 249                End_Type := E_Loop;
 250                End_OK := False;
 252             --  Cases with no keyword
 254             else
 255                End_Type := E_Name;
 256             end if;
 258             --  Now see if a name is present
 260             if Token = Tok_Identifier or else
 261                Token = Tok_String_Literal or else
 262                Token = Tok_Operator_Symbol
 263             then
 264                if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
 265                   Name_On_Separate_Line := True;
 266                   Save_Scan_State (Name_Scan_State);
 267                else
 268                   Name_On_Separate_Line := False;
 269                end if;
 271                End_Labl := P_Designator;
 272                End_Labl_Present := True;
 274                --  We have now scanned out a name. Here is where we do a check
 275                --  to catch the cases like:
 276                --
 277                --    end loop
 278                --    X := 3;
 279                --
 280                --  where the missing semicolon might make us swallow up the X
 281                --  as a bogus end label. In a situation like this, where the
 282                --  apparent name is on a separate line, we accept it only if
 283                --  it matches the label and is followed by a semicolon.
 285                if Name_On_Separate_Line then
 286                   if Token /= Tok_Semicolon or else
 287                     not Same_Label (End_Labl, Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl)
 288                   then
 289                      Restore_Scan_State (Name_Scan_State);
 290                      End_Labl := Empty;
 291                      End_Labl_Present := False;
 292                   end if;
 293                end if;
 295             --  Here for case of name allowed, but no name present. We will
 296             --  supply an implicit matching name, with source location set
 297             --  to the scan location past the END token.
 299             else
 300                End_Labl := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl;
 302                if End_Labl > Empty_Or_Error then
 304                   --  The task here is to construct a designator from the
 305                   --  opening label, with the components all marked as not
 306                   --  from source, and Is_End_Label set in the identifier
 307                   --  or operator symbol. The location for all components
 308                   --  is the current token location.
 310                   --  Case of child unit name
 312                   if Nkind (End_Labl) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
 313                      Child_End : declare
 314                         Eref : constant Node_Id :=
 315                                  Make_Identifier (Token_Ptr,
 316                                    Chars =>
 317                                      Chars (Defining_Identifier (End_Labl)));
 319                         function Copy_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
 320                         --  Copies a selected component or identifier
 322                         ---------------
 323                         -- Copy_Name --
 324                         ---------------
 326                         function Copy_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
 327                            R : Node_Id;
 329                         begin
 330                            if Nkind (N) = N_Selected_Component then
 331                               return
 332                                 Make_Selected_Component (Token_Ptr,
 333                                   Prefix        =>
 334                                     Copy_Name (Prefix (N)),
 335                                   Selector_Name =>
 336                                     Copy_Name (Selector_Name (N)));
 338                            else
 339                               R := Make_Identifier (Token_Ptr, Chars (N));
 340                               Set_Comes_From_Source (N, False);
 341                               return R;
 342                            end if;
 343                         end Copy_Name;
 345                      --  Start of processing for Child_End
 347                      begin
 348                         Set_Comes_From_Source (Eref, False);
 350                         End_Labl :=
 351                           Make_Designator (Token_Ptr,
 352                             Name       => Copy_Name (Name (End_Labl)),
 353                             Identifier => Eref);
 354                      end Child_End;
 356                   --  Simple identifier case
 358                   elsif Nkind (End_Labl) = N_Defining_Identifier
 359                     or else Nkind (End_Labl) = N_Identifier
 360                   then
 361                      End_Labl := Make_Identifier (Token_Ptr, Chars (End_Labl));
 363                   elsif Nkind (End_Labl) = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol
 364                     or else Nkind (End_Labl) = N_Operator_Symbol
 365                   then
 366                      Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (End_Labl));
 368                      End_Labl :=
 369                        Make_Operator_Symbol (Token_Ptr,
 370                          Chars  => Chars (End_Labl),
 371                          Strval => String_From_Name_Buffer);
 372                   end if;
 374                   Set_Comes_From_Source (End_Labl, False);
 375                   End_Labl_Present := False;
 377                   --  Do style check for label permitted but not present. Note:
 378                   --  for the case of a block statement, the label is required
 379                   --  to be repeated, and this legality rule is enforced
 380                   --  independently.
 382                   if Style_Check
 383                     and then End_Type = E_Name
 384                     and then Explicit_Start_Label (Scope.Last)
 385                     and then Nkind (Parent (Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl))
 386                                /= N_Block_Statement
 387                   then
 388                      Style.No_End_Name (Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl);
 389                   end if;
 390                end if;
 391             end if;
 392          end if;
 394          --  Deal with terminating aspect specifications and following semi-
 395          --  colon. We skip this in the case of END RECORD, since in this
 396          --  case the aspect specifications and semicolon are handled at
 397          --  a higher level.
 399          if End_Type /= E_Record then
 401             --  Scan aspect specifications
 403             if Aspect_Specifications_Present then
 405                --  Aspect specifications not allowed
 407                if No (Decl) then
 409                   --  Package declaration case
 411                   if Is_Loc /= No_Location then
 412                      Error_Msg_SC
 413                        ("misplaced aspects for package declaration");
 414                      Error_Msg
 415                        ("info: aspect specifications belong here??", Is_Loc);
 416                      P_Aspect_Specifications (Empty);
 418                   --  Other cases where aspect specifications are not allowed
 420                   else
 421                      P_Aspect_Specifications (Error);
 422                   end if;
 424                --  Aspect specifications allowed
 426                else
 427                   P_Aspect_Specifications (Decl);
 428                end if;
 430             --  If no aspect specifications, must have a semicolon
 432             elsif End_Type /= E_Record then
 433                if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
 434                   T_Semicolon;
 436                --  Semicolon is missing. If the missing semicolon is at the end
 437                --  of the line, i.e. we are at the start of the line now, then
 438                --  a missing semicolon gets flagged, but is not serious enough
 439                --  to consider the END statement to be bad in the sense that we
 440                --  are dealing with (i.e. to be suspicious that this END is not
 441                --  the END statement we are looking for).
 443                --  Similarly, if we are at a colon, we flag it but a colon for
 444                --  a semicolon is not serious enough to consider the END to be
 445                --  incorrect. Same thing for a period in place of a semicolon.
 447                elsif Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
 448                  or else Token = Tok_Colon
 449                  or else Token = Tok_Dot
 450                then
 451                   T_Semicolon;
 453                --  If the missing semicolon is not at the start of the line,
 454                --  then we consider the END line to be dubious in this sense.
 456                else
 457                   End_OK := False;
 458                end if;
 459             end if;
 460          end if;
 461       end if;
 463       --  Now we call the Pop_End_Context routine to get a recommendation
 464       --  as to what should be done with the END sequence we have scanned.
 466       Pop_End_Context;
 468       --  Remaining action depends on End_Action set by Pop_End_Context
 470       case End_Action is
 472          --  Accept_As_Scanned. In this case, Pop_End_Context left Token
 473          --  pointing past the last token of a syntactically correct END
 475          when Accept_As_Scanned =>
 477             --  Syntactically correct included the possibility of a missing
 478             --  semicolon. If we do have a missing semicolon, then we have
 479             --  already given a message, but now we scan out possible rubbish
 480             --  on the same line as the END
 482             while not Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
 483               and then Prev_Token /= Tok_Record
 484               and then Prev_Token /= Tok_Semicolon
 485               and then Token /= Tok_End
 486               and then Token /= Tok_EOF
 487             loop
 488                Scan; -- past junk
 489             end loop;
 491             return True;
 493          --  Insert_And_Accept. In this case, Pop_End_Context has reset Token
 494          --  to point to the start of the END sequence, and recommends that it
 495          --  be left in place to satisfy an outer scope level END. This means
 496          --  that we proceed as though an END were present, and leave the scan
 497          --  pointer unchanged.
 499          when Insert_And_Accept =>
 500             return True;
 502          --  Skip_And_Accept. In this case, Pop_End_Context has reset Token
 503          --  to point to the start of the END sequence. This END sequence is
 504          --  syntactically incorrect, and an appropriate error message has
 505          --  already been posted. Pop_End_Context recommends accepting the
 506          --  END sequence as the one we want, so we skip past it and then
 507          --  proceed as though an END were present.
 509          when Skip_And_Accept =>
 510             End_Skip;
 511             return True;
 513          --  Skip_And_Reject. In this case, Pop_End_Context has reset Token
 514          --  to point to the start of the END sequence. This END sequence is
 515          --  syntactically incorrect, and an appropriate error message has
 516          --  already been posted. Pop_End_Context recommends entirely ignoring
 517          --  this END sequence, so we skip past it and then return False, since
 518          --  as far as the caller is concerned, no END sequence is present.
 520          when Skip_And_Reject =>
 521             End_Skip;
 522             return False;
 523       end case;
 524    end Check_End;
 526    --------------
 527    -- End Skip --
 528    --------------
 530    --  This procedure skips past an END sequence. On entry Token contains
 531    --  Tok_End, and we know that the END sequence is syntactically incorrect,
 532    --  and that an appropriate error message has already been posted. The
 533    --  mission is simply to position the scan pointer to be the best guess of
 534    --  the position after the END sequence. We do not issue any additional
 535    --  error messages while carrying this out.
 537    --  Error recovery: does not raise Error_Resync
 539    procedure End_Skip is
 540    begin
 541       Scan; -- past END
 543       --  If the scan past the END leaves us on the next line, that's probably
 544       --  where we should quit the scan, since it is likely that what we have
 545       --  is a missing semicolon. Consider the following:
 547       --       END
 548       --       Process_Input;
 550       --  This will have looked like a syntactically valid END sequence to the
 551       --  initial scan of the END, but subsequent checking will have determined
 552       --  that the label Process_Input is not an appropriate label. The real
 553       --  error is a missing semicolon after the END, and by leaving the scan
 554       --  pointer just past the END, we will improve the error recovery.
 556       if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
 557          return;
 558       end if;
 560       --  If there is a semicolon after the END, scan it out and we are done
 562       if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
 563          T_Semicolon;
 564          return;
 565       end if;
 567       --  Otherwise skip past a token after the END on the same line. Note
 568       --  that we do not eat a token on the following line since it seems
 569       --  very unlikely in any case that the END gets separated from its
 570       --  token, and we do not want to swallow up a keyword that starts a
 571       --  legitimate construct following the bad END.
 573       if not Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
 574         and then
 576          --  Cases of normal tokens following an END
 578           (Token = Tok_Case   or else
 579            Token = Tok_For    or else
 580            Token = Tok_If     or else
 581            Token = Tok_Loop   or else
 582            Token = Tok_Record or else
 583            Token = Tok_Select or else
 585          --  Cases of bogus keywords ending loops
 587            Token = Tok_For    or else
 588            Token = Tok_While  or else
 590          --  Cases of operator symbol names without quotes
 592            Token = Tok_Abs    or else
 593            Token = Tok_And    or else
 594            Token = Tok_Mod    or else
 595            Token = Tok_Not    or else
 596            Token = Tok_Or     or else
 597            Token = Tok_Xor)
 599       then
 600          Scan; -- past token after END
 602          --  If that leaves us on the next line, then we are done. This is the
 603          --  same principle described above for the case of END at line end
 605          if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
 606             return;
 608          --  If we just scanned out record, then we are done, since the
 609          --  semicolon after END RECORD is not part of the END sequence
 611          elsif Prev_Token = Tok_Record then
 612             return;
 614          --  If we have a semicolon, scan it out and we are done
 616          elsif Token = Tok_Semicolon then
 617             T_Semicolon;
 618             return;
 619          end if;
 620       end if;
 622       --  Check for a label present on the same line
 624       loop
 625          if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
 626             return;
 627          end if;
 629          if Token /= Tok_Identifier
 630            and then Token /= Tok_Operator_Symbol
 631            and then Token /= Tok_String_Literal
 632          then
 633             exit;
 634          end if;
 636          Scan; -- past identifier, operator symbol or string literal
 638          if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
 639             return;
 640          elsif Token = Tok_Dot then
 641             Scan; -- past dot
 642          end if;
 643       end loop;
 645       --  Skip final semicolon
 647       if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
 648          T_Semicolon;
 650       --  If we don't have a final semicolon, skip until we either encounter
 651       --  an END token, or a semicolon or the start of the next line. This
 652       --  allows general junk to follow the end line (normally it is hard to
 653       --  think that anyone will put anything deliberate here, and remember
 654       --  that we know there is a missing semicolon in any case). We also
 655       --  quite on an EOF (or else we would get stuck in an infinite loop
 656       --  if there is no line end at the end of the last line of the file)
 658       else
 659          while Token /= Tok_End
 660            and then Token /= Tok_EOF
 661            and then Token /= Tok_Semicolon
 662            and then not Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
 663          loop
 664             Scan; -- past junk token on same line
 665          end loop;
 666       end if;
 668       return;
 669    end End_Skip;
 671    --------------------
 672    -- End Statements --
 673    --------------------
 675    --  This procedure is called when END is required or expected to terminate
 676    --  a sequence of statements. The caller has already made an appropriate
 677    --  entry on the scope stack to describe the expected form of the END.
 678    --  End_Statements should only be used in cases where the only appropriate
 679    --  terminator is END.
 681    --  Error recovery: cannot raise Error_Resync;
 683    procedure End_Statements
 684      (Parent  : Node_Id    := Empty;
 685       Decl    : Node_Id    := Empty;
 686       Is_Sloc : Source_Ptr := No_Location)
 687    is
 688    begin
 689       --  This loop runs more than once in the case where Check_End rejects
 690       --  the END sequence, as indicated by Check_End returning False.
 692       loop
 693          if Check_End (Decl, Is_Sloc) then
 694             if Present (Parent) then
 695                Set_End_Label (Parent, End_Labl);
 696             end if;
 698             return;
 699          end if;
 701          --  Extra statements past the bogus END are discarded. This is not
 702          --  ideal for maximum error recovery, but it's too much trouble to
 703          --  find an appropriate place to put them.
 705          Discard_Junk_List (P_Sequence_Of_Statements (SS_None));
 706       end loop;
 707    end End_Statements;
 709    ------------------------
 710    -- Evaluate End Entry --
 711    ------------------------
 713    procedure Evaluate_End_Entry (SS_Index : Nat) is
 714       STE : Scope_Table_Entry renames Scope.Table (SS_Index);
 716    begin
 717       Column_OK := (End_Column = STE.Ecol);
 719       Token_OK  := (End_Type = STE.Etyp
 720                      or else (End_Type = E_Name and then STE.Etyp >= E_Name));
 722       Label_OK := End_Labl_Present
 723                     and then (Same_Label (End_Labl, STE.Labl)
 724                                or else STE.Labl = Error);
 726       --  Special case to consider. Suppose we have the suspicious label case,
 727       --  e.g. a situation like:
 729       --    My_Label;
 730       --    declare
 731       --       ...
 732       --    begin
 733       --       ...
 734       --    end My_Label;
 736       --  This is the case where we want to use the entry in the suspicous
 737       --  label table to flag the semicolon saying it should be a colon.
 739       --  Label_OK will be false because the label does not match (we have
 740       --  My_Label on the end line, and the generated name for the scope). Also
 741       --  End_Labl_Present will be True.
 743       if not Label_OK
 744         and then End_Labl_Present
 745         and then not Comes_From_Source (Scope.Table (SS_Index).Labl)
 746       then
 747          --  Here is where we will search the suspicious labels table
 749          for J in 1 .. Suspicious_Labels.Last loop
 750             declare
 751                SLE : Suspicious_Label_Entry renames
 752                        Suspicious_Labels.Table (J);
 753             begin
 754                --  See if character name of label matches
 756                if Chars (Name (SLE.Proc_Call)) = Chars (End_Labl)
 758                  --  And first token of loop/block identifies this entry
 760                  and then SLE.Start_Token = STE.Sloc
 761                then
 762                   --  We have the special case, issue the error message
 764                   Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
 765                     (""";"" should be "":""", SLE.Semicolon_Loc);
 767                   --  And indicate we consider the Label OK after all
 769                   Label_OK := True;
 770                   exit;
 771                end if;
 772             end;
 773          end loop;
 774       end if;
 776       --  Compute setting of Syntax_OK. We definitely have a syntax error
 777       --  if the Token does not match properly or if P_End_Scan detected
 778       --  a syntax error such as a missing semicolon.
 780       if not Token_OK or not End_OK then
 781          Syntax_OK := False;
 783       --  Final check is that label is OK. Certainly it is OK if there
 784       --  was an exact match on the label (the END label = the stack label)
 786       elsif Label_OK then
 787          Syntax_OK := True;
 789       --  Case of label present
 791       elsif End_Labl_Present then
 793          --  If probably misspelling, then complain, and pretend it is OK
 795          declare
 796             Nam : constant Node_Or_Entity_Id := Scope.Table (SS_Index).Labl;
 798          begin
 799             if Nkind (End_Labl) in N_Has_Chars
 800               and then Comes_From_Source (Nam)
 801               and then Nkind (Nam) in N_Has_Chars
 802               and then Chars (End_Labl) > Error_Name
 803               and then Chars (Nam) > Error_Name
 804             then
 805                Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Nam);
 807                if Error_Msg_Name_1 > Error_Name then
 808                   if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of (Chars (Nam), Chars (End_Labl)) then
 809                      Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Nam);
 810                      Error_Msg_N -- CODEFIX
 811                        ("misspelling of %", End_Labl);
 812                      Syntax_OK := True;
 813                      return;
 814                   end if;
 815                end if;
 816             end if;
 817          end;
 819          Syntax_OK := False;
 821       --  Otherwise we have cases of no label on the END line. For the loop
 822       --  case, this is acceptable only if the loop is unlabeled.
 824       elsif End_Type = E_Loop then
 825          Syntax_OK := not Explicit_Start_Label (SS_Index);
 827       --  Cases where a label is definitely allowed on the END line
 829       elsif End_Type = E_Name then
 830          Syntax_OK := (not Explicit_Start_Label (SS_Index))
 831                          or else
 832                       (not Scope.Table (SS_Index).Lreq);
 834       --  Otherwise we have cases which don't allow labels anyway, so we
 835       --  certainly accept an END which does not have a label.
 837       else
 838          Syntax_OK := True;
 839       end if;
 840    end Evaluate_End_Entry;
 842    --------------------------
 843    -- Explicit_Start_Label --
 844    --------------------------
 846    function Explicit_Start_Label (SS_Index : Nat) return Boolean is
 847       L    : constant Node_Id := Scope.Table (SS_Index).Labl;
 848       Etyp : constant SS_End_Type := Scope.Table (SS_Index).Etyp;
 850    begin
 851       if No (L) then
 852          return False;
 854       --  In the following test we protect the call to Comes_From_Source
 855       --  against lines containing previously reported syntax errors.
 857       elsif (Etyp = E_Loop          or else
 858              Etyp = E_Name          or else
 859              Etyp = E_Suspicious_Is or else
 860              Etyp = E_Bad_Is)
 861          and then Comes_From_Source (L)
 862       then
 863          return True;
 865       else
 866          return False;
 867       end if;
 868    end Explicit_Start_Label;
 870    ------------------------
 871    -- Output_End_Deleted --
 872    ------------------------
 874    procedure Output_End_Deleted is
 875    begin
 876       if End_Type = E_Loop then
 877          Error_Msg_SC ("no LOOP for this `END LOOP`!");
 879       elsif End_Type = E_Case then
 880          Error_Msg_SC ("no CASE for this `END CASE`");
 882       elsif End_Type = E_If then
 883          Error_Msg_SC ("no IF for this `END IF`!");
 885       elsif End_Type = E_Record then
 886          Error_Msg_SC ("no RECORD for this `END RECORD`!");
 888       elsif End_Type = E_Return then
 889          Error_Msg_SC ("no RETURN for this `END RETURN`!");
 891       elsif End_Type = E_Select then
 892          Error_Msg_SC ("no SELECT for this `END SELECT`!");
 894       else
 895          Error_Msg_SC ("no BEGIN for this END!");
 896       end if;
 897    end Output_End_Deleted;
 899    -------------------------
 900    -- Output_End_Expected --
 901    -------------------------
 903    procedure Output_End_Expected (Ins : Boolean) is
 904       End_Type : SS_End_Type;
 906    begin
 907       --  Suppress message if this was a potentially junk entry (e.g. a record
 908       --  entry where no record keyword was present).
 910       if Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Junk then
 911          return;
 912       end if;
 914       End_Type := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp;
 915       Error_Msg_Col  := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol;
 916       Error_Msg_Sloc := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Sloc;
 918       if Explicit_Start_Label (Scope.Last) then
 919          Error_Msg_Node_1 := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl;
 920       else
 921          Error_Msg_Node_1 := Empty;
 922       end if;
 924       --  Suppress message if error was posted on opening label
 926       if Error_Msg_Node_1 > Empty_Or_Error
 927         and then Error_Posted (Error_Msg_Node_1)
 928       then
 929          return;
 930       end if;
 932       if End_Type = E_Case then
 933          Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 934            ("`END CASE;` expected@ for CASE#!");
 936       elsif End_Type = E_If then
 937          Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 938            ("`END IF;` expected@ for IF#!");
 940       elsif End_Type = E_Loop then
 941          if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Empty then
 942             Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 943               ("`END LOOP;` expected@ for LOOP#!");
 944          else
 945             Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 946               ("`END LOOP &;` expected@!");
 947          end if;
 949       elsif End_Type = E_Record then
 950          Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 951            ("`END RECORD;` expected@ for RECORD#!");
 953       elsif End_Type = E_Return then
 954          Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 955            ("`END RETURN;` expected@ for RETURN#!");
 957       elsif End_Type = E_Select then
 958          Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 959            ("`END SELECT;` expected@ for SELECT#!");
 961       --  All remaining cases are cases with a name (we do not treat the
 962       --  suspicious is cases specially for a replaced end, only for an
 963       --  inserted end).
 965       elsif End_Type = E_Name or else not Ins then
 966          if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Empty then
 967             Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 968               ("`END;` expected@ for BEGIN#!");
 969          else
 970             Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
 971               ("`END &;` expected@!");
 972          end if;
 974       --  The other possibility is a missing END for a subprogram with a
 975       --  suspicious IS (that probably should have been a semicolon). The
 976       --  missing IS confirms the suspicion.
 978       else -- End_Type = E_Suspicious_Is or E_Bad_Is
 979          Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp := E_Bad_Is;
 980       end if;
 981    end Output_End_Expected;
 983    ------------------------
 984    -- Output_End_Missing --
 985    ------------------------
 987    procedure Output_End_Missing is
 988       End_Type : SS_End_Type;
 990    begin
 991       --  Suppress message if this was a potentially junk entry (e.g. a record
 992       --  entry where no record keyword was present).
 994       if Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Junk then
 995          return;
 996       end if;
 998       End_Type := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp;
 999       Error_Msg_Sloc   := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Sloc;
1001       if Explicit_Start_Label (Scope.Last) then
1002          Error_Msg_Node_1 := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Labl;
1003       else
1004          Error_Msg_Node_1 := Empty;
1005       end if;
1007       if End_Type = E_Case then
1008          Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END CASE;` for CASE#!");
1010       elsif End_Type = E_If then
1011          Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END IF;` for IF#!");
1013       elsif End_Type = E_Loop then
1014          if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Empty then
1015             Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END LOOP;` for LOOP#!");
1016          else
1017             Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END LOOP &;`!");
1018          end if;
1020       elsif End_Type = E_Record then
1021          Error_Msg_SC
1022            ("missing `END RECORD;` for RECORD#!");
1024       elsif End_Type = E_Return then
1025          Error_Msg_SC
1026            ("missing `END RETURN;` for RETURN#!");
1028       elsif End_Type = E_Select then
1029          Error_Msg_BC
1030            ("missing `END SELECT;` for SELECT#!");
1032       elsif End_Type = E_Name then
1033          if Error_Msg_Node_1 = Empty then
1034             Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END;` for BEGIN#!");
1035          else
1036             Error_Msg_BC ("missing `END &;`!");
1037          end if;
1039       else -- End_Type = E_Suspicious_Is or E_Bad_Is
1040          Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp := E_Bad_Is;
1041       end if;
1042    end Output_End_Missing;
1044    ---------------------
1045    -- Pop_End_Context --
1046    ---------------------
1048    procedure Pop_End_Context is
1050       Pretty_Good : Boolean;
1051       --  This flag is set True if the END sequence is syntactically incorrect,
1052       --  but is (from a heuristic point of view), pretty likely to be simply
1053       --  a misspelling of the intended END.
1055       Outer_Match : Boolean;
1056       --  This flag is set True if we decide that the current END sequence
1057       --  belongs to some outer level entry in the scope stack, and thus
1058       --  we will NOT eat it up in matching the current expected END.
1060    begin
1061       --  If not at END, then output END expected message
1063       if End_Type = E_Dummy then
1064          Output_End_Missing;
1065          Pop_Scope_Stack;
1066          End_Action := Insert_And_Accept;
1067          return;
1069       --  Otherwise we do have an END present
1071       else
1072          --  A special check. If we have END; followed by an end of file,
1073          --  WITH or SEPARATE, then if we are not at the outer level, then
1074          --  we have a syntax error. Consider the example:
1076          --   ...
1077          --      declare
1078          --         X : Integer;
1079          --      begin
1080          --         X := Father (A);
1081          --         Process (X, X);
1082          --   end;
1083          --   with Package1;
1084          --   ...
1086          --  Now the END; here is a syntactically correct closer for the
1087          --  declare block, but if we eat it up, then we obviously have
1088          --  a missing END for the outer context (since WITH can only appear
1089          --  at the outer level.
1091          --  In this situation, we always reserve the END; for the outer level,
1092          --  even if it is in the wrong column. This is because it's much more
1093          --  useful to have the error message point to the DECLARE than to the
1094          --  package header in this case.
1096          --  We also reserve an end with a name before the end of file if the
1097          --  name is the one we expect at the outer level.
1099          if (Token = Tok_EOF  or else
1100              Token = Tok_With or else
1101              Token = Tok_Separate)
1102            and then End_Type >= E_Name
1103            and then (not End_Labl_Present
1104                       or else Same_Label (End_Labl, Scope.Table (1).Labl))
1105            and then Scope.Last > 1
1106          then
1107             Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to END
1108             Output_End_Expected (Ins => True);
1109             Pop_Scope_Stack;
1110             End_Action := Insert_And_Accept;
1111             return;
1112          end if;
1114          --  Otherwise we go through the normal END evaluation procedure
1116          Evaluate_End_Entry (Scope.Last);
1118          --  If top entry in stack is syntactically correct, then we have
1119          --  scanned it out and everything is fine. This is the required
1120          --  action to properly process correct Ada programs.
1122          if Syntax_OK then
1124             --  Complain if checking columns and END is not in right column.
1125             --  Right in this context means exactly right, or on the same
1126             --  line as the opener.
1128             if RM_Column_Check then
1129                if End_Column /= Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol
1130                  and then Current_Line_Start > Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Sloc
1132                --  A special case, for END RECORD, we are also allowed to
1133                --  line up with the TYPE keyword opening the declaration.
1135                  and then (Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp /= E_Record
1136                             or else Get_Column_Number (End_Sloc) /=
1137                                     Get_Column_Number (Type_Token_Location))
1138                then
1139                   Error_Msg_Col := Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol;
1140                   Error_Msg
1141                     ("(style) END in wrong column, should be@", End_Sloc);
1142                end if;
1143             end if;
1145             --  One final check. If the end had a label, check for an exact
1146             --  duplicate of this end sequence, and if so, skip it with an
1147             --  appropriate message.
1149             if End_Labl_Present and then Token = Tok_End then
1150                declare
1151                   Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
1152                   End_Loc    : constant Source_Ptr := Token_Ptr;
1153                   Nxt_Labl   : Node_Id;
1154                   Dup_Found  : Boolean := False;
1156                begin
1157                   Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
1159                   Scan; -- past END
1161                   if Token = Tok_Identifier
1162                     or else Token = Tok_Operator_Symbol
1163                   then
1164                      Nxt_Labl := P_Designator;
1166                      --  We only consider it an error if the label is a match
1167                      --  and would be wrong for the level one above us, and
1168                      --  the indentation is the same.
1170                      if Token = Tok_Semicolon
1171                        and then Same_Label (End_Labl, Nxt_Labl)
1172                        and then End_Column = Start_Column
1173                        and then
1174                          (Scope.Last = 1
1175                             or else
1176                               (not Explicit_Start_Label (Scope.Last - 1))
1177                                  or else
1178                               (not Same_Label
1179                                      (End_Labl,
1180                                       Scope.Table (Scope.Last - 1).Labl)))
1181                      then
1182                         T_Semicolon;
1183                         Error_Msg ("duplicate end line ignored", End_Loc);
1184                         Dup_Found := True;
1185                      end if;
1186                   end if;
1188                   if not Dup_Found then
1189                      Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
1190                   end if;
1191                end;
1192             end if;
1194             --  All OK, so return to caller indicating END is OK
1196             Pop_Scope_Stack;
1197             End_Action := Accept_As_Scanned;
1198             return;
1199          end if;
1201          --  If that check failed, then we definitely have an error. The issue
1202          --  is how to choose among three possible courses of action:
1204          --   1. Ignore the current END text completely, scanning past it,
1205          --      deciding that it belongs neither to the current context,
1206          --      nor to any outer context.
1208          --   2. Accept the current END text, scanning past it, and issuing
1209          --      an error message that it does not have the right form.
1211          --   3. Leave the current END text in place, NOT scanning past it,
1212          --      issuing an error message indicating the END expected for the
1213          --      current context. In this case, the END is available to match
1214          --      some outer END context.
1216          --  From a correct functioning point of view, it does not make any
1217          --  difference which of these three approaches we take, the program
1218          --  will work correctly in any case. However, making an accurate
1219          --  choice among these alternatives, i.e. choosing the one that
1220          --  corresponds to what the programmer had in mind, does make a
1221          --  significant difference in the quality of error recovery.
1223          Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to END
1225          --  First we see how good the current END entry is with respect to
1226          --  what we expect. It is considered pretty good if the token is OK,
1227          --  and either the label or the column matches. An END for RECORD is
1228          --  always considered to be pretty good in the record case. This is
1229          --  because not only does a record disallow a nested structure, but
1230          --  also it is unlikely that such nesting could occur by accident.
1232          Pretty_Good := (Token_OK and (Column_OK or Label_OK))
1233                           or else Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp = E_Record;
1235          --  Next check, if there is a deeper entry in the stack which
1236          --  has a very high probability of being acceptable, then insert
1237          --  the END entry we want, leaving the higher level entry for later
1239          for J in reverse 1 .. Scope.Last - 1 loop
1240             Evaluate_End_Entry (J);
1242             --  To even consider the deeper entry to be immediately acceptable,
1243             --  it must be syntactically correct. Furthermore it must either
1244             --  have a correct label, or the correct column. If the current
1245             --  entry was a close match (Pretty_Good set), then we are even
1246             --  more strict in accepting the outer level one: even if it has
1247             --  the right label, it must have the right column as well.
1249             if Syntax_OK then
1250                if Pretty_Good then
1251                   Outer_Match := Label_OK and Column_OK;
1252                else
1253                   Outer_Match := Label_OK or Column_OK;
1254                end if;
1255             else
1256                Outer_Match := False;
1257             end if;
1259             --  If the outer entry does convincingly match the END text, then
1260             --  back up the scan to the start of the END sequence, issue an
1261             --  error message indicating the END we expected, and return with
1262             --  Token pointing to the END (case 3 from above discussion).
1264             if Outer_Match then
1265                Output_End_Missing;
1266                Pop_Scope_Stack;
1267                End_Action := Insert_And_Accept;
1268                return;
1269             end if;
1270          end loop;
1272          --  Here we have a situation in which the current END entry is
1273          --  syntactically incorrect, but there is no deeper entry in the
1274          --  END stack which convincingly matches it.
1276          --  If the END text was judged to be a Pretty_Good match for the
1277          --  expected token or if it appears left of the expected column,
1278          --  then we will accept it as the one we want, scanning past it, even
1279          --  though it is not completely right (we issue a message showing what
1280          --  we expected it to be). This is action 2 from the discussion above.
1281          --  There is one other special case to consider: the LOOP case.
1282          --  Consider the example:
1284          --     Lbl: loop
1285          --             null;
1286          --          end loop;
1288          --  Here the column lines up with Lbl, so END LOOP is to the right,
1289          --  but it is still acceptable. LOOP is the one case where alignment
1290          --  practices vary substantially in practice.
1292          if Pretty_Good
1293             or else End_Column <= Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol
1294             or else (End_Type = Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Etyp
1295                         and then End_Type = E_Loop)
1296          then
1297             Output_End_Expected (Ins => False);
1298             Pop_Scope_Stack;
1299             End_Action := Skip_And_Accept;
1300             return;
1302          --  Here we have the case where the END is to the right of the
1303          --  expected column and does not have a correct label to convince
1304          --  us that it nevertheless belongs to the current scope. For this
1305          --  we consider that it probably belongs not to the current context,
1306          --  but to some inner context that was not properly recognized (due to
1307          --  other syntax errors), and for which no proper scope stack entry
1308          --  was made. The proper action in this case is to delete the END text
1309          --  and return False to the caller as a signal to keep on looking for
1310          --  an acceptable END. This is action 1 from the discussion above.
1312          else
1313             Output_End_Deleted;
1314             End_Action := Skip_And_Reject;
1315             return;
1316          end if;
1317       end if;
1318    end Pop_End_Context;
1320    ----------------
1321    -- Same_Label --
1322    ----------------
1324    function Same_Label (Label1, Label2 : Node_Id) return Boolean is
1325    begin
1326       if Nkind (Label1) in N_Has_Chars
1327         and then Nkind (Label2) in N_Has_Chars
1328       then
1329          return Chars (Label1) = Chars (Label2);
1331       elsif Nkind (Label1) = N_Selected_Component
1332         and then Nkind (Label2) = N_Selected_Component
1333       then
1334          return Same_Label (Prefix (Label1), Prefix (Label2)) and then
1335            Same_Label (Selector_Name (Label1), Selector_Name (Label2));
1337       elsif Nkind (Label1) = N_Designator
1338         and then Nkind (Label2) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
1339       then
1340          return Same_Label (Name (Label1), Name (Label2)) and then
1341            Same_Label (Identifier (Label1), Defining_Identifier (Label2));
1343       else
1344          return False;
1345       end if;
1346    end Same_Label;
1348 end Endh;