File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                              P R J . U T I L                             --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
  17 -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
  18 -- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
  19 -- for a complete copy of the license.          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  22 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 --  Utilities for use in processing project files
  28 package Prj.Util is
  30    function Executable_Of
  31      (Project        : Project_Id;
  32       Shared         : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access;
  33       Main           : File_Name_Type;
  34       Index          : Int;
  35       Ada_Main       : Boolean := True;
  36       Language       : String := "";
  37       Include_Suffix : Boolean := True) return File_Name_Type;
  38    --  Return the value of the attribute Builder'Executable for file Main in
  39    --  the project Project, if it exists. If there is no attribute Executable
  40    --  for Main, remove the suffix from Main; then, if the attribute
  41    --  Executable_Suffix is specified, add this suffix, otherwise add the
  42    --  standard executable suffix for the platform.
  43    --
  44    --  If Include_Suffix is true, then the ".exe" suffix (or any suffix defined
  45    --  in the config) will be added. The suffix defined by the user in his own
  46    --  project file is always taken into account. Otherwise, such a suffix is
  47    --  not added. In particular, the prefix should not be added if you are
  48    --  potentially testing for cross-platforms, since the suffix might not be
  49    --  known (its default value comes from the ...-gnatmake prefix).
  50    --
  51    --  What is Ada_Main???
  52    --  What is Language???
  54    procedure Put
  55      (Into_List  : in out Name_List_Index;
  56       From_List  : String_List_Id;
  57       In_Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref;
  58       Lower_Case : Boolean := False);
  59    --  Append a name list to a string list
  60    --  Describe parameters???
  62    procedure Duplicate
  63      (This   : in out Name_List_Index;
  64       Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access);
  65    --  Duplicate a name list
  67    function Value_Of
  68      (Variable : Variable_Value;
  69       Default  : String) return String;
  70    --  Get the value of a single string variable. If Variable is a string list,
  71    --  is Nil_Variable_Value,or is defaulted, return Default.
  73    function Value_Of
  74      (Index    : Name_Id;
  75       In_Array : Array_Element_Id;
  76       Shared   : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Name_Id;
  77    --  Get a single string array component. Returns No_Name if there is no
  78    --  component Index, if In_Array is null, or if the component is a String
  79    --  list. Depending on the attribute (only attributes may be associative
  80    --  arrays) the index may or may not be case sensitive. If the index is not
  81    --  case sensitive, it is first set to lower case before the search in the
  82    --  associative array.
  84    function Value_Of
  85      (Index                  : Name_Id;
  86       Src_Index              : Int := 0;
  87       In_Array               : Array_Element_Id;
  88       Shared                 : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access;
  89       Force_Lower_Case_Index : Boolean := False;
  90       Allow_Wildcards        : Boolean := False) return Variable_Value;
  91    --  Get a string array component (single String or String list). Returns
  92    --  Nil_Variable_Value if no component Index or if In_Array is null.
  93    --
  94    --  Depending on the attribute (only attributes may be associative arrays)
  95    --  the index may or may not be case sensitive. If the index is not case
  96    --  sensitive, it is first set to lower case before the search in the
  97    --  associative array.
  99    function Value_Of
 100      (Name                    : Name_Id;
 101       Index                   : Int := 0;
 102       Attribute_Or_Array_Name : Name_Id;
 103       In_Package              : Package_Id;
 104       Shared                  : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access;
 105       Force_Lower_Case_Index  : Boolean := False;
 106       Allow_Wildcards         : Boolean := False) return Variable_Value;
 107    --  In a specific package:
 108    --   - if there exists an array Attribute_Or_Array_Name with an index Name,
 109    --     returns the corresponding component (depending on the attribute, the
 110    --     index may or may not be case sensitive, see previous function),
 111    --   - otherwise if there is a single attribute Attribute_Or_Array_Name,
 112    --     returns this attribute,
 113    --   - otherwise, returns Nil_Variable_Value.
 114    --  If In_Package is null, returns Nil_Variable_Value.
 116    function Value_Of
 117      (Index     : Name_Id;
 118       In_Array  : Name_Id;
 119       In_Arrays : Array_Id;
 120       Shared    : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Name_Id;
 121    --  Get a string array component in an array of an array list. Returns
 122    --  No_Name if there is no component Index, if In_Arrays is null, if
 123    --  In_Array is not found in In_Arrays or if the component is a String list.
 125    function Value_Of
 126      (Name      : Name_Id;
 127       In_Arrays : Array_Id;
 128       Shared    : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Array_Element_Id;
 129    --  Returns a specified array in an array list. Returns No_Array_Element
 130    --  if In_Arrays is null or if Name is not the name of an array in
 131    --  In_Arrays. The caller must ensure that Name is in lower case.
 133    function Value_Of
 134      (Name        : Name_Id;
 135       In_Packages : Package_Id;
 136       Shared      : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Package_Id;
 137    --  Returns a specified package in a package list. Returns No_Package
 138    --  if In_Packages is null or if Name is not the name of a package in
 139    --  Package_List. The caller must ensure that Name is in lower case.
 141    function Value_Of
 142      (Variable_Name : Name_Id;
 143       In_Variables  : Variable_Id;
 144       Shared        : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Variable_Value;
 145    --  Returns a specified variable in a variable list. Returns null if
 146    --  In_Variables is null or if Variable_Name is not the name of a
 147    --  variable in In_Variables. Caller must ensure that Name is lower case.
 149    procedure Write_Str
 150      (S          : String;
 151       Max_Length : Positive;
 152       Separator  : Character);
 153    --  Output string S using Output.Write_Str. If S is too long to fit in one
 154    --  line of Max_Length, cut it in several lines, using Separator as the last
 155    --  character of each line, if possible.
 157    type Text_File is limited private;
 158    --  Represents a text file (default is invalid text file)
 160    function Is_Valid (File : Text_File) return Boolean;
 161    --  Returns True if File designates an open text file that has not yet been
 162    --  closed.
 164    procedure Open (File : out Text_File; Name : String);
 165    --  Open a text file to read (File is invalid if text file cannot be opened)
 167    procedure Create (File : out Text_File; Name : String);
 168    --  Create a text file to write (File is invalid if text file cannot be
 169    --  created).
 171    function End_Of_File (File : Text_File) return Boolean;
 172    --  Returns True if the end of the text file File has been reached. Fails if
 173    --  File is invalid. Return True if File is an out file.
 175    procedure Get_Line
 176      (File : Text_File;
 177       Line : out String;
 178       Last : out Natural);
 179    --  Reads a line from an open text file (fails if File is invalid or in an
 180    --  out file).
 182    procedure Put (File : Text_File; S : String);
 183    procedure Put_Line (File : Text_File; Line : String);
 184    --  Output a string or a line to an out text file (fails if File is invalid
 185    --  or in an in file).
 187    procedure Close (File : in out Text_File);
 188    --  Close an open text file. File becomes invalid. Fails if File is already
 189    --  invalid or if an out file cannot be closed successfully.
 191    -----------------------
 192    -- Source info files --
 193    -----------------------
 195    procedure Write_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
 196    --  Create a new source info file, with the path name specified in the
 197    --  project tree data. Issue a warning if it is not possible to create
 198    --  the new file.
 200    procedure Read_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
 201    --  Check if there is a source info file specified for the project Tree. If
 202    --  so, attempt to read it. If the file exists and is successfully read, set
 203    --  the flag Source_Info_File_Exists to True for the tree.
 205    type Source_Info_Data is record
 206       Project           : Name_Id;
 207       Language          : Name_Id;
 208       Kind              : Source_Kind;
 209       Display_Path_Name : Name_Id;
 210       Path_Name         : Name_Id;
 211       Unit_Name         : Name_Id               := No_Name;
 212       Index             : Int                   := 0;
 213       Naming_Exception  : Naming_Exception_Type := No;
 214    end record;
 215    --  Data read from a source info file for a single source
 217    type Source_Info is access all Source_Info_Data;
 218    No_Source_Info : constant Source_Info := null;
 220    type Source_Info_Iterator is private;
 221    --  Iterator to get the sources for a single project
 223    procedure Initialize
 224      (Iter        : out Source_Info_Iterator;
 225       For_Project : Name_Id);
 226    --  Initialize Iter for the project
 228    function Source_Info_Of (Iter : Source_Info_Iterator) return Source_Info;
 229    --  Get the source info for the source corresponding to the current value of
 230    --  the iterator. Returns No_Source_Info if there is no source corresponding
 231    --  to the iterator.
 233    procedure Next (Iter : in out Source_Info_Iterator);
 234    --  Advance the iterator to the next source in the project
 236    generic
 237       with procedure Action (Source : Source_Id);
 238    procedure For_Interface_Sources
 239      (Tree    : Project_Tree_Ref;
 240       Project : Project_Id);
 241    --  Call Action for every sources that are needed to use Project. This is
 242    --  either the sources corresponding to the units in attribute Interfaces
 243    --  or all sources of the project. Note that only the bodies that are
 244    --  needed (because the unit is generic or contains some inline pragmas)
 245    --  are handled. This routine must be called only when the project has
 246    --  been built successfully.
 248    function Relative_Path (Pathname : String; To : String) return String;
 249    --  Returns the relative pathname which corresponds to Pathname when
 250    --  starting from directory to. Both Pathname and To must be absolute paths.
 252 private
 253    type Text_File_Data is record
 254       FD                  : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
 255       Out_File            : Boolean := False;
 256       Buffer              : String (1 .. 1_000);
 257       Buffer_Len          : Natural := 0;
 258       Cursor              : Natural := 0;
 259       End_Of_File_Reached : Boolean := False;
 260    end record;
 262    type Text_File is access Text_File_Data;
 264    type Source_Info_Iterator is record
 265       Info : Source_Info;
 266       Next : Natural;
 267    end record;
 269 end Prj.Util;