File : s-bbcppr-arm.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                  GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --               S Y S T E M . B B . C P U _ P R I M I T I V E S            --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                  B o d y                                 --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --        Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid         --
  10 --             Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The European Space Agency            --
  11 --                     Copyright (C) 2003-2016, AdaCore                     --
  12 --                                                                          --
  13 -- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  14 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  15 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  16 -- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  17 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  18 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 --                                                                          --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  25 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  26 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  27 -- <>.                                          --
  28 --                                                                          --
  29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31 --  This version is for ARM bareboard targets using the ARMv7-R or ARMv7-A
  32 --  instruction set. It is not suitable for ARMv7-M targets, which use
  33 --  Thumb2.
  35 with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; use Ada;
  37 with System.Storage_Elements;
  38 with System.Multiprocessors;
  39 with System.BB.Threads;
  40 with System.BB.CPU_Primitives.Multiprocessors;
  41 with System.BB.Threads.Queues;
  42 with System.BB.Board_Support;
  43 with System.BB.Protection;
  44 with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code;
  46 package body System.BB.CPU_Primitives is
  47    use BB.Parameters;
  48    use System.BB.Threads;
  49    use System.BB.CPU_Primitives.Multiprocessors;
  50    use System.Multiprocessors;
  52    package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
  53    use type SSE.Integer_Address;
  54    use type SSE.Storage_Offset;
  56    NL : constant String := ASCII.LF & ASCII.HT;
  57    --  New line separator in Asm templates
  59    -----------
  60    -- Traps --
  61    -----------
  63    Reset_Vector                  : constant Vector_Id := 0; -- RESET
  64    Undefined_Instruction_Vector  : constant Vector_Id := 1; -- UNDEF
  65    Supervisor_Call_Vector        : constant Vector_Id := 2; -- SVC
  66    Prefetch_Abort_Vector         : constant Vector_Id := 3; -- PABT
  67    Data_Abort_Vector             : constant Vector_Id := 4; -- DABT
  68    Interrupt_Request_Vector      : constant Vector_Id := 5; -- IRQ
  69    Fast_Interrupt_Request_Vector : constant Vector_Id := 6; -- FIQ
  71    type Trap_Handler_Ptr is access procedure (Id : Vector_Id);
  72    function To_Pointer is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Trap_Handler_Ptr);
  74    type Trap_Handler_Table is array (Vector_Id) of Trap_Handler_Ptr;
  75    pragma Suppress_Initialization (Trap_Handler_Table);
  77    Trap_Handlers  : Trap_Handler_Table;
  79    procedure GNAT_Error_Handler (Trap : Vector_Id);
  80    pragma No_Return (GNAT_Error_Handler);
  82    procedure Undef_Handler;
  83    pragma Machine_Attribute (Undef_Handler, "interrupt");
  84    pragma Export (Asm, Undef_Handler, "__gnat_undef_trap");
  86    procedure Dabt_Handler;
  87    pragma Machine_Attribute (Dabt_Handler, "interrupt");
  88    pragma Export (Asm, Dabt_Handler, "__gnat_dabt_trap");
  90    procedure FIQ_Handler;
  91    pragma Machine_Attribute (FIQ_Handler, "interrupt");
  92    pragma Export (Asm, FIQ_Handler, "__gnat_fiq_trap");
  94    procedure IRQ_Handler;
  95    pragma Machine_Attribute (IRQ_Handler, "interrupt");
  96    pragma Export (Asm, IRQ_Handler, "__gnat_irq_trap");
  98    ---------------------------
  99    -- Context Buffer Layout --
 100    ---------------------------
 102    --  These are the registers that are initialized: program counter, two
 103    --  argument registers, program counter, processor state register,
 104    --  stack pointer and link register.
 106    R0       : constant Context_Id :=  0; -- used for first argument
 107    R1       : constant Context_Id :=  1; -- saved register
 108    PC       : constant Context_Id :=  2; -- use call-clobbered R2 for PC
 109    CPSR     : constant Context_Id :=  3; -- use R3 for saving user CPSR
 110    SP       : constant Context_Id :=  4; -- stack pointer, aka R13
 111    LR       : constant Context_Id :=  5; -- link register, R14
 112    S0       : constant Context_Id :=  6; -- S00/S01 aliases to D0
 113    S31      : constant Context_Id := 37; -- S30/S31 aliases to D15
 114    FPSCR    : constant Context_Id := 38; -- Fpt status/control reg
 116    pragma Assert (S31 - S0 = 31 and R1 = R0 + 1 and LR = SP + 1);
 118    ----------------------------
 119    -- Floating Point Context --
 120    ----------------------------
 122    --  This port uses lazy context switching for the FPU context. Rather than
 123    --  saving and restoring floating point registers on a context switch or
 124    --  interrupt, the FPU is disabled unless the switch is to a thread that is
 125    --  equal the Current_FPU_Context. This is on the expectation that the new
 126    --  context will not use floating point during its execution window. If it
 127    --  does, then an undefined instruction trap will be executed that performs
 128    --  the context switch and retries. We also don't restore the FPU enabled
 129    --  state when leaving an interrupt handler that didn't use the FPU as we
 130    --  rather incur the trap at the user level than leaving interrupt masked
 131    --  longer than absolutely necessary.
 133    type Thread_Table is array (System.Multiprocessors.CPU) of Thread_Id;
 134    pragma Volatile_Components (Thread_Table);
 136    function  Is_FPU_Enabled return Boolean with Inline;
 137    procedure Set_FPU_Enabled (Enabled : Boolean) with Inline;
 138    procedure FPU_Context_Switch (To : Thread_Id) with Inline;
 139    function Get_SPSR return Word with Inline;
 141    Current_FPU_Context :  Thread_Table := (others => Null_Thread_Id);
 142    --  This variable contains the last thread that used the floating point unit
 143    --  for each CPU. Hence, it points to the place where the floating point
 144    --  state must be stored. Null means no task using it.
 146    --------------
 147    -- Get_SPSR --
 148    --------------
 150    function Get_SPSR return Word is
 151       SPSR : Word;
 152    begin
 153       Asm ("mrs %0, SPSR",
 154            Outputs  => Word'Asm_Output ("=r", SPSR),
 155            Volatile => True);
 156       return SPSR;
 157    end Get_SPSR;
 159    ------------------
 160    -- Dabt_Handler --
 161    ------------------
 163    procedure Dabt_Handler is
 164    begin
 165       Trap_Handlers (Data_Abort_Vector) (Data_Abort_Vector);
 166    end Dabt_Handler;
 168    -----------------
 169    -- FIQ_Handler --
 170    -----------------
 172    procedure FIQ_Handler is
 173    begin
 174       --  Force trap if handler uses floating point
 176       Set_FPU_Enabled (False);
 178       Trap_Handlers (Fast_Interrupt_Request_Vector)
 179         (Fast_Interrupt_Request_Vector);
 180    end FIQ_Handler;
 182    -----------------
 183    -- IRQ_Handler --
 184    -----------------
 186    procedure IRQ_Handler is
 187       SPSR : Word;
 189    begin
 190       --  Force trap if handler uses floating point
 192       Set_FPU_Enabled (False);
 194       --  If we are going to do context switches or otherwise allow IRQ's
 195       --  from within the interrupt handler, the SPSR register needs to
 196       --  be saved too.
 198       SPSR := Get_SPSR;
 200       Trap_Handlers (Interrupt_Request_Vector) (Interrupt_Request_Vector);
 202       --  As the System.BB.Interrupts.Interrupt_Wrapper returns to the low
 203       --  level interrupt handler without checking for required context
 204       --  switches, we need to do that here.
 206       if Threads.Queues.Context_Switch_Needed then
 208          --  The interrupt handler caused pre-emption of the thread that
 209          --  was executing. This means we need to switch context. We do not
 210          --  explicitly enable IRQ's at this point, as that will done by the
 211          --  CPSR update as part of the context switch.
 213          --  Note that the part of the thread state is still on the interrupt
 214          --  stack, and will be restored when the pre-empted thread continues.
 216          Context_Switch;
 218          --  The pre-empted thread can now resume
 219       end if;
 221       Asm ("msr   SPSR_cxsf, %0",
 222          Inputs   => (Word'Asm_Input ("r", SPSR)),
 223          Volatile => True);
 224    end IRQ_Handler;
 226    -------------------
 227    -- Undef_Handler --
 228    -------------------
 230    procedure Undef_Handler is
 231       SPSR          : constant Word := Get_SPSR;
 232       In_IRQ_Or_FIQ : Boolean;
 234    begin
 235       In_IRQ_Or_FIQ := (SPSR mod 32) in 17 | 18;
 237       if not Is_FPU_Enabled then
 238          Set_FPU_Enabled (True);
 239          FPU_Context_Switch
 240            (if In_IRQ_Or_FIQ then null else Queues.Running_Thread_Table (1));
 241       else
 242          Trap_Handlers (Undefined_Instruction_Vector)
 243            (Undefined_Instruction_Vector);
 244       end if;
 245    end Undef_Handler;
 247    --------------------
 248    -- Context_Switch --
 249    --------------------
 251    procedure Context_Switch is
 252    begin
 253       --  Whenever switching to a new context, disable the FPU, so we don't
 254       --  have to worry about its state. It is much more efficient to lazily
 255       --  switch the FPU when it is actually used.
 257       --  When calling this routine from modes other than user or system,
 258       --  the caller is responsible for saving the (banked) SPSR register.
 259       --  This register is only visible in banked modes, so can't be saved
 260       --  here.
 262       Set_FPU_Enabled (False);
 264       --  Some notes about the Asm insert:
 266       --    * While we only need to save callee-save registers in principle,
 267       --      GCC may use caller-save variables, so if we don't save them
 268       --      they must be marked clobbered.
 270       --    * Changing SPSR is far cheaper than changing CPSR, so switching
 271       --      to supervisor mode is beneficial.
 273       --    * Mark LR as clobbered, so the compiler won't use this register
 274       --      for any input arguments, as it is banked in supervisor mode
 276       --    * The user-mode LR register must also be preserved in the context,
 277       --      as the shadowing of LR will not help in case of pre-emption.
 279       --    * Memory must be clobbered, as task switching causes a task to
 280       --      signal, which means its memory changes must be visible to all
 281       --      other tasks.
 283       --    * We need three registers with fixed (known) offsets for the
 284       --      Program_Counter, Program_Status and Stack_Pointer, and we need
 285       --      to leave at least some registers for GCC to pass us arguments
 286       --      and for its own use, so we save 6 registers and mark the rest
 287       --      clobbered.
 289       --    * While we could mark R0 and R1 as clobbered, and not save them
 290       --      across the context switch, this does not help. The registers are
 291       --      used and must be saved somehow. Also, this would mean we need an
 292       --      extra routine for starting a thread, so we can pass in the
 293       --      argument.
 295       --    * Note that the first register to save should be even for most
 296       --      efficient save/restore.
 298       --    * This routine may be inlined, therefore it is very important
 299       --      that the Asm constraints are correct.
 301       Asm
 302         (Template =>
 303            "mrs   r3, CPSR"      & NL  -- Save CPSR
 304          & "ldr   r4, [%0]"      & NL  -- Load Running_Thread
 305          & "cps   #19"           & NL  -- Switch to supervisor mode
 306          & "adr   r2, 0f"        & NL  -- Adjust R0 to point past ctx switch
 307          & "stm   r4, {r0-r3,sp,lr}^"  & NL  -- Save user registers
 308          & "str   %1, [%0]"      & NL  -- Set Running_Thread := First_Thread
 309          & "ldm   %1, {r0-r3,sp,lr}^"  & NL  -- Restore user registers
 310          & "msr   SPSR_cxsf, r3" & NL  -- Move user CPSR to our SPSR
 311          & "movs  pc, r2"        & NL  -- Switch back to current thread mode
 312          & "0:",                       -- Label indicating where to continue
 313          Inputs   =>
 314            (Address'Asm_Input ("r", Queues.Running_Thread_Table (1)'Address),
 315             Thread_Id'Asm_Input ("r", Queues.First_Thread_Table (1))),
 316          Volatile => True,
 317          Clobber  => ("memory,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,lr"));
 318    end Context_Switch;
 320    ------------------------
 321    -- FPU_Context_Switch --
 322    ------------------------
 324    procedure FPU_Context_Switch (To : Thread_Id) is
 325       C : constant Thread_Id := Current_FPU_Context (1);
 327    begin
 328       if C /= To then
 329          if C /= null then
 330             Asm (Template => "vstm %1, {d0-d15}" & NL & "fmrx %0, fpscr",
 331                  Outputs  => (Address'Asm_Output ("=r", C.Context (FPSCR))),
 332                  Inputs   => (Address'Asm_Input ("r", C.Context (S0)'Address)),
 333                  Clobber  => "memory",
 334                  Volatile => True);
 335          end if;
 337          if To /= null then
 338             Asm (Template => "vldm %1, {d0-d15}" & NL & "fmxr fpscr, %0",
 339                  Inputs   =>
 340                    (Address'Asm_Input ("r", To.Context (FPSCR)),
 341                     Address'Asm_Input ("r", To.Context (S0)'Address)),
 342                  Clobber  => "memory",
 343                  Volatile => True);
 344          end if;
 346          Current_FPU_Context (1) := To;
 347       end if;
 348    end FPU_Context_Switch;
 350    -----------------
 351    -- Get_Context --
 352    -----------------
 354    function Get_Context
 355      (Context : Context_Buffer;
 356       Index   : Context_Id) return Word
 357    is
 358    begin
 359       return Word (Context (Index));
 360    end Get_Context;
 362    ------------------------
 363    -- GNAT_Error_Handler --
 364    ------------------------
 366    procedure GNAT_Error_Handler (Trap : Vector_Id) is
 367    begin
 368       case Trap is
 369          when Reset_Vector =>
 370             raise Program_Error with "unexpected reset";
 371          when Undefined_Instruction_Vector =>
 372             raise Program_Error with "illegal instruction";
 373          when Supervisor_Call_Vector =>
 374             raise Program_Error with "unhandled SVC";
 375          when Prefetch_Abort_Vector =>
 376             raise Program_Error with "prefetch abort";
 377          when Data_Abort_Vector =>
 378             raise Constraint_Error with "data abort";
 379          when others =>
 380             raise Program_Error with "unhandled trap";
 381       end case;
 382    end GNAT_Error_Handler;
 384    -----------------
 385    -- Set_Context --
 386    -----------------
 388    procedure Set_Context
 389      (Context : in out Context_Buffer;
 390       Index   : Context_Id;
 391       Value   : Word)
 392    is
 393    begin
 394       Context (Index) := Address (Value);
 395    end Set_Context;
 397    ------------------------
 398    -- Initialize_Context --
 399    ------------------------
 401    procedure Initialize_Context
 402      (Buffer          : not null access Context_Buffer;
 403       Program_Counter : System.Address;
 404       Argument        : System.Address;
 405       Stack_Pointer   : System.Address)
 406    is
 407       User_CPSR   : Word;
 408       Mask_CPSR   : constant Word := 16#07f0_ffe0#;
 409       System_Mode : constant Word := 2#11111#; -- #31
 411    begin
 412       --  Use a read-modify-write strategy for computing the CPSR for the new
 413       --  task: we clear any freely user-accessible bits, as well as the mode
 414       --  bits, then add in the new mode.
 416       Asm ("mrs %0, CPSR",
 417            Outputs  => Word'Asm_Output ("=r", User_CPSR),
 418            Volatile => True);
 419       User_CPSR := (User_CPSR and Mask_CPSR) + System_Mode;
 421       Buffer.all :=
 422         (R0     => Argument,
 423          PC     => Program_Counter,
 424          CPSR   => Address (User_CPSR),
 425          SP     => Stack_Pointer,
 426          others => 0);
 427    end Initialize_Context;
 429    ----------------------------
 430    -- Install_Error_Handlers --
 431    ----------------------------
 433    procedure Install_Error_Handlers is
 434       EH : constant Address := GNAT_Error_Handler'Address;
 436    begin
 437       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Reset_Vector);
 438       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Undefined_Instruction_Vector, True);
 439       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Supervisor_Call_Vector, True);
 440       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Prefetch_Abort_Vector, True);
 441       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Data_Abort_Vector);
 443       --  Do not install a handler for the Interrupt_Request_Vector, as
 444       --  the Ravenscar run time will handle that one, and may already
 445       --  have installed its handler before calling Install_Error_Handlers.
 447       Install_Trap_Handler (EH, Fast_Interrupt_Request_Vector);
 448    end Install_Error_Handlers;
 450    --------------------------
 451    -- Install_Trap_Handler --
 452    --------------------------
 454    procedure Install_Trap_Handler
 455      (Service_Routine : System.Address;
 456       Vector          : Vector_Id;
 457       Synchronous     : Boolean := False)
 458    is
 459    begin
 460       pragma Assert
 461         (Synchronous =
 462            (Vector in Undefined_Instruction_Vector .. Prefetch_Abort_Vector));
 463       Trap_Handlers (Vector) := To_Pointer (Service_Routine);
 464    end Install_Trap_Handler;
 466    --------------------
 467    -- Is_FPU_Enabled --
 468    --------------------
 470    function Is_FPU_Enabled return Boolean is
 471       R : Word;
 472    begin
 473       Asm ("fmrx   %0, fpexc",
 474            Outputs  => Word'Asm_Output ("=r", R),
 475            Volatile => True);
 476       return (R and 16#4000_0000#) /= 0;
 477    end Is_FPU_Enabled;
 479    ------------------------
 480    -- Disable_Interrupts --
 481    ------------------------
 483    procedure Disable_Interrupts is
 484    begin
 485       Asm ("cpsid i", Volatile => True);
 486    end Disable_Interrupts;
 488    -----------------------
 489    -- Enable_Interrupts --
 490    -----------------------
 492    procedure Enable_Interrupts (Level : Integer) is
 493    begin
 494       Board_Support.Set_Current_Priority (Level);
 496       if Level < System.Interrupt_Priority'First then
 497          Asm ("cpsie i", Volatile => True);
 498       end if;
 499    end Enable_Interrupts;
 501    --------------------
 502    -- Initialize_CPU --
 503    --------------------
 505    procedure Initialize_CPU is
 506    begin
 507       --  We start with not allowing floating point. This way there never will
 508       --  be overhead saving unused floating point registers, We'll also be
 509       --  able to tell if floating point instructions were ever used.
 511       Set_FPU_Enabled (False);
 512    end Initialize_CPU;
 514    ---------------------
 515    -- Set_FPU_Enabled --
 516    ---------------------
 518    procedure Set_FPU_Enabled (Enabled : Boolean) is
 519    begin
 520       Asm ("fmxr   fpexc, %0",
 521            Inputs    => Word'Asm_Input
 522                           ("r", (if Enabled then 16#4000_0000# else 0)),
 523            Volatile  => True);
 524       pragma Assert (Is_FPU_Enabled = Enabled);
 525    end Set_FPU_Enabled;
 526 end System.BB.CPU_Primitives;