File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS                          --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                        S Y S T E M . R E G P A T                         --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --               Copyright (C) 1986 by University of Toronto.               --
  10 --                     Copyright (C) 1996-2014, AdaCore                     --
  11 --                                                                          --
  12 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  13 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  14 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  15 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  16 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  17 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 --                                                                          --
  23 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  24 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  25 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  26 -- <>.                                          --
  27 --                                                                          --
  28 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  29 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  30 --                                                                          --
  31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33 --  This package implements roughly the same set of regular expressions as
  34 --  are available in the Perl or Python programming languages.
  36 --  This is an extension of the original V7 style regular expression library
  37 --  written in C by Henry Spencer. Apart from the translation to Ada, the
  38 --  interface has been considerably changed to use the Ada String type
  39 --  instead of C-style nul-terminated strings.
  41 --  Note: this package is in the System hierarchy so that it can be directly
  42 --  be used by other predefined packages. User access to this package is via
  43 --  a renaming of this package in GNAT.Regpat (file
  45 package System.Regpat is
  46    pragma Preelaborate;
  48    --  The grammar is the following:
  50    --     regexp ::= expr
  51    --            ::= ^ expr               -- anchor at the beginning of string
  52    --            ::= expr $               -- anchor at the end of string
  54    --     expr   ::= term
  55    --            ::= term | term          -- alternation (term or term ...)
  57    --     term   ::= item
  58    --            ::= item item ...        -- concatenation (item then item)
  60    --     item   ::= elmt                 -- match elmt
  61    --            ::= elmt *               -- zero or more elmt's
  62    --            ::= elmt +               -- one or more elmt's
  63    --            ::= elmt ?               -- matches elmt or nothing
  64    --            ::= elmt *?              -- zero or more times, minimum number
  65    --            ::= elmt +?              -- one or more times, minimum number
  66    --            ::= elmt ??              -- zero or one time, minimum number
  67    --            ::= elmt { num }         -- matches elmt exactly num times
  68    --            ::= elmt { num , }       -- matches elmt at least num times
  69    --            ::= elmt { num , num2 }  -- matches between num and num2 times
  70    --            ::= elmt { num }?        -- matches elmt exactly num times
  71    --            ::= elmt { num , }?      -- matches elmt at least num times
  72    --                                        non-greedy version
  73    --            ::= elmt { num , num2 }? -- matches between num and num2 times
  74    --                                        non-greedy version
  76    --     elmt   ::= nchr                 -- matches given character
  77    --            ::= [range range ...]    -- matches any character listed
  78    --            ::= [^ range range ...]  -- matches any character not listed
  79    --            ::= .                    -- matches any single character
  80    --                                     -- except newlines
  81    --            ::= ( expr )             -- parenthesis used for grouping
  82    --            ::= (?: expr )           -- non-capturing parenthesis
  83    --            ::= \ num                -- reference to num-th capturing
  84    --                                        parenthesis
  86    --     range  ::= char - char          -- matches chars in given range
  87    --            ::= nchr
  88    --            ::= [: posix :]          -- any character in the POSIX range
  89    --            ::= [:^ posix :]         -- not in the POSIX range
  91    --     posix  ::= alnum                -- alphanumeric characters
  92    --            ::= alpha                -- alphabetic characters
  93    --            ::= ascii                -- ascii characters (0 .. 127)
  94    --            ::= cntrl                -- control chars (0..31, 127..159)
  95    --            ::= digit                -- digits ('0' .. '9')
  96    --            ::= graph                -- graphic chars (32..126, 160..255)
  97    --            ::= lower                -- lower case characters
  98    --            ::= print                -- printable characters (32..127)
  99    --                                     -- and whitespaces (9 .. 13)
 100    --            ::= punct                -- printable, except alphanumeric
 101    --            ::= space                -- space characters
 102    --            ::= upper                -- upper case characters
 103    --            ::= word                 -- alphanumeric characters
 104    --            ::= xdigit               -- hexadecimal chars (0..9, a..f)
 106    --     char   ::= any character, including special characters
 107    --                ASCII.NUL is not supported.
 109    --     nchr   ::= any character except \()[].*+?^ or \char to match char
 110    --                \n means a newline (ASCII.LF)
 111    --                \t means a tab (ASCII.HT)
 112    --                \r means a return (ASCII.CR)
 113    --                \b matches the empty string at the beginning or end of a
 114    --                   word. A word is defined as a set of alphanumerical
 115    --                   characters (see \w below).
 116    --                \B matches the empty string only when *not* at the
 117    --                   beginning or end of a word.
 118    --                \d matches any digit character ([0-9])
 119    --                \D matches any non digit character ([^0-9])
 120    --                \s matches any white space character. This is equivalent
 121    --                   to [ \t\n\r\f\v]  (tab, form-feed, vertical-tab,...
 122    --                \S matches any non-white space character.
 123    --                \w matches any alphanumeric character or underscore.
 124    --                   This include accented letters, as defined in the
 125    --                   package Ada.Characters.Handling.
 126    --                \W matches any non-alphanumeric character.
 127    --                \A match the empty string only at the beginning of the
 128    --                   string, whatever flags are used for Compile (the
 129    --                   behavior of ^ can change, see Regexp_Flags below).
 130    --                \G match the empty string only at the end of the
 131    --                   string, whatever flags are used for Compile (the
 132    --                   behavior of $ can change, see Regexp_Flags below).
 133    --     ...    ::= is used to indication repetition (one or more terms)
 135    --  Embedded newlines are not matched by the ^ operator.
 136    --  It is possible to retrieve the substring matched a parenthesis
 137    --  expression. Although the depth of parenthesis is not limited in the
 138    --  regexp, only the first 9 substrings can be retrieved.
 140    --  The highest value possible for the arguments to the curly operator ({})
 141    --  are given by the constant Max_Curly_Repeat below.
 143    --  The operators '*', '+', '?' and '{}' always match the longest possible
 144    --  substring. They all have a non-greedy version (with an extra ? after the
 145    --  operator), which matches the shortest possible substring.
 147    --  For instance:
 148    --      regexp="<.*>"   string="<h1>title</h1>"   matches="<h1>title</h1>"
 149    --      regexp="<.*?>"  string="<h1>title</h1>"   matches="<h1>"
 150    --
 151    --  '{' and '}' are only considered as special characters if they appear
 152    --  in a substring that looks exactly like '{n}', '{n,m}' or '{n,}', where
 153    --  n and m are digits. No space is allowed. In other contexts, the curly
 154    --  braces will simply be treated as normal characters.
 156    --  Compiling Regular Expressions
 157    --  =============================
 159    --  To use this package, you first need to compile the regular expression
 160    --  (a string) into a byte-code program, in a Pattern_Matcher structure.
 161    --  This first step checks that the regexp is valid, and optimizes the
 162    --  matching algorithms of the second step.
 164    --  Two versions of the Compile subprogram are given: one in which this
 165    --  package will compute itself the best possible size to allocate for the
 166    --  byte code; the other where you must allocate enough memory yourself. An
 167    --  exception is raised if there is not enough memory.
 169    --     declare
 170    --        Regexp : String := "a|b";
 172    --        Matcher : Pattern_Matcher := Compile (Regexp);
 173    --        --  The size for matcher is automatically allocated
 175    --        Matcher2 : Pattern_Matcher (1000);
 176    --        --  Some space is allocated directly.
 178    --     begin
 179    --        Compile (Matcher2, Regexp);
 180    --        ...
 181    --     end;
 183    --  Note that the second version is significantly faster, since with the
 184    --  first version the regular expression has in fact to be compiled twice
 185    --  (first to compute the size, then to generate the byte code).
 187    --  Note also that you cannot use the function version of Compile if you
 188    --  specify the size of the Pattern_Matcher, since the discriminants will
 189    --  most probably be different and you will get a Constraint_Error
 191    --  Matching Strings
 192    --  ================
 194    --  Once the regular expression has been compiled, you can use it as often
 195    --  as needed to match strings.
 197    --  Several versions of the Match subprogram are provided, with different
 198    --  parameters and return results.
 200    --  See the description under each of these subprograms
 202    --  Here is a short example showing how to get the substring matched by
 203    --  the first parenthesis pair.
 205    --     declare
 206    --        Matches : Match_Array (0 .. 1);
 207    --        Regexp  : String := "a(b|c)d";
 208    --        Str     : String := "gacdg";
 210    --     begin
 211    --        Match (Compile (Regexp), Str, Matches);
 212    --        return Str (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last);
 213    --        --  returns 'c'
 214    --     end;
 216    --  Finding all occurrences
 217    --  =======================
 219    --  Finding all the occurrences of a regular expression in a string cannot
 220    --  be done by simply passing a slice of the string. This wouldn't work for
 221    --  anchored regular expressions (the ones starting with "^" or ending with
 222    --  "$").
 223    --  Instead, you need to use the last parameter to Match (Data_First), as in
 224    --  the following loop:
 226    --     declare
 227    --        Str     : String :=
 228    --           "-- first line" & ASCII.LF & "-- second line";
 229    --        Matches : Match_Array (0 .. 0);
 230    --        Regexp  : Pattern_Matcher := Compile ("^--", Multiple_Lines);
 231    --        Current : Natural := Str'First;
 232    --     begin
 233    --        loop
 234    --           Match (Regexp, Str, Matches, Current);
 235    --           exit when Matches (0) = No_Match;
 236    --
 237    --           --  Process the match at position Matches (0).First
 238    --
 239    --           Current := Matches (0).Last + 1;
 240    --        end loop;
 241    --     end;
 243    --  String Substitution
 244    --  ===================
 246    --  No subprogram is currently provided for string substitution.
 247    --  However, this is easy to simulate with the parenthesis groups, as
 248    --  shown below.
 250    --  This example swaps the first two words of the string:
 252    --     declare
 253    --        Regexp  : String := "([a-z]+) +([a-z]+)";
 254    --        Str     : String := " first   second third ";
 255    --        Matches : Match_Array (0 .. 2);
 257    --     begin
 258    --        Match (Compile (Regexp), Str, Matches);
 259    --        return Str (Str'First .. Matches (1).First - 1)
 260    --               & Str (Matches (2).First .. Matches (2).Last)
 261    --               & " "
 262    --               & Str (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last)
 263    --               & Str (Matches (2).Last + 1 .. Str'Last);
 264    --        --  returns " second first third "
 265    --     end;
 267    ---------------
 268    -- Constants --
 269    ---------------
 271    Expression_Error : exception;
 272    --  This exception is raised when trying to compile an invalid regular
 273    --  expression. All subprograms taking an expression as parameter may raise
 274    --  Expression_Error.
 276    Max_Paren_Count : constant := 255;
 277    --  Maximum number of parenthesis in a regular expression. This is limited
 278    --  by the size of a Character, as found in the byte-compiled version of
 279    --  regular expressions.
 281    Max_Curly_Repeat : constant := 32767;
 282    --  Maximum number of repetition for the curly operator. The digits in the
 283    --  {n}, {n,} and {n,m } operators cannot be higher than this constant,
 284    --  since they have to fit on two characters in the byte-compiled version of
 285    --  regular expressions.
 287    Max_Program_Size : constant := 2**15 - 1;
 288    --  Maximum size that can be allocated for a program
 290    type Program_Size is range 0 .. Max_Program_Size;
 291    for Program_Size'Size use 16;
 292    --  Number of bytes allocated for the byte-compiled version of a regular
 293    --  expression. The size required depends on the complexity of the regular
 294    --  expression in a complex manner that is undocumented (other than in the
 295    --  body of the Compile procedure). Normally the size is automatically set
 296    --  and the programmer need not be concerned about it. There are two
 297    --  exceptions to this. First in the calls to Match, it is possible to
 298    --  specify a non-zero size that is known to be large enough. This can
 299    --  slightly increase the efficiency by avoiding a copy. Second, in the case
 300    --  of calling compile, it is possible using the procedural form of Compile
 301    --  to use a single Pattern_Matcher variable for several different
 302    --  expressions by setting its size sufficiently large.
 304    Auto_Size : constant := 0;
 305    --  Used in calls to Match to indicate that the Size should be set to
 306    --  a value appropriate to the expression being used automatically.
 308    type Regexp_Flags is mod 256;
 309    for Regexp_Flags'Size use 8;
 310    --  Flags that can be given at compile time to specify default
 311    --  properties for the regular expression.
 313    No_Flags         : constant Regexp_Flags;
 314    Case_Insensitive : constant Regexp_Flags;
 315    --  The automaton is optimized so that the matching is done in a case
 316    --  insensitive manner (upper case characters and lower case characters
 317    --  are all treated the same way).
 319    Single_Line      : constant Regexp_Flags;
 320    --  Treat the Data we are matching as a single line. This means that
 321    --  ^ and $ will ignore \n (unless Multiple_Lines is also specified),
 322    --  and that '.' will match \n.
 324    Multiple_Lines   : constant Regexp_Flags;
 325    --  Treat the Data as multiple lines. This means that ^ and $ will also
 326    --  match on internal newlines (ASCII.LF), in addition to the beginning
 327    --  and end of the string.
 328    --
 329    --  This can be combined with Single_Line.
 331    -----------------
 332    -- Match_Array --
 333    -----------------
 335    subtype Match_Count is Natural range 0 .. Max_Paren_Count;
 337    type Match_Location is record
 338       First : Natural := 0;
 339       Last  : Natural := 0;
 340    end record;
 342    type Match_Array is array (Match_Count range <>) of Match_Location;
 343    --  Used for regular expressions that can contain parenthesized
 344    --  subexpressions. Certain Match subprograms below produce Matches of type
 345    --  Match_Array. Each component of Matches is set to the subrange of the
 346    --  matches substring, or to No_Match if no match. Matches (N) is for the
 347    --  N'th parenthesized subexpressions; Matches (0) is for the whole
 348    --  expression.
 349    --
 350    --  Non-capturing parenthesis (introduced with (?:...)) can not be
 351    --  retrieved and do not count in the match array index.
 352    --
 353    --  For instance, if your regular expression is: "a((b*)c+)(d+)", then
 354    --                                                 12      3
 355    --     Matches (0) is for "a((b*)c+)(d+)" (the entire expression)
 356    --     Matches (1) is for "(b*)c+"
 357    --     Matches (2) is for "b*"
 358    --     Matches (3) is for "d+"
 359    --
 360    --  The number of parenthesis groups that can be retrieved is limited only
 361    --  by Max_Paren_Count.
 362    --
 363    --  Normally, the bounds of the Matches actual parameter will be
 364    --  0 .. Paren_Count (Regexp), to get all the matches. However, it is fine
 365    --  if Matches is shorter than that on either end; missing components will
 366    --  be ignored. Thus, in the above example, you could use 2 .. 2 if all you
 367    --  care about it the second parenthesis pair "b*". Likewise, if
 368    --  Matches'Last > Paren_Count (Regexp), the extra components will be set to
 369    --  No_Match.
 371    No_Match : constant Match_Location := (First => 0, Last => 0);
 372    --  The No_Match constant is (0, 0) to differentiate between matching a null
 373    --  string at position 1, which uses (1, 0) and no match at all.
 375    ---------------------------------
 376    -- Pattern_Matcher Compilation --
 377    ---------------------------------
 379    --  The subprograms here are used to precompile regular expressions for use
 380    --  in subsequent Match calls. Precompilation improves efficiency if the
 381    --  same regular expression is to be used in more than one Match call.
 383    type Pattern_Matcher (Size : Program_Size) is private;
 384    --  Type used to represent a regular expression compiled into byte code
 386    Never_Match : constant Pattern_Matcher;
 387    --  A regular expression that never matches anything
 389    function Compile
 390      (Expression : String;
 391       Flags      : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags) return Pattern_Matcher;
 392    --  Compile a regular expression into internal code
 393    --
 394    --  Raises Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular expression
 395    --
 396    --  The appropriate size is calculated automatically to correspond to the
 397    --  provided expression. This is the normal default method of compilation.
 398    --  Note that it is generally not possible to assign the result of two
 399    --  different calls to this Compile function to the same Pattern_Matcher
 400    --  variable, since the sizes will differ.
 401    --
 402    --  Flags is the default value to use to set properties for Expression
 403    --  (e.g. case sensitivity,...).
 405    procedure Compile
 406      (Matcher         : out Pattern_Matcher;
 407       Expression      : String;
 408       Final_Code_Size : out Program_Size;
 409       Flags           : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags);
 410    --  Compile a regular expression into internal code
 412    --  This procedure is significantly faster than the Compile function since
 413    --  it avoids the extra step of precomputing the required size.
 414    --
 415    --  However, it requires the user to provide a Pattern_Matcher variable
 416    --  whose size is preset to a large enough value. One advantage of this
 417    --  approach, in addition to the improved efficiency, is that the same
 418    --  Pattern_Matcher variable can be used to hold the compiled code for
 419    --  several different regular expressions by setting a size that is large
 420    --  enough to accommodate all possibilities.
 421    --
 422    --  In this version of the procedure call, the actual required code size is
 423    --  returned. Also if Matcher.Size is zero on entry, then the resulting code
 424    --  is not stored. A call with Matcher.Size set to Auto_Size can thus be
 425    --  used to determine the space required for compiling the given regular
 426    --  expression.
 427    --
 428    --  This function raises Storage_Error if Matcher is too small to hold
 429    --  the resulting code (i.e. Matcher.Size has too small a value).
 430    --
 431    --  Expression_Error is raised if the string Expression does not contain
 432    --  a valid regular expression.
 433    --
 434    --  Flags is the default value to use to set properties for Expression (case
 435    --  sensitivity,...).
 437    procedure Compile
 438      (Matcher    : out Pattern_Matcher;
 439       Expression : String;
 440       Flags      : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags);
 441    --  Same procedure as above, expect it does not return the final
 442    --  program size, and Matcher.Size cannot be Auto_Size.
 444    function Paren_Count (Regexp : Pattern_Matcher) return Match_Count;
 445    pragma Inline (Paren_Count);
 446    --  Return the number of parenthesis pairs in Regexp.
 447    --
 448    --  This is the maximum index that will be filled if a Match_Array is
 449    --  used as an argument to Match.
 450    --
 451    --  Thus, if you want to be sure to get all the parenthesis, you should
 452    --  do something like:
 453    --
 454    --     declare
 455    --        Regexp  : Pattern_Matcher := Compile ("a(b*)(c+)");
 456    --        Matched : Match_Array (0 .. Paren_Count (Regexp));
 457    --     begin
 458    --        Match (Regexp, "a string", Matched);
 459    --     end;
 461    -------------
 462    -- Quoting --
 463    -------------
 465    function Quote (Str : String) return String;
 466    --  Return a version of Str so that every special character is quoted.
 467    --  The resulting string can be used in a regular expression to match
 468    --  exactly Str, whatever character was present in Str.
 470    --------------
 471    -- Matching --
 472    --------------
 474    --  The Match subprograms are given a regular expression in string
 475    --  form, and perform the corresponding match. The following parameters
 476    --  are present in all forms of the Match call.
 478    --    Expression contains the regular expression to be matched as a string
 480    --    Data contains the string to be matched
 482    --    Data_First is the lower bound for the match, i.e. Data (Data_First)
 483    --    will be the first character to be examined. If Data_First is set to
 484    --    the special value of -1 (the default), then the first character to
 485    --    be examined is Data (Data_First). However, the regular expression
 486    --    character ^ (start of string) still refers to the first character
 487    --    of the full string (Data (Data'First)), which is why there is a
 488    --    separate mechanism for specifying Data_First.
 490    --    Data_Last is the upper bound for the match, i.e. Data (Data_Last)
 491    --    will be the last character to be examined. If Data_Last is set to
 492    --    the special value of Positive'Last (the default), then the last
 493    --    character to be examined is Data (Data_Last). However, the regular
 494    --    expression character $ (end of string) still refers to the last
 495    --    character of the full string (Data (Data'Last)), which is why there
 496    --    is a separate mechanism for specifying Data_Last.
 498    --    Note: the use of Data_First and Data_Last is not equivalent to
 499    --    simply passing a slice as Expression because of the handling of
 500    --    regular expression characters ^ and $.
 502    --    Size is the size allocated for the compiled byte code. Normally
 503    --    this is defaulted to Auto_Size which means that the appropriate
 504    --    size is allocated automatically. It is possible to specify an
 505    --    explicit size, which must be sufficiently large. This slightly
 506    --    increases the efficiency by avoiding the extra step of computing
 507    --    the appropriate size.
 509    --  The following exceptions can be raised in calls to Match
 510    --
 511    --    Storage_Error is raised if a non-zero value is given for Size
 512    --    and it is too small to hold the compiled byte code.
 513    --
 514    --    Expression_Error is raised if the given expression is not a legal
 515    --    regular expression.
 517    procedure Match
 518      (Expression : String;
 519       Data       : String;
 520       Matches    : out Match_Array;
 521       Size       : Program_Size := Auto_Size;
 522       Data_First : Integer      := -1;
 523       Data_Last  : Positive     := Positive'Last);
 524    --  This version returns the result of the match stored in Match_Array;
 525    --  see comments under Match_Array above for details.
 527    function Match
 528      (Expression : String;
 529       Data       : String;
 530       Size       : Program_Size := Auto_Size;
 531       Data_First : Integer      := -1;
 532       Data_Last  : Positive     := Positive'Last) return Natural;
 533    --  This version returns the position where Data matches, or if there is
 534    --  no match, then the value Data'First - 1.
 536    function Match
 537      (Expression : String;
 538       Data       : String;
 539       Size       : Program_Size := Auto_Size;
 540       Data_First : Integer      := -1;
 541       Data_Last  : Positive     := Positive'Last) return Boolean;
 542    --  This version returns True if the match succeeds, False otherwise
 544    ------------------------------------------------
 545    -- Matching a Pre-Compiled Regular Expression --
 546    ------------------------------------------------
 548    --  The following functions are significantly faster if you need to reuse
 549    --  the same regular expression multiple times, since you only have to
 550    --  compile it once. For these functions you must first compile the
 551    --  expression with a call to Compile as previously described.
 553    --  The parameters Data, Data_First and Data_Last are as described
 554    --  in the previous section.
 556    function  Match
 557      (Self       : Pattern_Matcher;
 558       Data       : String;
 559       Data_First : Integer  := -1;
 560       Data_Last  : Positive := Positive'Last) return Natural;
 561    --  Match Data using the given pattern matcher. Returns the position
 562    --  where Data matches, or (Data'First - 1) if there is no match.
 564    function  Match
 565      (Self       : Pattern_Matcher;
 566       Data       : String;
 567       Data_First : Integer  := -1;
 568       Data_Last  : Positive := Positive'Last) return Boolean;
 569    --  Return True if Data matches using the given pattern matcher
 571    pragma Inline (Match);
 572    --  All except the last one below
 574    procedure Match
 575      (Self       : Pattern_Matcher;
 576       Data       : String;
 577       Matches    : out Match_Array;
 578       Data_First : Integer  := -1;
 579       Data_Last  : Positive := Positive'Last);
 580    --  Match Data using the given pattern matcher and store result in Matches;
 581    --  see comments under Match_Array above for details.
 583    -----------
 584    -- Debug --
 585    -----------
 587    procedure Dump (Self : Pattern_Matcher);
 588    --  Dump the compiled version of the regular expression matched by Self
 590 --------------------------
 591 -- Private Declarations --
 592 --------------------------
 594 private
 596    subtype Pointer is Program_Size;
 597    --  The Pointer type is used to point into Program_Data
 599    --  Note that the pointer type is not necessarily 2 bytes
 600    --  although it is stored in the program using 2 bytes
 602    type Program_Data is array (Pointer range <>) of Character;
 604    Program_First : constant := 1;
 606    --  The "internal use only" fields in regexp are present to pass info from
 607    --  compile to execute that permits the execute phase to run lots faster on
 608    --  simple cases. They are:
 610    --     First              character that must begin a match or ASCII.NUL
 611    --     Anchored           true iff match must start at beginning of line
 612    --     Must_Have          pointer to string that match must include or null
 613    --     Must_Have_Length   length of Must_Have string
 615    --  First and Anchored permit very fast decisions on suitable starting
 616    --  points for a match, cutting down the work a lot. Must_Have permits fast
 617    --  rejection of lines that cannot possibly match.
 619    --  The Must_Have tests are costly enough that Optimize supplies a Must_Have
 620    --  only if the r.e. contains something potentially expensive (at present,
 621    --  the only such thing detected is * or at the start of the r.e., which can
 622    --  involve a lot of backup). The length is supplied because the test in
 623    --  Execute needs it and Optimize is computing it anyway.
 625    --  The initialization is meant to fail-safe in case the user of this
 626    --  package tries to use an uninitialized matcher. This takes advantage
 627    --  of the knowledge that ASCII.NUL translates to the end-of-program (EOP)
 628    --  instruction code of the state machine.
 630    No_Flags         : constant Regexp_Flags := 0;
 631    Case_Insensitive : constant Regexp_Flags := 1;
 632    Single_Line      : constant Regexp_Flags := 2;
 633    Multiple_Lines   : constant Regexp_Flags := 4;
 635    type Pattern_Matcher (Size : Pointer) is record
 636       First            : Character    := ASCII.NUL;  --  internal use only
 637       Anchored         : Boolean      := False;      --  internal use only
 638       Must_Have        : Pointer      := 0;          --  internal use only
 639       Must_Have_Length : Natural      := 0;          --  internal use only
 640       Paren_Count      : Natural      := 0;          --  # paren groups
 641       Flags            : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags;
 642       Program          : Program_Data (Program_First .. Size) :=
 643                            (others => ASCII.NUL);
 644    end record;
 646    Never_Match : constant Pattern_Matcher :=
 647       (0, ASCII.NUL, False, 0, 0, 0, No_Flags, (others => ASCII.NUL));
 649 end System.Regpat;