File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                    S Y S T E M . S O F T _ L I N K S                     --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This package contains a set of subprogram access variables that access
  33 --  some low-level primitives that are different depending whether tasking is
  34 --  involved or not (e.g. the Get/Set_Jmpbuf_Address that needs to provide a
  35 --  different value for each task). To avoid dragging in the tasking runtimes
  36 --  all the time, we use a system of soft links where the links are
  37 --  initialized to non-tasking versions, and then if the tasking support is
  38 --  initialized, they are set to the real tasking versions.
  40 --  This is a Ravenscar bare board version of this package. Tasking versions
  41 --  of the primitives are always used.
  43 with Ada.Exceptions;
  45 package System.Soft_Links is
  46    pragma Preelaborate;
  48    subtype EOA is Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence_Access;
  49    subtype EO is Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence;
  51    --  First we have the access subprogram types used to establish the links.
  52    --  The approach is to establish variables containing access subprogram
  53    --  values, which by default point to dummy no tasking versions of routines.
  55    type No_Param_Proc is access procedure;
  56    pragma Suppress_Initialization (No_Param_Proc);
  57    type EO_Param_Proc is access procedure (Excep : EO);
  58    pragma Favor_Top_Level (EO_Param_Proc);
  60    type Get_EOA_Call is access function return EOA;
  62    --  Suppress checks on all these types, since we know the corrresponding
  63    --  values can never be null (the soft links are always initialized).
  65    pragma Suppress (Access_Check, No_Param_Proc);
  66    pragma Suppress (Access_Check, EO_Param_Proc);
  67    pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Get_EOA_Call);
  69    --  The following one is not related to tasking/no-tasking but to the
  70    --  traceback decorators for exceptions.
  72    type Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper_Call is access
  73      function (Traceback : System.Address; Len : Natural) return String;
  74    pragma Favor_Top_Level (Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper_Call);
  76    procedure Abort_Defer_Raven is null;
  77    --  Defer task abort (Ravenscar case, does nothing)
  79    procedure Abort_Undefer_Raven is null;
  80    --  Undefer task abort (Ravenscar case, does nothing)
  82    procedure Task_Lock_Soft;
  83    --  Lock out other tasks
  85    procedure Task_Unlock_Soft;
  86    --  Release lock set by Task_Lock
  88    Lock_Task : No_Param_Proc := Task_Lock_Soft'Access;
  89    --  Locks out other tasks. Preceding a section of code by Task_Lock and
  90    --  following it by Task_Unlock creates a critical region. This is used
  91    --  for ensuring that a region of non-tasking code (such as code used to
  92    --  allocate memory) is tasking safe. Note that it is valid for calls to
  93    --  Task_Lock/Task_Unlock to be nested, and this must work properly, i.e.
  94    --  only the corresponding outer level Task_Unlock will actually unlock.
  96    Unlock_Task : No_Param_Proc := Task_Unlock_Soft'Access;
  97    --  Releases lock previously set by call to Lock_Task. In the nested case,
  98    --  all nested locks must be released before other tasks competing for the
  99    --  tasking lock are released.
 100    --
 101    --  Note: the recommended protocol for using Lock_Task and Unlock_Task
 102    --  is as follows:
 103    --
 104    --    Locked_Processing : begin
 105    --       System.Soft_Links.Lock_Task.all;
 106    --       ...
 107    --       System.Soft_Links.Unlock_Task.all;
 108    --
 109    --    exception
 110    --       when others =>
 111    --          System.Soft_Links.Unlock_Task.all;
 112    --          raise;
 113    --    end Locked_Processing;
 114    --
 115    --  This ensures that the lock is not left set if an exception is raised
 116    --  explicitly or implicitly during the critical locked region.
 118    procedure Adafinal_Soft;
 119    --  Programs do not terminate in Ravenscar
 121    Adafinal : No_Param_Proc := Adafinal_Soft'Access;
 122    --  Performs the finalization of the Ada Runtime
 124    Abort_Defer : constant No_Param_Proc := Abort_Defer_Raven'Access;
 125    pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Abort_Defer);
 126    --  Defer task abort (task/non-task case as appropriate)
 128    Abort_Undefer : constant No_Param_Proc := Abort_Undefer_Raven'Access;
 129    pragma Suppress (Access_Check, Abort_Undefer);
 130    --  Undefer task abort (task/non-task case as appropriate)
 132    --  Declarations for the no tasking versions of the required routines
 134    function Get_Current_Excep_Soft return EOA;
 135    pragma Inline (Get_Current_Excep_Soft);
 137    Get_Current_Excep : constant Get_EOA_Call := Get_Current_Excep_Soft'Access;
 139    function Get_GNAT_Exception return Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id;
 140    pragma Inline (Get_GNAT_Exception);
 141    --  This function obtains the Exception_Id from the Exception_Occurrence
 142    --  referenced by the Current_Excep field of the task specific data, i.e.
 143    --  the call is equivalent to:
 144    --    Exception_Identity (Get_Current_Exception.all)
 146    procedure Task_Termination_Soft (Except : EO);
 147    --  Handle task termination routines for the environment task (non-tasking
 148    --  case, does nothing).
 150    Task_Termination_Handler : EO_Param_Proc := Task_Termination_Soft'Access;
 151    --  Handle task termination routines (task/non-task case as appropriate)
 153    -------------------------------------
 154    -- Exception Tracebacks Soft-Links --
 155    -------------------------------------
 157    Library_Exception : EO;
 158    --  Library-level finalization routines use this common reference to store
 159    --  the first library-level exception which occurs during finalization.
 161    Library_Exception_Set : Boolean := False;
 162    --  Used in conjunction with Library_Exception, set when an exception has
 163    --  been stored.
 165    Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper : Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper_Call;
 166    --  Wrapper to the possible user specified traceback decorator to be
 167    --  called during automatic output of exception data.
 168    --
 169    --  The null value of this wrapper corresponds to the null value of the
 170    --  current actual decorator. This is ensured first by the null initial
 171    --  value of the corresponding variables, and then by Set_Trace_Decorator
 172    --  in g-exctra.adb.
 174    pragma Atomic (Traceback_Decorator_Wrapper);
 175    --  Since concurrent read/write operations may occur on this variable. See
 176    --  the body of Tailored_Exception_Traceback in Ada.Exceptions for a more
 177    --  detailed description of the potential problems.
 179 end System.Soft_Links;