File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --     S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . R E S T R I C T E D . S T A G E S      --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                  S p e c                                 --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This is a simplified version of the System.Tasking.Stages package,
  33 --  intended to be used in a restricted run time.
  35 --  This package represents the high level tasking interface used by the
  36 --  compiler to expand Ada 95 tasking constructs into simpler run time calls
  37 --  (aka GNARLI, GNU Ada Run-time Library Interface)
  39 --  Note: the compiler generates direct calls to this interface, via Rtsfind.
  40 --  Any changes to this interface may require corresponding compiler changes
  41 --  in exp_ch9.adb and possibly exp_ch7.adb
  43 --  The restricted GNARLI is also composed of System.Protected_Objects and
  44 --  System.Protected_Objects.Single_Entry
  46 with System.Task_Info;
  47 with System.Parameters;
  49 package System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages is
  50    pragma Elaborate_Body;
  52    ---------------------------------
  53    -- Compiler Interface (GNARLI) --
  54    ---------------------------------
  56    --  The compiler will expand in the GNAT tree the following construct:
  58    --   task type T (Discr : Integer);
  60    --   task body T is
  61    --      ...declarations, possibly some controlled...
  62    --   begin
  63    --      ...B...;
  64    --   end T;
  66    --   T1 : T (1);
  68    --  as follows:
  70    --   task type t (discr : integer);
  71    --   tE : aliased boolean := false;
  72    --   tZ : size_type := unspecified_size;
  74    --   type tV (discr : integer) is limited record
  75    --      _task_id : task_id;
  76    --      _atcb : aliased system__tasking__ada_task_control_block (0);
  77    --   end record;
  79    --   procedure tB (_task : access tV);
  80    --   freeze tV [
  81    --      procedure tVIP (_init : in out tV; _master : master_id;
  82    --        _chain : in out activation_chain; _task_name : in string;
  83    --        discr : integer) is
  84    --      begin
  85    --         _init.discr := discr;
  86    --         _init._task_id := null;
  87    --         system__tasking__ada_task_control_blockIP (_init._atcb, 0);
  88    --         _init._task_id := _init._atcb'unchecked_access;
  89    --         create_restricted_task (unspecified_priority, tZ,
  90    --           unspecified_task_info, unspecified_cpu,
  91    --           task_procedure_access!(tB'address), _init'address,
  92    --           tE'unchecked_access, _task_name, _init._task_id);
  93    --         return;
  94    --      end tVIP;
  96    --   _chain : aliased activation_chain;
  97    --   activation_chainIP (_chain);
  99    --   procedure tB (_task : access tV) is
 100    --      discr : integer renames _task.discr;
 102    --      procedure _clean is
 103    --      begin
 104    --         complete_restricted_task;
 105    --         finalize_list (F14b);
 106    --         return;
 107    --      end _clean;
 109    --   begin
 110    --      ...declarations...
 111    --      complete_restricted_activation;
 112    --      ...B...;
 113    --      return;
 114    --   at end
 115    --      _clean;
 116    --   end tB;
 118    --   tE := true;
 119    --   t1 : t (1);
 120    --   t1S : constant String := "t1";
 121    --   tIP (t1, 3, _chain, t1S, 1);
 123    Partition_Elaboration_Policy : Character := 'C';
 124    pragma Export (C, Partition_Elaboration_Policy,
 125                   "__gnat_partition_elaboration_policy");
 126    --  Partition elaboration policy. Value can be either 'C' for concurrent,
 127    --  which is the default or 'S' for sequential. This value can be modified
 128    --  by the binder generated code, before calling elaboration code.
 130    procedure Create_Restricted_Task
 131      (Priority      : Integer;
 132       Stack_Address : System.Address;
 133       Size          : System.Parameters.Size_Type;
 134       Task_Info     : System.Task_Info.Task_Info_Type;
 135       CPU           : Integer;
 136       State         : Task_Procedure_Access;
 137       Discriminants : System.Address;
 138       Elaborated    : Access_Boolean;
 139       Chain         : in out Activation_Chain;
 140       Task_Image    : String;
 141       Created_Task  : Task_Id);
 142    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS.
 143    --  This must be called to create a new task, when the partition
 144    --  elaboration policy is not specified (or is concurrent).
 145    --
 146    --  Priority is the task's priority (assumed to be in the
 147    --  System.Any_Priority'Range)
 148    --
 149    --  Stack_Address is the start address of the stack associated to the task,
 150    --  in case it has been preallocated by the compiler; it is equal to
 151    --  Null_Address when the stack needs to be allocated by the underlying
 152    --  operating system.
 153    --
 154    --  Size is the stack size of the task to create
 155    --
 156    --  Task_Info is the task info associated with the created task, or
 157    --  Unspecified_Task_Info if none.
 158    --
 159    --  CPU is the task affinity. We pass it as an Integer to avoid an explicit
 160    --   dependency from System.Multiprocessors when not needed. Static range
 161    --   checks are performed when analyzing the pragma, and dynamic ones are
 162    --   performed before setting the affinity at run time.
 163    --
 164    --  State is the compiler generated task's procedure body
 165    --
 166    --  Discriminants is a pointer to a limited record whose discriminants are
 167    --  those of the task to create. This parameter should be passed as the
 168    --  single argument to State.
 169    --
 170    --  Elaborated is a pointer to a Boolean that must be set to true on exit
 171    --  if the task could be successfully elaborated.
 172    --
 173    --  Chain is a linked list of task that needs to be created. On exit,
 174    --  Created_Task.Activation_Link will be Chain.T_ID, and Chain.T_ID will be
 175    --  Created_Task (the created task will be linked at the front of Chain).
 176    --
 177    --  Task_Image is a string created by the compiler that the run time can
 178    --  store to ease the debugging and the Ada.Task_Identification facility.
 179    --
 180    --  Created_Task is the resulting task.
 181    --
 182    --  This procedure can raise Storage_Error if the task creation fails
 184    procedure Create_Restricted_Task_Sequential
 185      (Priority      : Integer;
 186       Stack_Address : System.Address;
 187       Size          : System.Parameters.Size_Type;
 188       Task_Info     : System.Task_Info.Task_Info_Type;
 189       CPU           : Integer;
 190       State         : Task_Procedure_Access;
 191       Discriminants : System.Address;
 192       Elaborated    : Access_Boolean;
 193       Task_Image    : String;
 194       Created_Task  : Task_Id);
 195    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS.
 196    --  This must be called to create a new task, when the sequential partition
 197    --  elaboration policy is used.
 198    --
 199    --  The parameters are the same as Create_Restricted_Task except there is
 200    --  no Chain parameter (for the activation chain), as there is only one
 201    --  global activation chain, which is declared in the body of this package.
 203    procedure Activate_Restricted_Tasks
 204      (Chain_Access : Activation_Chain_Access);
 205    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS.
 206    --  This must be called by the creator of a chain of one or more new tasks,
 207    --  to activate them. The chain is a linked list that up to this point is
 208    --  only known to the task that created them, though the individual tasks
 209    --  are already in the All_Tasks_List.
 210    --
 211    --  The compiler builds the chain in LIFO order (as a stack). Another
 212    --  version of this procedure had code to reverse the chain, so as to
 213    --  activate the tasks in the order of declaration. This might be nice, but
 214    --  it is not needed if priority-based scheduling is supported, since all
 215    --  the activated tasks synchronize on the activators lock before they start
 216    --  activating and so they should start activating in priority order.
 217    --
 218    --  When the partition elaboration policy is sequential, this procedure
 219    --  does nothing, tasks will be activated at end of elaboration.
 221    procedure Activate_All_Tasks_Sequential;
 222    pragma Export (C, Activate_All_Tasks_Sequential,
 223                   "__gnat_activate_all_tasks");
 224    --  Binder interface only. Do not call from within the RTS. This must be
 225    --  called an the end of the elaboration to activate all tasks, in order
 226    --  to implement the sequential elaboration policy.
 228    procedure Complete_Restricted_Activation;
 229    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS. This should be
 230    --  called from the task body at the end of the elaboration code for its
 231    --  declarative part. Decrement the count of tasks to be activated by the
 232    --  activator and wake it up so it can check to see if all tasks have been
 233    --  activated. Except for the environment task, which should never call this
 234    --  procedure, T.Activator should only be null iff T has completed
 235    --  activation.
 237    procedure Complete_Restricted_Task;
 238    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS. This should be
 239    --  called from an implicit at-end handler associated with the task body,
 240    --  when it completes. From this point, the current task will become not
 241    --  callable. If the current task have not completed activation, this should
 242    --  be done now in order to wake up the activator (the environment task).
 244    function Restricted_Terminated (T : Task_Id) return Boolean;
 245    --  Compiler interface only. Do not call from within the RTS. This is called
 246    --  by the compiler to implement the 'Terminated attribute.
 247    --
 248    --  source code:
 249    --     T1'Terminated
 250    --
 251    --  code expansion:
 252    --     restricted_terminated (t1._task_id)
 254    procedure Finalize_Global_Tasks;
 255    --  This is needed to support the compiler interface. It will only be called
 256    --  by the Environment task in the binder generated file (by adafinal).
 257    --  Instead, it will cause the Environment to block forever, since none of
 258    --  the dependent tasks are expected to terminate
 260 end System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages;