File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                  GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --              S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . U T I L I T I E S             --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                  S p e c                                 --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --         Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This package provides RTS Internal Declarations.
  33 --  These declarations are not part of the GNARLI
  35 with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
  36 with System.Task_Primitives;
  38 package System.Tasking.Utilities is
  40    function ATCB_To_Address is new
  41      Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Task_Id, System.Task_Primitives.Task_Address);
  43    ---------------------------------
  44    -- Task_Stage Related routines --
  45    ---------------------------------
  47    function Make_Independent return Boolean;
  48    --  Move the current task to the outermost level (level 2) of the master
  49    --  hierarchy of the environment task. That is one level further out
  50    --  than normal tasks defined in library-level packages (level 3). The
  51    --  environment task will wait for level 3 tasks to terminate normally,
  52    --  then it will abort all the level 2 tasks. See Finalize_Global_Tasks
  53    --  procedure for more information.
  54    --
  55    --  This is a dangerous operation, and should never be used on nested tasks
  56    --  or tasks that depend on any objects that might be finalized earlier than
  57    --  the termination of the environment task. It is for internal use by the
  58    --  GNARL, to prevent such internal server tasks from preventing a partition
  59    --  from terminating.
  60    --
  61    --  Also note that the run time assumes that the parent of an independent
  62    --  task is the environment task. If this is not the case, Make_Independent
  63    --  will change the task's parent. This assumption is particularly
  64    --  important for master level completion and for the computation of
  65    --  Independent_Task_Count.
  66    --
  67    --  NOTE WELL: Make_Independent should be called before the task reaches its
  68    --  "begin", like this:
  69    --
  70    --     task body Some_Independent_Task is
  71    --        ...
  72    --        Ignore : constant Boolean := Make_Independent;
  73    --        ...
  74    --     begin
  75    --
  76    --  The return value is meaningless; the only reason this is a function is
  77    --  to get around the Ada limitation that makes a procedure call
  78    --  syntactically illegal before the "begin".
  79    --
  80    --  Calling it before "begin" ensures that the call completes before the
  81    --  activating task can proceed. This is important for preventing race
  82    --  conditions. For example, if the environment task reaches
  83    --  Finalize_Global_Tasks before some task has finished Make_Independent,
  84    --  the program can hang.
  85    --
  86    --  Note also that if a package declares independent tasks, it should not
  87    --  initialize its package-body data after "begin" of the package, because
  88    --  that's where the tasks are activated. Initializing such data before the
  89    --  task activation helps prevent the tasks from accessing uninitialized
  90    --  data.
  92    Independent_Task_Count : Natural := 0;
  93    --  Number of independent tasks. This counter is incremented each time
  94    --  Make_Independent is called. Note that if a server task terminates,
  95    --  this counter will not be decremented. Since Make_Independent locks
  96    --  the environment task (because every independent task depends on it),
  97    --  this counter is protected by the environment task's lock.
  99    ---------------------------------
 100    -- Task Abort Related Routines --
 101    ---------------------------------
 103    procedure Cancel_Queued_Entry_Calls (T : Task_Id);
 104    --  Cancel any entry calls queued on target task.
 105    --  Call this while holding T's lock (or RTS_Lock in Single_Lock mode).
 107    procedure Exit_One_ATC_Level (Self_ID : Task_Id);
 108    pragma Inline (Exit_One_ATC_Level);
 109    --  Call only with abort deferred and holding lock of Self_ID.
 110    --  This is a bit of common code for all entry calls.
 111    --  The effect is to exit one level of ATC nesting.
 113    procedure Abort_One_Task (Self_ID : Task_Id; T : Task_Id);
 114    --  Similar to Locked_Abort_To_Level (Self_ID, T, 0), but:
 115    --    (1) caller should be holding no locks
 116    --    (2) may be called for tasks that have not yet been activated
 117    --    (3) always aborts whole task
 119    procedure Abort_Tasks (Tasks : Task_List);
 120    --  Abort_Tasks is called to initiate abort, however, the actual
 121    --  aborting is done by aborted task by means of Abort_Handler
 123    procedure Make_Passive (Self_ID : Task_Id; Task_Completed : Boolean);
 124    --  Update counts to indicate current task is either terminated or
 125    --  accepting on a terminate alternative. Call holding no locks except
 126    --  Global_Task_Lock when calling from Terminate_Task, and RTS_Lock when
 127    --  Single_Lock is True.
 129 end System.Tasking.Utilities;