File : s-tpopsp-vxworks-raven-cert.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                SYSTEM.TASK_PRIMITIVES.OPERATIONS.SPECIFIC                --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 B o d y                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --                      Copyright (C) 1998-2015, AdaCore                    --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29 --  This is a VxWorks version of this package for ravenscar-cert (VxWorks 6
  30 --  Cert DKM/SKM, VxWorks 653 and VxWorks MILS vThreads). The implementation is
  31 --  based on VxWorks taskVarLib.
  33 separate (System.Task_Primitives.Operations)
  34 package body Specific is
  36    ATCB_Key : aliased System.Address := System.Null_Address;
  37    --  Key used to find the Ada Task_Id associated with a thread
  39    ATCB_Key_Addr : System.Address := ATCB_Key'Address;
  40    pragma Export (Ada, ATCB_Key_Addr, "__gnat_ATCB_key_addr");
  41    --  Exported to support the temporary VxWorks 653 task registration
  42    --  implementation. This mechanism is used to minimize impact on other
  43    --  targets.
  45    Stack_Limit : aliased System.Address;
  47    pragma Import (C, Stack_Limit, "__gnat_stack_limit");
  49    type Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc is access procedure;
  50    pragma Convention (C, Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc);
  52    Set_Stack_Limit_Hook : Set_Stack_Limit_Proc_Acc;
  53    pragma Import (C, Set_Stack_Limit_Hook, "__gnat_set_stack_limit_hook");
  54    --  Procedure to be called when a task is created to set stack limit if
  55    --  limit checking is used.
  57    function Is_Valid_Task (T : Task_Id) return Boolean;
  59    -------------------
  60    -- Is_Valid_Task --
  61    -------------------
  63    function Is_Valid_Task (T : Task_Id) return Boolean is
  64    begin
  65       return taskVarGet (T.Common.LL.Thread, ATCB_Key'Access) /= ERROR;
  66    end Is_Valid_Task;
  68    ---------
  69    -- Set --
  70    ---------
  72    procedure Set (New_Task_Id : Task_Id) is
  74       --  Called from Create_Task because under VxWorks 653 all dynamic
  75       --  allocation must take place before putting the partition into
  76       --  NORMAL mode. Previous implementation had the new task call Set
  77       --  on itself from Enter_Task, causing the allocation of the task
  78       --  variables to occur too late.
  80       Result : STATUS;
  82    begin
  83       if not Is_Valid_Task (New_Task_Id) then
  84          Result := taskVarAdd (New_Task_Id.Common.LL.Thread, ATCB_Key'Access);
  85          pragma Assert (Result = OK);
  87          --  The first condition is only for VxWorks 653 1.x and 2.x, not 3.x
  88          pragma Warnings (Off);
  89          --  OS is a constant
  90          if OS /= VxWorks_653
  91            and then Result /= ERROR
  92            and then Set_Stack_Limit_Hook /= null
  93          then
  95             --  This will be initialized from taskInfoGet() once the task is
  96             --  is running.
  98             Result :=
  99               taskVarAdd (New_Task_Id.Common.LL.Thread, Stack_Limit'Access);
 100             pragma Assert (Result /= ERROR);
 101          end if;
 102          pragma Warnings (On);
 103       end if;
 105       Result :=
 106         taskVarSet
 107           (New_Task_Id.Common.LL.Thread,
 108            ATCB_Key'Access,
 109            To_Address (New_Task_Id));
 110       pragma Assert (Result /= ERROR);
 111    end Set;
 113    ----------
 114    -- Self --
 115    ----------
 117    function Self return Task_Id is
 118    begin
 119       return To_Task_Id (ATCB_Key);
 120    end Self;
 122 end Specific;