File : s-tposen-raven.adb

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --     S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . P R O T E C T E D _ O B J E C T S .    --
   6 --                          S I N G L E _ E N T R Y                         --
   7 --                                                                          --
   8 --                                  B o d y                                 --
   9 --                                                                          --
  10 --                     Copyright (C) 1998-2013, AdaCore                     --
  11 --                                                                          --
  12 -- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  13 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  14 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  15 -- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  16 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  17 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 --                                                                          --
  23 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  24 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  25 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  26 -- <>.                                          --
  27 --                                                                          --
  28 -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
  29 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
  30 --                                                                          --
  31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33 pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
  34 --  Turn off subprogram ordering check, since restricted GNARLI
  35 --  subprograms are gathered together at end.
  37 --  This package provides an optimized version of Protected_Objects.Operations
  38 --  and Protected_Objects.Entries making the following assumptions:
  39 --
  40 --  PO have only one entry
  41 --  There is only one caller at a time (No_Entry_Queue)
  42 --  There is no dynamic priority support (No_Dynamic_Priorities)
  43 --  No Abort Statements
  44 --    (No_Abort_Statements, Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting => 0)
  45 --  PO are at library level
  46 --  No Requeue
  47 --  None of the tasks will terminate (no need for finalization)
  48 --
  49 --  This interface is intended to be used in the ravenscar and restricted
  50 --  profiles, the compiler is responsible for ensuring that the conditions
  51 --  mentioned above are respected, except for the No_Entry_Queue restriction
  52 --  that is checked dynamically in this package, since the check cannot be
  53 --  performed at compile time (see Protected_Single_Entry_Call, Service_Entry).
  55 pragma Polling (Off);
  56 --  Turn off polling, we do not want polling to take place during tasking
  57 --  operations. It can cause  infinite loops and other problems.
  59 pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
  61 with System.Multiprocessors;
  63 with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
  64 --  used for Self
  65 --           Get_Priority
  66 --           Set_Priority
  68 with System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Multiprocessors;
  70 package body System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Single_Entry is
  72    use System.Multiprocessors;
  74    package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
  75    package STPOM renames System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Multiprocessors;
  77    Multiprocessor : constant Boolean := CPU'Range_Length /= 1;
  79    ---------------------------------
  80    -- Initialize_Protection_Entry --
  81    ---------------------------------
  83    procedure Initialize_Protection_Entry
  84      (Object           : Protection_Entry_Access;
  85       Ceiling_Priority : Integer;
  86       Compiler_Info    : System.Address;
  87       Entry_Body       : Entry_Body_Access)
  88    is
  89    begin
  90       Initialize_Protection (Object.Common'Access, Ceiling_Priority);
  92       Object.Compiler_Info := Compiler_Info;
  93       Object.Call_In_Progress := null;
  94       Object.Entry_Body := Entry_Body;
  95       Object.Entry_Queue := null;
  96    end Initialize_Protection_Entry;
  98    ----------------
  99    -- Lock_Entry --
 100    ----------------
 102    procedure Lock_Entry (Object : Protection_Entry_Access) is
 103    begin
 104       Lock (Object.Common'Access);
 105    end Lock_Entry;
 107    ----------------------------
 108    -- Protected_Single_Count --
 109    ----------------------------
 111    function Protected_Count_Entry (Object : Protection_Entry) return Natural is
 112    begin
 113       return Boolean'Pos (Object.Entry_Queue /= null);
 114    end Protected_Count_Entry;
 116    ---------------------------------
 117    -- Protected_Single_Entry_Call --
 118    ---------------------------------
 120    procedure Protected_Single_Entry_Call
 121      (Object             : Protection_Entry_Access;
 122       Uninterpreted_Data : System.Address)
 123    is
 124       Self_Id : constant Task_Id := STPO.Self;
 126    begin
 127       --  For this run time, pragma Detect_Blocking is always active, so we
 128       --  must raise Program_Error if this potentially blocking operation is
 129       --  called from a protected action.
 131       if Self_Id.Common.Protected_Action_Nesting > 0 then
 132          raise Program_Error;
 133       end if;
 135       Lock_Entry (Object);
 136       Self_Id.Entry_Call.Uninterpreted_Data := Uninterpreted_Data;
 138       if Object.Entry_Body.Barrier (Object.Compiler_Info, 1) then
 140          --  No other task can be executing an entry within this protected
 141          --  object. On a single processor implementation (such as this one),
 142          --  the ceiling priority protocol and the strictly preemptive priority
 143          --  scheduling policy guarantee that protected objects are always
 144          --  available when any task tries to use them (otherwise, either the
 145          --  currently executing task would not have had a high enough priority
 146          --  to be executing, or a blocking operation would have been called
 147          --  from within the entry body).
 149          pragma Assert (Object.Call_In_Progress = null);
 151          Object.Call_In_Progress := Self_Id.Entry_Call'Access;
 152          Object.Entry_Body.Action
 153            (Object.Compiler_Info, Self_Id.Entry_Call.Uninterpreted_Data, 1);
 154          Object.Call_In_Progress := null;
 156          --  Entry call is over
 158          Unlock_Entry (Object);
 160       else
 161          if Object.Entry_Queue /= null then
 163             --  This violates the No_Entry_Queue restriction, raise
 164             --  Program_Error.
 166             Unlock_Entry (Object);
 167             raise Program_Error;
 168          end if;
 170          --  There is a potential race condition between the Unlock_Entry and
 171          --  the Sleep below (the Wakeup may be called before the Sleep). This
 172          --  case is explicitly handled in the Sleep and Wakeup procedures:
 173          --  Sleep won't block if Wakeup has been called before.
 175          Object.Entry_Queue := Self_Id.Entry_Call'Access;
 176          Unlock_Entry (Object);
 178          --  Suspend until entry call has been completed.
 179          --  On exit, the call will not be queued.
 181          Self_Id.Common.State := Entry_Caller_Sleep;
 182          STPO.Sleep (Self_Id, Entry_Caller_Sleep);
 183          Self_Id.Common.State := Runnable;
 184       end if;
 185    end Protected_Single_Entry_Call;
 187    -----------------------------------
 188    -- Protected_Single_Entry_Caller --
 189    -----------------------------------
 191    function Protected_Single_Entry_Caller
 192      (Object : Protection_Entry) return Task_Id
 193    is
 194    begin
 195       return Object.Call_In_Progress.Self;
 196    end Protected_Single_Entry_Caller;
 198    -------------------
 199    -- Service_Entry --
 200    -------------------
 202    procedure Service_Entry (Object : Protection_Entry_Access) is
 203       Entry_Call : constant Entry_Call_Link := Object.Entry_Queue;
 204       Caller     : Task_Id;
 206    begin
 207       if Entry_Call /= null
 208         and then Object.Entry_Body.Barrier (Object.Compiler_Info, 1)
 209       then
 210          Object.Entry_Queue := null;
 212          --  No other task can be executing an entry within this protected
 213          --  object. On a single processor implementation (such as this one),
 214          --  the ceiling priority protocol and the strictly preemptive
 215          --  priority scheduling policy guarantee that protected objects are
 216          --  always available when any task tries to use them (otherwise,
 217          --  either the currently executing task would not have had a high
 218          --  enough priority to be executing, or a blocking operation would
 219          --  have been called from within the entry body).
 221          pragma Assert (Object.Call_In_Progress = null);
 223          Object.Call_In_Progress := Entry_Call;
 224          Object.Entry_Body.Action
 225            (Object.Compiler_Info, Entry_Call.Uninterpreted_Data, 1);
 226          Object.Call_In_Progress := null;
 227          Caller := Entry_Call.Self;
 228          Unlock_Entry (Object);
 230          --  Signal the entry caller that the entry is completed
 232          if not Multiprocessor
 233            or else Caller.Common.Base_CPU = STPO.Self.Common.Base_CPU
 234          then
 235             --  Entry caller and servicing tasks are on the same CPU.
 236             --  We are allowed to directly wake up the task.
 238             STPO.Wakeup (Caller, Entry_Caller_Sleep);
 239          else
 240             --  The entry caller is on a different CPU.
 242             STPOM.Served (Entry_Call);
 243          end if;
 245       else
 246          --  Just unlock the entry
 248          Unlock_Entry (Object);
 249       end if;
 250    end Service_Entry;
 252    ------------------
 253    -- Unlock_Entry --
 254    ------------------
 256    procedure Unlock_Entry (Object : Protection_Entry_Access) is
 257    begin
 258       Unlock (Object.Common'Access);
 259    end Unlock_Entry;
 261 end System.Tasking.Protected_Objects.Single_Entry;