File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                        GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                          --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                         S Y S T E M . W I N 3 2                          --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 2008-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
  17 --                                                                          --
  18 --                                                                          --
  19 --                                                                          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 --                                                                          --
  22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
  23 -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
  24 -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
  25 -- <>.                                          --
  26 --                                                                          --
  27 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  28 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  29 --                                                                          --
  30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32 --  This package plus its child provide the low level interface to the Win32
  33 --  API. The core part of the Win32 API (common to RTX and Win32) is in this
  34 --  package, and an additional part of the Win32 API which is not supported by
  35 --  RTX is in package System.Win32.Ext.
  37 with Interfaces.C;
  39 package System.Win32 is
  40    pragma Pure;
  42    -------------------
  43    -- General Types --
  44    -------------------
  46    --  The LARGE_INTEGER type is actually a fixed point type
  47    --  that only can represent integers. The reason for this is
  48    --  easier conversion to Duration or other fixed point types.
  49    --  (See System.OS_Primitives.Clock, mingw and rtx versions.)
  51    type LARGE_INTEGER is delta 1.0 range -2.0**63 .. 2.0**63 - 1.0;
  53    subtype PVOID is Address;
  55    type HANDLE is new Interfaces.C.ptrdiff_t;
  57    INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE : constant HANDLE := -1;
  58    INVALID_FILE_SIZE    : constant := 16#FFFFFFFF#;
  60    type DWORD  is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
  61    type WORD   is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_short;
  62    type BYTE   is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_char;
  63    type LONG   is new Interfaces.C.long;
  64    type CHAR   is new Interfaces.C.char;
  66    type BOOL   is new;
  67    for BOOL'Size use'Size;
  69    type Bits1  is range 0 .. 2 ** 1 - 1;
  70    type Bits2  is range 0 .. 2 ** 2 - 1;
  71    type Bits17 is range 0 .. 2 ** 17 - 1;
  72    for Bits1'Size  use 1;
  73    for Bits2'Size  use 2;
  74    for Bits17'Size use 17;
  76    --  Note that the following clashes with standard names are to stay
  77    --  compatible with the historical choice of following the C names.
  79    pragma Warnings (Off);
  80    FALSE : constant := 0;
  81    TRUE  : constant := 1;
  82    pragma Warnings (On);
  84    function GetLastError return DWORD;
  85    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetLastError, "GetLastError");
  87    -----------
  88    -- Files --
  89    -----------
  91    CP_UTF8                            : constant := 65001;
  92    CP_ACP                             : constant := 0;
  94    GENERIC_READ                       : constant := 16#80000000#;
  95    GENERIC_WRITE                      : constant := 16#40000000#;
  97    CREATE_NEW                         : constant := 1;
  98    CREATE_ALWAYS                      : constant := 2;
  99    OPEN_EXISTING                      : constant := 3;
 100    OPEN_ALWAYS                        : constant := 4;
 101    TRUNCATE_EXISTING                  : constant := 5;
 103    FILE_SHARE_DELETE                  : constant := 16#00000004#;
 104    FILE_SHARE_READ                    : constant := 16#00000001#;
 105    FILE_SHARE_WRITE                   : constant := 16#00000002#;
 107    FILE_BEGIN                         : constant := 0;
 108    FILE_CURRENT                       : constant := 1;
 109    FILE_END                           : constant := 2;
 111    PAGE_NOACCESS                      : constant := 16#0001#;
 112    PAGE_READONLY                      : constant := 16#0002#;
 113    PAGE_READWRITE                     : constant := 16#0004#;
 114    PAGE_WRITECOPY                     : constant := 16#0008#;
 115    PAGE_EXECUTE                       : constant := 16#0010#;
 117    FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS                : constant := 16#F001f#;
 118    FILE_MAP_READ                      : constant := 4;
 119    FILE_MAP_WRITE                     : constant := 2;
 120    FILE_MAP_COPY                      : constant := 1;
 122    FILE_ADD_FILE                      : constant := 16#0002#;
 123    FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY              : constant := 16#0004#;
 124    FILE_APPEND_DATA                   : constant := 16#0004#;
 125    FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE          : constant := 16#0004#;
 126    FILE_DELETE_CHILD                  : constant := 16#0040#;
 127    FILE_EXECUTE                       : constant := 16#0020#;
 128    FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY                : constant := 16#0001#;
 129    FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES               : constant := 16#0080#;
 130    FILE_READ_DATA                     : constant := 16#0001#;
 131    FILE_READ_EA                       : constant := 16#0008#;
 132    FILE_TRAVERSE                      : constant := 16#0020#;
 133    FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES              : constant := 16#0100#;
 134    FILE_WRITE_DATA                    : constant := 16#0002#;
 135    FILE_WRITE_EA                      : constant := 16#0010#;
 136    STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ               : constant := 16#20000#;
 137    STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE              : constant := 16#20000#;
 138    SYNCHRONIZE                        : constant := 16#100000#;
 140    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY            : constant := 16#00000001#;
 141    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN              : constant := 16#00000002#;
 142    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM              : constant := 16#00000004#;
 143    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY           : constant := 16#00000010#;
 144    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE             : constant := 16#00000020#;
 145    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE              : constant := 16#00000040#;
 146    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL              : constant := 16#00000080#;
 147    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY           : constant := 16#00000100#;
 148    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE         : constant := 16#00000200#;
 149    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT       : constant := 16#00000400#;
 150    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED          : constant := 16#00000800#;
 151    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE             : constant := 16#00001000#;
 152    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED : constant := 16#00002000#;
 153    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED           : constant := 16#00004000#;
 154    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VALID_FLAGS         : constant := 16#00007fb7#;
 155    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VALID_SET_FLAGS     : constant := 16#000031a7#;
 157    GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS : constant := 16#00000004#;
 159    type OVERLAPPED is record
 160       Internal     : DWORD;
 161       InternalHigh : DWORD;
 162       Offset       : DWORD;
 163       OffsetHigh   : DWORD;
 164       hEvent       : HANDLE;
 165    end record;
 167    type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES is record
 168       nLength             : DWORD;
 169       pSecurityDescriptor : PVOID;
 170       bInheritHandle      : BOOL;
 171    end record;
 173    function CreateFileA
 174      (lpFileName            : Address;
 175       dwDesiredAccess       : DWORD;
 176       dwShareMode           : DWORD;
 177       lpSecurityAttributes  : access SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
 178       dwCreationDisposition : DWORD;
 179       dwFlagsAndAttributes  : DWORD;
 180       hTemplateFile         : HANDLE) return HANDLE;
 181    pragma Import (Stdcall, CreateFileA, "CreateFileA");
 183    function CreateFile
 184      (lpFileName            : Address;
 185       dwDesiredAccess       : DWORD;
 186       dwShareMode           : DWORD;
 187       lpSecurityAttributes  : access SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
 188       dwCreationDisposition : DWORD;
 189       dwFlagsAndAttributes  : DWORD;
 190       hTemplateFile         : HANDLE) return HANDLE;
 191    pragma Import (Stdcall, CreateFile, "CreateFileW");
 193    function GetFileSize
 194      (hFile          : HANDLE;
 195       lpFileSizeHigh : access DWORD) return BOOL;
 196    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetFileSize, "GetFileSize");
 198    function SetFilePointer
 199      (hFile                : HANDLE;
 200       lDistanceToMove      : LONG;
 201       lpDistanceToMoveHigh : access LONG;
 202       dwMoveMethod         : DWORD) return DWORD;
 203    pragma Import (Stdcall, SetFilePointer, "SetFilePointer");
 205    function WriteFile
 206      (hFile                  : HANDLE;
 207       lpBuffer               : Address;
 208       nNumberOfBytesToWrite  : DWORD;
 209       lpNumberOfBytesWritten : access DWORD;
 210       lpOverlapped           : access OVERLAPPED) return BOOL;
 211    pragma Import (Stdcall, WriteFile, "WriteFile");
 213    function ReadFile
 214      (hFile                : HANDLE;
 215       lpBuffer             : Address;
 216       nNumberOfBytesToRead : DWORD;
 217       lpNumberOfBytesRead  : access DWORD;
 218       lpOverlapped         : access OVERLAPPED) return BOOL;
 219    pragma Import (Stdcall, ReadFile, "ReadFile");
 221    function CloseHandle (hObject : HANDLE) return BOOL;
 222    pragma Import (Stdcall, CloseHandle, "CloseHandle");
 224    function CreateFileMapping
 225      (hFile                : HANDLE;
 226       lpSecurityAttributes : access SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
 227       flProtect            : DWORD;
 228       dwMaximumSizeHigh    : DWORD;
 229       dwMaximumSizeLow     : DWORD;
 230       lpName               : Address) return HANDLE;
 231    pragma Import (Stdcall, CreateFileMapping, "CreateFileMappingA");
 233    function MapViewOfFile
 234      (hFileMappingObject   : HANDLE;
 235       dwDesiredAccess      : DWORD;
 236       dwFileOffsetHigh     : DWORD;
 237       dwFileOffsetLow      : DWORD;
 238       dwNumberOfBytesToMap : DWORD) return System.Address;
 239    pragma Import (Stdcall, MapViewOfFile, "MapViewOfFile");
 241    function UnmapViewOfFile (lpBaseAddress : System.Address) return BOOL;
 242    pragma Import (Stdcall, UnmapViewOfFile, "UnmapViewOfFile");
 244    function MultiByteToWideChar
 245      (CodePage       : WORD;
 246       dwFlags        : DWORD;
 247       lpMultiByteStr : System.Address;
 248       cchMultiByte   : WORD;
 249       lpWideCharStr  : System.Address;
 250       cchWideChar    : WORD) return WORD;
 251    pragma Import (Stdcall, MultiByteToWideChar, "MultiByteToWideChar");
 253    ------------------------
 254    -- System Information --
 255    ------------------------
 257    subtype ProcessorId is DWORD;
 259    type SYSTEM_INFO is record
 260       dwOemId                     : DWORD;
 261       dwPageSize                  : DWORD;
 262       lpMinimumApplicationAddress : PVOID;
 263       lpMaximumApplicationAddress : PVOID;
 264       dwActiveProcessorMask       : DWORD;
 265       dwNumberOfProcessors        : DWORD;
 266       dwProcessorType             : DWORD;
 267       dwAllocationGranularity     : DWORD;
 268       dwReserved                  : DWORD;
 269    end record;
 271    procedure GetSystemInfo (SI : access SYSTEM_INFO);
 272    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetSystemInfo, "GetSystemInfo");
 274    ---------------------
 275    -- Time Management --
 276    ---------------------
 278    type SYSTEMTIME is record
 279       wYear         : WORD;
 280       wMonth        : WORD;
 281       wDayOfWeek    : WORD;
 282       wDay          : WORD;
 283       wHour         : WORD;
 284       wMinute       : WORD;
 285       wSecond       : WORD;
 286       wMilliseconds : WORD;
 287    end record;
 289    procedure GetSystemTime (pSystemTime : access SYSTEMTIME);
 290    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetSystemTime, "GetSystemTime");
 292    procedure GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (lpFileTime : access Long_Long_Integer);
 293    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime");
 295    function FileTimeToSystemTime
 296      (lpFileTime   : access Long_Long_Integer;
 297       lpSystemTime : access SYSTEMTIME) return BOOL;
 298    pragma Import (Stdcall, FileTimeToSystemTime, "FileTimeToSystemTime");
 300    function SystemTimeToFileTime
 301      (lpSystemTime : access SYSTEMTIME;
 302       lpFileTime   : access Long_Long_Integer) return BOOL;
 303    pragma Import (Stdcall, SystemTimeToFileTime, "SystemTimeToFileTime");
 305    function FileTimeToLocalFileTime
 306      (lpFileTime      : access Long_Long_Integer;
 307       lpLocalFileTime : access Long_Long_Integer) return BOOL;
 308    pragma Import (Stdcall, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, "FileTimeToLocalFileTime");
 310    function LocalFileTimeToFileTime
 311      (lpFileTime      : access Long_Long_Integer;
 312       lpLocalFileTime : access Long_Long_Integer) return BOOL;
 313    pragma Import (Stdcall, LocalFileTimeToFileTime, "LocalFileTimeToFileTime");
 315    procedure Sleep (dwMilliseconds : DWORD);
 316    pragma Import (Stdcall, Sleep, External_Name => "Sleep");
 318    function QueryPerformanceCounter
 319      (lpPerformanceCount : access LARGE_INTEGER) return BOOL;
 320    pragma Import
 321      (Stdcall, QueryPerformanceCounter, "QueryPerformanceCounter");
 323    ------------
 324    -- Module --
 325    ------------
 327    function GetModuleHandleEx
 328      (dwFlags      : DWORD;
 329       lpModuleName : Address;
 330       phModule     : access HANDLE) return BOOL;
 331    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleHandleEx, "GetModuleHandleExA");
 333    function GetModuleFileName
 334      (hModule    : HANDLE;
 335       lpFilename : Address;
 336       nSize      : DWORD) return DWORD;
 337    pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleFileName, "GetModuleFileNameA");
 339    function FreeLibrary (hModule : HANDLE) return BOOL;
 340    pragma Import (Stdcall, FreeLibrary, "FreeLibrary");
 342 end System.Win32;