File :

   1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2 --                                                                          --
   3 --                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
   4 --                                                                          --
   5 --                                  S E M                                   --
   6 --                                                                          --
   7 --                                 S p e c                                  --
   8 --                                                                          --
   9 --          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
  10 --                                                                          --
  11 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
  12 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
  13 -- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
  14 -- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
  15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
  16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
  17 -- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
  18 -- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
  19 -- for a complete copy of the license.          --
  20 --                                                                          --
  21 -- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
  22 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
  23 --                                                                          --
  24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26 --------------------------------------
  27 -- Semantic Analysis: General Model --
  28 --------------------------------------
  30 --  Semantic processing involves 3 phases which are highly intertwined
  31 --  (i.e. mutually recursive):
  33 --    Analysis     implements the bulk of semantic analysis such as
  34 --                 name analysis and type resolution for declarations,
  35 --                 instructions and expressions.  The main routine
  36 --                 driving this process is procedure Analyze given below.
  37 --                 This analysis phase is really a bottom up pass that is
  38 --                 achieved during the recursive traversal performed by the
  39 --                 Analyze_... procedures implemented in the sem_* packages.
  40 --                 For expressions this phase determines unambiguous types
  41 --                 and collects sets of possible types where the
  42 --                 interpretation is potentially ambiguous.
  44 --    Resolution   is carried out only for expressions to finish type
  45 --                 resolution that was initiated but not necessarily
  46 --                 completed during analysis (because of overloading
  47 --                 ambiguities). Specifically, after completing the bottom
  48 --                 up pass carried out during analysis for expressions, the
  49 --                 Resolve routine (see the spec of sem_res for more info)
  50 --                 is called to perform a top down resolution with
  51 --                 recursive calls to itself to resolve operands.
  53 --    Expansion    if we are not generating code this phase is a no-op.
  54 --                 otherwise this phase expands, i.e. transforms, original
  55 --                 declaration, expressions or instructions into simpler
  56 --                 structures that can be handled by the back-end. This
  57 --                 phase is also in charge of generating code which is
  58 --                 implicit in the original source (for instance for
  59 --                 default initializations, controlled types, etc.)
  60 --                 There are two separate instances where expansion is
  61 --                 invoked. For declarations and instructions, expansion is
  62 --                 invoked just after analysis since no resolution needs
  63 --                 to be performed. For expressions, expansion is done just
  64 --                 after resolution. In both cases expansion is done from the
  65 --                 bottom up just before the end of Analyze for instructions
  66 --                 and declarations or the call to Resolve for expressions.
  67 --                 The main routine driving expansion is Expand.
  68 --                 See the spec of Expander for more details.
  70 --  To summarize, in normal code generation mode we recursively traverse the
  71 --  abstract syntax tree top-down performing semantic analysis bottom
  72 --  up. For instructions and declarations, before the call to the Analyze
  73 --  routine completes we perform expansion since at that point we have all
  74 --  semantic information needed. For expression nodes, after the call to
  75 --  Analysis terminates we invoke the Resolve routine to transmit top-down
  76 --  the type that was gathered by Analyze which will resolve possible
  77 --  ambiguities in the expression. Just before the call to Resolve
  78 --  terminates, the expression can be expanded since all the semantic
  79 --  information is available at that point.
  81 --  If we are not generating code then the expansion phase is a no-op
  83 --  When generating code there are a number of exceptions to the basic
  84 --  Analysis-Resolution-Expansion model for expressions. The most prominent
  85 --  examples are the handling of default expressions and aggregates.
  87 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  88 -- Handling of Default and Per-Object Expressions (Spec-Expressions) --
  89 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  91 --  The default expressions in component declarations and in procedure
  92 --  specifications (but not the ones in object declarations) are quite tricky
  93 --  to handle. The problem is that some processing is required at the point
  94 --  where the expression appears:
  96 --    visibility analysis (including user defined operators)
  97 --    freezing of static expressions
  99 --  but other processing must be deferred until the enclosing entity (record or
 100 --  procedure specification) is frozen:
 102 --    freezing of any other types in the expression expansion
 103 --    generation of code
 105 --  A similar situation occurs with the argument of priority and interrupt
 106 --  priority pragmas that appear in task and protected definition specs and
 107 --  other cases of per-object expressions (see RM 3.8(18)).
 109 --  Another similar case is the conditions in precondition and postcondition
 110 --  pragmas that appear with subprogram specifications rather than in the body.
 112 --  Collectively we call these Spec_Expressions. The routine that performs the
 113 --  special analysis is called Analyze_Spec_Expression.
 115 --  Expansion has to be deferred since you can't generate code for expressions
 116 --  that reference types that have not been frozen yet. As an example, consider
 117 --  the following:
 119 --      type x is delta 0.5 range -10.0 .. +10.0;
 120 --      ...
 121 --      type q is record
 122 --        xx : x := y * z;
 123 --      end record;
 125 --      for x'small use 0.25;
 127 --  The expander is in charge of dealing with fixed-point, and of course the
 128 --  small declaration, which is not too late, since the declaration of type q
 129 --  does *not* freeze type x, definitely affects the expanded code.
 131 --  Another reason that we cannot expand early is that expansion can generate
 132 --  range checks. These range checks need to be inserted not at the point of
 133 --  definition but at the point of use. The whole point here is that the value
 134 --  of the expression cannot be obtained at the point of declaration, only at
 135 --  the point of use.
 137 --  Generally our model is to combine analysis resolution and expansion, but
 138 --  this is the one case where this model falls down. Here is how we patch
 139 --  it up without causing too much distortion to our basic model.
 141 --  A switch (In_Spec_Expression) is set to show that we are in the initial
 142 --  occurrence of a default expression. The analyzer is then called on this
 143 --  expression with the switch set true. Analysis and resolution proceed almost
 144 --  as usual, except that Freeze_Expression will not freeze non-static
 145 --  expressions if this switch is set, and the call to Expand at the end of
 146 --  resolution is skipped. This also skips the code that normally sets the
 147 --  Analyzed flag to True. The result is that when we are done the tree is
 148 --  still marked as unanalyzed, but all types for static expressions are frozen
 149 --  as required, and all entities of variables have been recorded. We then turn
 150 --  off the switch, and later on reanalyze the expression with the switch off.
 151 --  The effect is that this second analysis freezes the rest of the types as
 152 --  required, and generates code but visibility analysis is not repeated since
 153 --  all the entities are marked.
 155 --  The second analysis (the one that generates code) is in the context
 156 --  where the code is required. For a record field default, this is in the
 157 --  initialization procedure for the record and for a subprogram default
 158 --  parameter, it is at the point the subprogram is frozen. For a priority or
 159 --  storage size pragma it is in the context of the Init_Proc for the task or
 160 --  protected object. For a pre/postcondition pragma it is in the body when
 161 --  code for the pragma is generated.
 163 ------------------
 164 -- Pre-Analysis --
 165 ------------------
 167 --  For certain kind of expressions, such as aggregates, we need to defer
 168 --  expansion of the aggregate and its inner expressions after the whole
 169 --  set of expressions appearing inside the aggregate have been analyzed.
 170 --  Consider, for instance the following example:
 171 --
 172 --     (1 .. 100 => new Thing (Function_Call))
 173 --
 174 --  The normal Analysis-Resolution-Expansion mechanism where expansion of the
 175 --  children is performed before expansion of the parent does not work if the
 176 --  code generated for the children by the expander needs to be evaluated
 177 --  repeatedly (for instance in the above aggregate "new Thing (Function_Call)"
 178 --  needs to be called 100 times.)
 180 --  The reason why this mechanism does not work is that the expanded code for
 181 --  the children is typically inserted above the parent and thus when the
 182 --  father gets expanded no re-evaluation takes place. For instance in the case
 183 --  of aggregates if "new Thing (Function_Call)" is expanded before of the
 184 --  aggregate the expanded code will be placed outside of the aggregate and
 185 --  when expanding the aggregate the loop from 1 to 100 will not surround the
 186 --  expanded code for "new Thing (Function_Call)".
 188 --  To remedy this situation we introduce a new flag which signals whether we
 189 --  want a full analysis (i.e. expansion is enabled) or a pre-analysis which
 190 --  performs Analysis and Resolution but no expansion.
 192 --  After the complete pre-analysis of an expression has been carried out we
 193 --  can transform the expression and then carry out the full three stage
 194 --  (Analyze-Resolve-Expand) cycle on the transformed expression top-down so
 195 --  that the expansion of inner expressions happens inside the newly generated
 196 --  node for the parent expression.
 198 --  Note that the difference between processing of default expressions and
 199 --  pre-analysis of other expressions is that we do carry out freezing in
 200 --  the latter but not in the former (except for static scalar expressions).
 201 --  The routine that performs preanalysis and corresponding resolution is
 202 --  called Preanalyze_And_Resolve and is in Sem_Res.
 204 with Alloc;
 205 with Einfo;  use Einfo;
 206 with Opt;    use Opt;
 207 with Table;
 208 with Types;  use Types;
 210 package Sem is
 212    -----------------------------
 213    -- Semantic Analysis Flags --
 214    -----------------------------
 216    Full_Analysis : Boolean := True;
 217    --  Switch to indicate if we are doing a full analysis or a pre-analysis.
 218    --  In normal analysis mode (Analysis-Expansion for instructions or
 219    --  declarations) or (Analysis-Resolution-Expansion for expressions) this
 220    --  flag is set. Note that if we are not generating code the expansion phase
 221    --  merely sets the Analyzed flag to True in this case. If we are in
 222    --  Pre-Analysis mode (see above) this flag is set to False then the
 223    --  expansion phase is skipped.
 224    --
 225    --  When this flag is False the flag Expander_Active is also False (the
 226    --  Expander_Active flag defined in the spec of package Expander tells you
 227    --  whether expansion is currently enabled). You should really regard this
 228    --  as a read only flag.
 230    In_Spec_Expression : Boolean := False;
 231    --  Switch to indicate that we are in a spec-expression, as described
 232    --  above. Note that this must be recursively saved on a Semantics call
 233    --  since it is possible for the analysis of an expression to result in a
 234    --  recursive call (e.g. to get the entity for System.Address as part of the
 235    --  processing of an Address attribute reference). When this switch is True
 236    --  then Full_Analysis above must be False. You should really regard this as
 237    --  a read only flag.
 239    In_Deleted_Code : Boolean := False;
 240    --  If the condition in an if-statement is statically known, the branch
 241    --  that is not taken is analyzed with expansion disabled, and the tree
 242    --  is deleted after analysis. Itypes generated in deleted code must be
 243    --  frozen from start, because the tree on which they depend will not
 244    --  be available at the freeze point.
 246    In_Assertion_Expr : Nat := 0;
 247    --  This is set non-zero if we are within the expression of an assertion
 248    --  pragma or aspect. It is a counter which is incremented at the start of
 249    --  expanding such an expression, and decremented on completion of expanding
 250    --  that expression. Probably a boolean would be good enough, since we think
 251    --  that such expressions cannot nest, but that might not be true in the
 252    --  future (e.g. if let expressions are added to Ada) so we prepare for that
 253    --  future possibility by making it a counter. As with In_Spec_Expression,
 254    --  it must be recursively saved and restored for a Semantics call.
 256    In_Default_Expr : Boolean := False;
 257    --  Switch to indicate that we are analyzing a default component expression.
 258    --  As with In_Spec_Expression, it must be recursively saved and restored
 259    --  for a Semantics call.
 261    In_Inlined_Body : Boolean := False;
 262    --  Switch to indicate that we are analyzing and resolving an inlined body.
 263    --  Type checking is disabled in this context, because types are known to be
 264    --  compatible. This avoids problems with private types whose full view is
 265    --  derived from private types.
 267    Inside_A_Generic : Boolean := False;
 268    --  This flag is set if we are processing a generic specification, generic
 269    --  definition, or generic body. When this flag is True the Expander_Active
 270    --  flag is False to disable any code expansion (see package Expander). Only
 271    --  the generic processing can modify the status of this flag, any other
 272    --  client should regard it as read-only.
 273    --  Probably should be called Inside_A_Generic_Template ???
 275    Inside_Freezing_Actions : Nat := 0;
 276    --  Flag indicating whether we are within a call to Expand_N_Freeze_Actions.
 277    --  Non-zero means we are inside (it is actually a level counter to deal
 278    --  with nested calls). Used to avoid traversing the tree each time a
 279    --  subprogram call is processed to know if we must not clear all constant
 280    --  indications from entities in the current scope. Only the expansion of
 281    --  freezing nodes can modify the status of this flag, any other client
 282    --  should regard it as read-only.
 284    Unloaded_Subunits : Boolean := False;
 285    --  This flag is set True if we have subunits that are not loaded. This
 286    --  occurs when the main unit is a subunit, and contains lower level
 287    --  subunits that are not loaded. We use this flag to suppress warnings
 288    --  about unused variables, since these warnings are unreliable in this
 289    --  case. We could perhaps do a more accurate job and retain some of the
 290    --  warnings, but it is quite a tricky job.
 292    -----------------------------------
 293    -- Handling of Check Suppression --
 294    -----------------------------------
 296    --  There are two kinds of suppress checks: scope based suppress checks,
 297    --  and entity based suppress checks.
 299    --  Scope based suppress checks for the predefined checks (from initial
 300    --  command line arguments, or from Suppress pragmas not including an entity
 301    --  name) are recorded in the Sem.Scope_Suppress variable, and all that
 302    --  is necessary is to save the state of this variable on scope entry, and
 303    --  restore it on scope exit. This mechanism allows for fast checking of the
 304    --  scope suppress state without needing complex data structures.
 306    --  Entity based checks, from Suppress/Unsuppress pragmas giving an
 307    --  Entity_Id and scope based checks for non-predefined checks (introduced
 308    --  using pragma Check_Name), are handled as follows. If a suppress or
 309    --  unsuppress pragma is encountered for a given entity, then the flag
 310    --  Checks_May_Be_Suppressed is set in the entity and an entry is made in
 311    --  either the Local_Entity_Suppress stack (case of pragma that appears in
 312    --  other than a package spec), or in the Global_Entity_Suppress stack (case
 313    --  of pragma that appears in a package spec, which is by the rule of RM
 314    --  11.5(7) applicable throughout the life of the entity). Similarly, a
 315    --  Suppress/Unsuppress pragma for a non-predefined check which does not
 316    --  specify an entity is also stored in one of these stacks.
 318    --  If the Checks_May_Be_Suppressed flag is set in an entity then the
 319    --  procedure is to search first the local and then the global suppress
 320    --  stacks (we search these in reverse order, top element first). The only
 321    --  other point is that we have to make sure that we have proper nested
 322    --  interaction between such specific pragmas and locally applied general
 323    --  pragmas applying to all entities. This is achieved by including in the
 324    --  Local_Entity_Suppress table dummy entries with an empty Entity field
 325    --  that are applicable to all entities. A similar search is needed for any
 326    --  non-predefined check even if no specific entity is involved.
 328    Scope_Suppress : Suppress_Record;
 329    --  This variable contains the current scope based settings of the suppress
 330    --  switches. It is initialized from Suppress_Options in Gnat1drv, and then
 331    --  modified by pragma Suppress. On entry to each scope, the current setting
 332    --  is saved on the scope stack, and then restored on exit from the scope.
 333    --  This record may be rapidly checked to determine the current status of
 334    --  a check if no specific entity is involved or if the specific entity
 335    --  involved is one for which no specific Suppress/Unsuppress pragma has
 336    --  been set (as indicated by the Checks_May_Be_Suppressed flag being set).
 338    --  This scheme is a little complex, but serves the purpose of enabling
 339    --  a very rapid check in the common case where no entity specific pragma
 340    --  applies, and gives the right result when such pragmas are used even
 341    --  in complex cases of nested Suppress and Unsuppress pragmas.
 343    --  The Local_Entity_Suppress and Global_Entity_Suppress stacks are handled
 344    --  using dynamic allocation and linked lists. We do not often use this
 345    --  approach in the compiler (preferring to use extensible tables instead).
 346    --  The reason we do it here is that scope stack entries save a pointer to
 347    --  the current local stack top, which is also saved and restored on scope
 348    --  exit. Furthermore for processing of generics we save pointers to the
 349    --  top of the stack, so that the local stack is actually a tree of stacks
 350    --  rather than a single stack, a structure that is easy to represent using
 351    --  linked lists, but impossible to represent using a single table. Note
 352    --  that because of the generic issue, we never release entries in these
 353    --  stacks, but that's no big deal, since we are unlikely to have a huge
 354    --  number of Suppress/Unsuppress entries in a single compilation.
 356    type Suppress_Stack_Entry;
 357    type Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr is access all Suppress_Stack_Entry;
 359    type Suppress_Stack_Entry is record
 360       Entity : Entity_Id;
 361       --  Entity to which the check applies, or Empty for a check that has
 362       --  no entity name (and thus applies to all entities).
 364       Check : Check_Id;
 365       --  Check which is set (can be All_Checks for the All_Checks case)
 367       Suppress : Boolean;
 368       --  Set True for Suppress, and False for Unsuppress
 370       Prev : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr;
 371       --  Pointer to previous entry on stack
 373       Next : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr;
 374       --  All allocated Suppress_Stack_Entry records are chained together in
 375       --  a linked list whose head is Suppress_Stack_Entries, and the Next
 376       --  field is used as a forward pointer (null ends the list). This is
 377       --  used to free all entries in Sem.Init (which will be important if
 378       --  we ever setup the compiler to be reused).
 379    end record;
 381    Suppress_Stack_Entries : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr := null;
 382    --  Pointer to linked list of records (see comments for Next above)
 384    Local_Suppress_Stack_Top : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr;
 385    --  Pointer to top element of local suppress stack. This is the entry that
 386    --  is saved and restored in the scope stack, and also saved for generic
 387    --  body expansion.
 389    Global_Suppress_Stack_Top : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr;
 390    --  Pointer to top element of global suppress stack
 392    procedure Push_Local_Suppress_Stack_Entry
 393      (Entity   : Entity_Id;
 394       Check    : Check_Id;
 395       Suppress : Boolean);
 396    --  Push a new entry on to the top of the local suppress stack, updating
 397    --  the value in Local_Suppress_Stack_Top;
 399    procedure Push_Global_Suppress_Stack_Entry
 400      (Entity   : Entity_Id;
 401       Check    : Check_Id;
 402       Suppress : Boolean);
 403    --  Push a new entry on to the top of the global suppress stack, updating
 404    --  the value in Global_Suppress_Stack_Top;
 406    -----------------
 407    -- Scope Stack --
 408    -----------------
 410    --  The scope stack indicates the declarative regions that are currently
 411    --  being processed (analyzed and/or expanded). The scope stack is one of
 412    --  the basic visibility structures in the compiler: entities that are
 413    --  declared in a scope that is currently on the scope stack are immediately
 414    --  visible (leaving aside issues of hiding and overloading).
 416    --  Initially, the scope stack only contains an entry for package Standard.
 417    --  When a compilation unit, subprogram unit, block or declarative region
 418    --  is being processed, the corresponding entity is pushed on the scope
 419    --  stack. It is removed after the processing step is completed. A given
 420    --  entity can be placed several times on the scope stack, for example
 421    --  when processing derived type declarations, freeze nodes, etc. The top
 422    --  of the scope stack is the innermost scope currently being processed.
 423    --  It is obtained through function Current_Scope. After a compilation unit
 424    --  has been processed, the scope stack must contain only Standard.
 425    --  The predicate In_Open_Scopes specifies whether a scope is currently
 426    --  on the scope stack.
 428    --  This model is complicated by the need to compile units on the fly, in
 429    --  the middle of the compilation of other units. This arises when compiling
 430    --  instantiations, and when compiling run-time packages obtained through
 431    --  rtsfind. Given that the scope stack is a single static and global
 432    --  structure (not originally designed for the recursive processing required
 433    --  by rtsfind for example) additional machinery is needed to indicate what
 434    --  is currently being compiled. As a result, the scope stack holds several
 435    --  contiguous sections that correspond to the compilation of a given
 436    --  compilation unit. These sections are separated by distinct occurrences
 437    --  of package Standard. The currently active section of the scope stack
 438    --  goes from the current scope to the first (innermost) occurrence of
 439    --  Standard, which is additionally marked with flag Is_Active_Stack_Base.
 440    --  The basic visibility routine (Find_Direct_Name, in Sem_Ch8) uses this
 441    --  contiguous section of the scope stack to determine whether a given
 442    --  entity is or is not visible at a point. In_Open_Scopes only examines
 443    --  the currently active section of the scope stack.
 445    --  Similar complications arise when processing child instances. These
 446    --  must be compiled in the context of parent instances, and therefore the
 447    --  parents must be pushed on the stack before compiling the child, and
 448    --  removed afterwards. Routines Save_Scope_Stack and Restore_Scope_Stack
 449    --  are used to set/reset the visibility of entities declared in scopes
 450    --  that are currently on the scope stack, and are used when compiling
 451    --  instance bodies on the fly.
 453    --  It is clear in retrospect that all semantic processing and visibility
 454    --  structures should have been fully recursive. The rtsfind mechanism,
 455    --  and the complexities brought about by subunits and by generic child
 456    --  units and their instantiations, have led to a hybrid model that carries
 457    --  more state than one would wish.
 459    type Scope_Action_Kind is (Before, After, Cleanup);
 460    type Scope_Actions is array (Scope_Action_Kind) of List_Id;
 461    --  Transient blocks have three associated actions list, to be inserted
 462    --  before and after the block's statements, and as cleanup actions.
 464    Configuration_Component_Alignment : Component_Alignment_Kind :=
 465                                          Calign_Default;
 466    --  Used for handling the pragma Component_Alignment in the context of a
 467    --  configuration file.
 469    type Scope_Stack_Entry is record
 470       Entity : Entity_Id;
 471       --  Entity representing the scope
 473       Last_Subprogram_Name : String_Ptr;
 474       --  Pointer to name of last subprogram body in this scope. Used for
 475       --  testing proper alpha ordering of subprogram bodies in scope.
 477       Save_Scope_Suppress : Suppress_Record;
 478       --  Save contents of Scope_Suppress on entry
 480       Save_Local_Suppress_Stack_Top : Suppress_Stack_Entry_Ptr;
 481       --  Save contents of Local_Suppress_Stack on entry to restore on exit
 483       Save_Check_Policy_List : Node_Id;
 484       --  Save contents of Check_Policy_List on entry to restore on exit. The
 485       --  Check_Policy pragmas are chained with Check_Policy_List pointing to
 486       --  the most recent entry. This list is searched starting here, so that
 487       --  the search finds the most recent appicable entry. When we restore
 488       --  Check_Policy_List on exit from the scope, the effect is to remove
 489       --  all entries set in the scope being exited.
 491       Save_Default_Storage_Pool : Node_Id;
 492       --  Save contents of Default_Storage_Pool on entry to restore on exit
 494       Save_SPARK_Mode : SPARK_Mode_Type;
 495       --  Setting of SPARK_Mode on entry to restore on exit
 497       Save_SPARK_Mode_Pragma : Node_Id;
 498       --  Setting of SPARK_Mode_Pragma on entry to restore on exit
 500       Save_No_Tagged_Streams : Node_Id;
 501       --  Setting of No_Tagged_Streams to restore on exit
 503       Save_Default_SSO : Character;
 504       --  Setting of Default_SSO on entry to restore on exit
 506       Save_Uneval_Old : Character;
 507       --  Setting of Uneval_Old on entry to restore on exit
 509       Is_Transient : Boolean;
 510       --  Marks transient scopes (see Exp_Ch7 body for details)
 512       Previous_Visibility : Boolean;
 513       --  Used when installing the parent(s) of the current compilation unit.
 514       --  The parent may already be visible because of an ongoing compilation,
 515       --  and the proper visibility must be restored on exit. The flag is
 516       --  typically needed when the context of a child unit requires
 517       --  compilation of a sibling. In other cases the flag is set to False.
 518       --  See Sem_Ch10 (Install_Parents, Remove_Parents).
 520       Node_To_Be_Wrapped : Node_Id;
 521       --  Only used in transient scopes. Records the node which will
 522       --  be wrapped by the transient block.
 524       Actions_To_Be_Wrapped : Scope_Actions;
 525       --  Actions that have to be inserted at the start, at the end, or as
 526       --  cleanup actions of a transient block. Used to temporarily hold these
 527       --  actions until the block is created, at which time the actions are
 528       --  moved to the block.
 530       Pending_Freeze_Actions : List_Id;
 531       --  Used to collect freeze entity nodes and associated actions that are
 532       --  generated in an inner context but need to be analyzed outside, such
 533       --  as records and initialization procedures. On exit from the scope,
 534       --  this list of actions is inserted before the scope construct and
 535       --  analyzed to generate the corresponding freeze processing and
 536       --  elaboration of other associated actions.
 538       First_Use_Clause : Node_Id;
 539       --  Head of list of Use_Clauses in current scope. The list is built when
 540       --  the declarations in the scope are processed. The list is traversed
 541       --  on scope exit to undo the effect of the use clauses.
 543       Component_Alignment_Default : Component_Alignment_Kind;
 544       --  Component alignment to be applied to any record or array types that
 545       --  are declared for which a specific component alignment pragma does not
 546       --  set the alignment.
 548       Is_Active_Stack_Base : Boolean;
 549       --  Set to true only when entering the scope for Standard_Standard from
 550       --  from within procedure Semantics. Indicates the base of the current
 551       --  active set of scopes. Needed by In_Open_Scopes to handle cases where
 552       --  Standard_Standard can be pushed anew on the scope stack to start a
 553       --  new active section (see comment above).
 555       Locked_Shared_Objects : Elist_Id;
 556       --  List of shared passive protected objects that have been locked in
 557       --  this transient scope (always No_Elist for non-transient scopes).
 558    end record;
 560    package Scope_Stack is new Table.Table (
 561      Table_Component_Type => Scope_Stack_Entry,
 562      Table_Index_Type     => Int,
 563      Table_Low_Bound      => 0,
 564      Table_Initial        => Alloc.Scope_Stack_Initial,
 565      Table_Increment      => Alloc.Scope_Stack_Increment,
 566      Table_Name           => "Sem.Scope_Stack");
 568    -----------------
 569    -- Subprograms --
 570    -----------------
 572    procedure Initialize;
 573    --  Initialize internal tables
 575    procedure Lock;
 576    --  Lock internal tables before calling back end
 578    procedure Semantics (Comp_Unit : Node_Id);
 579    --  This procedure is called to perform semantic analysis on the specified
 580    --  node which is the N_Compilation_Unit node for the unit.
 582    procedure Analyze (N : Node_Id);
 583    procedure Analyze (N : Node_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 584    --  This is the recursive procedure that is applied to individual nodes of
 585    --  the tree, starting at the top level node (compilation unit node) and
 586    --  then moving down the tree in a top down traversal. It calls individual
 587    --  routines with names Analyze_xxx to analyze node xxx. Each of these
 588    --  routines is responsible for calling Analyze on the components of the
 589    --  subtree.
 590    --
 591    --  Note: In the case of expression components (nodes whose Nkind is in
 592    --  N_Subexpr), the call to Analyze does not complete the semantic analysis
 593    --  of the node, since the type resolution cannot be completed until the
 594    --  complete context is analyzed. The completion of the type analysis occurs
 595    --  in the corresponding Resolve routine (see Sem_Res).
 596    --
 597    --  Note: for integer and real literals, the analyzer sets the flag to
 598    --  indicate that the result is a static expression. If the expander
 599    --  generates a literal that does NOT correspond to a static expression,
 600    --  e.g. by folding an expression whose value is known at compile time,
 601    --  but is not technically static, then the caller should reset the
 602    --  Is_Static_Expression flag after analyzing but before resolving.
 603    --
 604    --  If the Suppress argument is present, then the analysis is done
 605    --  with the specified check suppressed (can be All_Checks to suppress
 606    --  all checks).
 608    procedure Analyze_List (L : List_Id);
 609    procedure Analyze_List (L : List_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 610    --  Analyzes each element of a list. If the Suppress argument is present,
 611    --  then the analysis is done with the specified check suppressed (can
 612    --  be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
 614    procedure Copy_Suppress_Status
 615      (C    : Check_Id;
 616       From : Entity_Id;
 617       To   : Entity_Id);
 618    --  If From is an entity for which check C is explicitly suppressed
 619    --  then also explicitly suppress the corresponding check in To.
 621    procedure Insert_List_After_And_Analyze
 622      (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id);
 623    procedure Insert_List_After_And_Analyze
 624      (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 625    --  Inserts list L after node N using Nlists.Insert_List_After, and then,
 626    --  after this insertion is complete, analyzes all the nodes in the list,
 627    --  including any additional nodes generated by this analysis. If the list
 628    --  is empty or No_List, the call has no effect. If the Suppress argument is
 629    --  present, then the analysis is done with the specified check suppressed
 630    --  (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
 632    procedure Insert_List_Before_And_Analyze
 633      (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id);
 634    procedure Insert_List_Before_And_Analyze
 635      (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 636    --  Inserts list L before node N using Nlists.Insert_List_Before, and then,
 637    --  after this insertion is complete, analyzes all the nodes in the list,
 638    --  including any additional nodes generated by this analysis. If the list
 639    --  is empty or No_List, the call has no effect. If the Suppress argument is
 640    --  present, then the analysis is done with the specified check suppressed
 641    --  (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
 643    procedure Insert_After_And_Analyze
 644      (N : Node_Id; M : Node_Id);
 645    procedure Insert_After_And_Analyze
 646      (N : Node_Id; M : Node_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 647    --  Inserts node M after node N and then after the insertion is complete,
 648    --  analyzes the inserted node and all nodes that are generated by
 649    --  this analysis. If the node is empty, the call has no effect. If the
 650    --  Suppress argument is present, then the analysis is done with the
 651    --  specified check suppressed (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
 653    procedure Insert_Before_And_Analyze
 654      (N : Node_Id; M : Node_Id);
 655    procedure Insert_Before_And_Analyze
 656      (N : Node_Id; M : Node_Id; Suppress : Check_Id);
 657    --  Inserts node M before node N and then after the insertion is complete,
 658    --  analyzes the inserted node and all nodes that could be generated by
 659    --  this analysis. If the node is empty, the call has no effect. If the
 660    --  Suppress argument is present, then the analysis is done with the
 661    --  specified check suppressed (can be All_Checks to suppress all checks).
 663    function External_Ref_In_Generic (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
 664    --  Return True if we are in the context of a generic and E is
 665    --  external (more global) to it.
 667    procedure Enter_Generic_Scope (S : Entity_Id);
 668    --  Called each time a Generic subprogram or package scope is entered. S is
 669    --  the entity of the scope.
 670    --
 671    --  ??? At the moment, only called for package specs because this mechanism
 672    --  is only used for avoiding freezing of external references in generics
 673    --  and this can only be an issue if the outer generic scope is a package
 674    --  spec (otherwise all external entities are already frozen)
 676    procedure Exit_Generic_Scope  (S : Entity_Id);
 677    --  Called each time a Generic subprogram or package scope is exited. S is
 678    --  the entity of the scope.
 679    --
 680    --  ??? At the moment, only called for package specs exit.
 682    function Explicit_Suppress (E : Entity_Id; C : Check_Id) return Boolean;
 683    --  This function returns True if an explicit pragma Suppress for check C
 684    --  is present in the package defining E.
 686    procedure Preanalyze (N : Node_Id);
 687    --  Performs a pre-analysis of node N. During pre-analysis no expansion is
 688    --  carried out for N or its children. For more info on pre-analysis read
 689    --  the spec of Sem.
 691    generic
 692       with procedure Action (Item : Node_Id);
 693    procedure Walk_Library_Items;
 694    --  Primarily for use by CodePeer and GNATprove. Must be called after
 695    --  semantic analysis (and expansion in the case of CodePeer) are complete.
 696    --  Walks each relevant library item, calling Action for each, in an order
 697    --  such that one will not run across forward references. Each Item passed
 698    --  to Action is the declaration or body of a library unit, including
 699    --  generics and renamings. The first item is the N_Package_Declaration node
 700    --  for package Standard. Bodies are not included, except for the main unit
 701    --  itself, which always comes last.
 702    --
 703    --  Item is never a subunit
 704    --
 705    --  Item is never an instantiation. Instead, the instance declaration is
 706    --  passed, and (if the instantiation is the main unit), the instance body.
 708    ------------------------
 709    -- Debugging Routines --
 710    ------------------------
 712    function ss (Index : Int) return Scope_Stack_Entry;
 713    pragma Export (Ada, ss);
 714    --  "ss" = "scope stack"; returns the Index'th entry in the Scope_Stack
 716    function sst return Scope_Stack_Entry;
 717    pragma Export (Ada, sst);
 718    --  "sst" = "scope stack top"; same as ss(Scope_Stack.Last)
 720 end Sem;