File : fz_measr.adb

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   3 -- This file is part of 'Finite Field Arithmetic', aka 'FFA'.               --
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   5 -- (C) 2018 Stanislav Datskovskiy ( )                      --
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   8 -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or      --
   9 -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, --
  10 -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking   --
  11 -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to         --
  12 -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please         --
  13 -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures    --
  14 -- that you use - for any purpose.                                          --
  15 --                                                                          --
  16 -- See also .     --
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  20 with Word_Ops; use Word_Ops;
  21 with W_Pred;   use W_Pred;
  22 with W_Shifts; use W_Shifts;
  25 package body FZ_Measr is
  27    -- Find the index of eldest nonzero bit ( 0 if none, or 1 .. FZBitness )
  28    function FZ_Measure(N : in FZ) return Word is
  30       -- The result (default : 0, will remain 0 if N is in fact zero)
  31       Index     : Word := 0;
  33       -- The currently-examined Word, starting from the junior-most
  34       Ni        : Word;
  36       -- The most recently-seen nonzero Word, if indeed any exist
  37       W         : Word := 0;
  39       -- 1 if currently-examined Word is zero, otherwise 0
  40       NiZ       : WBool;
  42    begin
  44       -- Find, in constant time, eldest non-zero Word:
  45       for i in 0 .. Indices(N'Length - 1) loop
  46          Ni    := N(N'First + i);              -- Ni := current Word;
  47          NiZ   := W_ZeroP(Ni);                 -- ... is this Word = 0?
  48          Index := W_Mux(Word(i), Index, NiZ);  -- If NO, save the Index,
  49          W     := W_Mux(Ni,      W,     NiZ);  -- ... and save that Word.
  50       end loop;
  52       -- Set Index to be the bit-position of the eldest non-zero Word:
  53       Index := Shift_Left(Index, BitnessLog2); -- Index := Index * Bitness
  55       -- Find, in constant time, eldest non-zero bit in that Word:
  56       for b in 1 .. Bitness loop
  57          -- If W is non-zero, advance the Index...
  58          Index := W_Mux(Index + 1, Index, W_ZeroP(W));
  59          -- ... in either case, advance W:
  60          W     := Shift_Right(W, 1);
  61       end loop;
  63       -- If N = 0, result will be 0; otherwise: index of the eldest 1 bit.
  64       return Index;
  66    end FZ_Measure;
  68 end FZ_Measr;