PCB Radiography Kindergarten, Continued.

This article is a continuation of "PCB Radiography Kindergarten".

This was a second test-fire of that radiography system, using yet-another board where I already know where everything is (on account of having designed it.)

This time, the victim is a FG TRNG Mainboard:

Click for full resolution (Warning: 16MB)

FG Mainboard

For comparison, a visible-light photograph of the same section:

FG Mainboard (optical)

Detail of XC9572 CPLD:


Detail of 14.7456MHz quartz resonator:

FG Resonator

Exposure: 100 sec. @ 32kV, 0.3mA @ 25cm; film: "Eco-30".

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Wednesday February 20 2019 , filed under Cold Air, Distractions, FG, FPGA, Hardware, Photo, Physics, SoftwareArchaeology, SoftwareSucks, X-Ray . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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