Phuctor Broke Several RSA Keys.

(5/20 Update: This.)

(5/18 Update: Tired of the contemptible media disinformation and faux-reporting on this subject? For some fresh air, see Mircea's article, 'On how the factored 4096 RSA keys story was handled, and what it means to you.')

Phuctor, "The RSA Supercollider," is a long-term collaborative project of yours truly and Mircea Popescu.

I am pleased to announce that we have now broken a 4096-bit RSA key, as well as its factor-sharing counterpart (yet to be determined, but won't wait for long!)

At five minutes prior to the time of this writing, another pair of keys has also been broken.  See Mircea's site for updates.

Readers who wish to learn more about this project are invited to join Mircea, myself, and many other fine folks on Freenode in IRC channel #bitcoin-assets. Click here for a WWW-based gateway. Politely privmessage an "up please" to one of the regulars to get speaking rights.

Edits, Corrections:
1 ) Threads on Reddit, Hacker News. (5/18: If you care to read these, do it while they're still up.)
2 ) Selected hate mail. Will update this section if any more contenders for this list should appear.
3 ) May 17 ~16:10 EST: Aaand we got another! A GNU developer, like the first. Which makes for six phuctorable keys, three of which are presently known to me.
4 ) Before joining the chorus of 'Holy shit, they broke RSA!' or 'This is false advertising, they didn't really do anything!' imbeciles, please consider reading the (one whole page!) description of what Phuctor actually does.
5 ) If you are in the service of the enemy, and think that you can somehow prevent or retard the search for weak (weak for whatever reason! I don't weaken them, only search...) fielded RSA keys, think again. The data set is public in its entirety, and the experiment can be replicated by a schoolboy with minimal sweat. Go ahead and remove the diddled keys from public servers, if you like. We have copies.
6 ) This is addressed to the same fine folks as #5. Your efforts to bury the story in FUD and hastily-concocted disinformation are riotously funny. Please carry on.
7 ) Consider getting your tech news from journalists who can spell. (Seriously, 'Phunctor' ?!)
8 ) (5/18) We found a number of moduli, including several pairs which share a large composite factor.  Stay tuned.
9 ) Folks who believe that 'anyone can insert anything into SKS' are invited to replace my key there with their own.
10 ) (5/19) As of today, there are 10 broken moduli.

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Sunday May 17 2015 , filed under Cold Air, Computation, Cryptography, Friends, Mathematics, NonLoper, SoftwareSucks . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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