"Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20: "Litmus", a Peh-Powered Verifier for GPG Signatures.
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical "Open Sores" abomination, in that -- rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives -- prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same manner that you would understand and pack your own parachute. The reader will assemble and test a working FFA with his own hands, and at the same time grasp the purpose of each moving part therein.
- Chapter 1: Genesis.
- Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations.
- Chapter 3: Shifts.
- Chapter 4: Interlude: FFACalc.
- Chapter 5: "Egyptological" Multiplication and Division.
- Chapter 6: "Geological" RSA.
- Chapter 7: "Turbo Egyptians."
- Chapter 8: Interlude: Randomism.
- Chapter 9: "Exodus from Egypt" with Comba's Algorithm.
- Chapter 10: Introducing Karatsuba's Multiplication.
- Chapter 11: Tuning and Unified API.
- Chapter 12A: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 1 of 2)
- Chapter 12B: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 2 of 2)
- Chapter 13: "Width-Measure" and "Quiet Shifts."
- Chapter 14A: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 1 of 2)
- Chapter 14A-Bis: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Physical Bounds Proof.)
- Chapter 14B: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 2 of 2.)
- Chapter 15: Greatest Common Divisor.
- Chapter 16A: The Miller-Rabin Test.
- Chapter 17: Introduction to Peh.
- Chapter 18A: Subroutines in Peh.
- Chapter 18B: "Cutouts" in Peh.
- Chapter 18C: Peh School: Generation of Cryptographic Primes.
- Chapter 19: Peh Tuning and Demo Tapes.
- Chapter 20: "Litmus", a Peh-Powered Verifier for GPG Signatures.
You will need:
- A Keccak-based VTron (for this and all subsequent chapters.)
- All of the materials from Chapters 1 - 19.
- ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch
- ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig
Add the above vpatches and seals to your V-set, and press to ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch.
As of Chapter 20, the versions of Peh and FFA are 250 and 253, respectively. FFA and Peh themselves have not changed from Chapter 19.
Compile Peh:
cd ffacalc gprbuild |
... and install it to a path visible in your shell (e.g. /usr/bin.)
The subject of this chapter is Litmus: a simple and practical demonstration program powered by Peh. It is expected to work on all reasonable Unix-like systems, so long as the required command-line utilities (see EXTERNALS) are present.
Litmus verifies traditional GPG public key signatures (presently, only of the "detached" type, with RSA and SHA512 hash -- the optimal knob settings available in GPG) and is suitable for use in e.g. Vtronics.
The source code of Litmus appears below in its entirety:
#!/bin/sh ############################################################################ # 'Litmus' Utility. Verifies traditional GPG RSA signatures using Peh. # # # # Usage: ./litmus.sh publickey.peh signature.sig datafile # # # # Currently, supports only RSA 'detached' signatures that use SHA512 hash. # # See instructions re: converting traditional GPG public keys for use with # # this program. # # # # Peh, xxd, hexdump, shasum, and a number of common utils (see EXTERNALS) # # must be present on your machine. # # # # (C) 2020 Stanislav Datskovskiy ( www.loper-os.org ) # # http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.html # # # # You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or # # distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, # # or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking # # the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to # # continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please # # always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures # # that you use - for any purpose. # ############################################################################ # External programs that are required (if not found, will eggog) : EXTERNALS="peh xxd hexdump base64 shasum cut tr sed wc grep printf" # Return Codes: # Signature is VALID for given Sig, Data File, and Public Key: RET_VALID_SIG=0 # Signature is INVALID: RET_BAD_SIG=1 # All Other Cases: RET_EGGOG=-1 # Terminations: # Success (Valid RSA signature) : done_sig_valid() { echo "VALID $pubkey_algo signature from $pubkey_owner" exit $RET_VALID_SIG } # Failure (INVALID RSA signature) : done_sig_bad() { echo "Signature is INVALID for this public key and input file!" exit $RET_BAD_SIG } # Failure in decoding 'GPG ASCII armour' : eggog_sig_armour() { echo "$SIGFILE could not decode as a GPG ASCII-Armoured Signature!" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG } # Failure from corrupt signature : eggog_sig_corrupt() { echo "$SIGFILE is corrupt!" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG } # Failure from bad Peh : eggog_peh() { echo "EGGOG in executing Peh tape! Please check Public Key." >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG } # Number of Arguments required by this program: REQD_ARGS=3 # If invalid arg count, print usage and abort: if [ "$#" -ne $REQD_ARGS ]; then echo "Usage: $0 publickey.peh signature.sig datafile" exit $RET_EGGOG fi # We only support SHA512. Parameters for it: HASHER="shasum -a 512 -b" # For 'PKCS' encoding, the ASN magic turd corresponding to SHA512: ASN="3051300D060960864801650304020305000440" ASN_LEN=$((${#ASN} / 2)) MD_LEN=64 # 512 / 8 == 64 bytes # Minimal Peh Width (used for non-arithmetical ops, e.g. 'Owner') MIN_PEH_WIDTH=256 # The given public key file (a Peh tape, see docs) PUBFILE=$1 # The given Detached GPG Signature file to be verified SIGFILE=$2 # The given Data file to be verified against the Signature DATAFILE=$3 # Verify that each of the given input files exists: FILES=($PUBFILE $SIGFILE $DATAFILE) for f in ${FILES[@]}; do if ! [ -f $f ]; then echo "$f does not exist!" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG fi done # Calculate length of the pubkey file: PUBFILE_LEN=$(wc -c $PUBFILE | cut -d ' ' -f1) # Peh's Return Codes PEH_YES=1 PEH_NO=0 PEH_MU=255 PEH_EGGOG=254 # Execute given Peh tape, with given FFA Width and Height, # on top of the pubkey tape; returns output in $peh_res and $peh_code. run_peh_tape() { # The tape itself tape=$1 # FFA Width for the tape peh_width=$2 # FFA Stack Height for the tape peh_height=$3 # Compute the length of the given tape tape_len=${#tape} # Add the length of the Public Key tape to the above tape_len=$(($tape_len + $PUBFILE_LEN)) # Max Peh Life for all such tapes peh_life=$(($tape_len * 2)) # Execute the tape: peh_res=$((cat $PUBFILE; echo $tape) | peh $peh_width $peh_height $tape_len $peh_life); peh_code=$? # # If Peh returned PEH_EGGOG: if [ $peh_code -eq $PEH_EGGOG ] then # Abort: likely, coarse error of pilotage in the public key tape. eggog_peh fi } # Ask the public key about the Owner: run_peh_tape "@Algo!QY" $MIN_PEH_WIDTH 1 pubkey_algo=$peh_res # Ask the public key about Algo Type: run_peh_tape "@Owner!QY" $MIN_PEH_WIDTH 1 pubkey_owner=$peh_res # The only supported algo is GPG RSA: if [ "$pubkey_algo" != "GPG RSA" ] then echo "This public key specifies algo '$pubkey_algo';" >&2 echo "The only algo supported is 'GPG RSA' !" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG fi # Verify that all of the necessary external programs in fact exist: for i in $EXTERNALS do command -v $i >/dev/null && continue || { echo "$i is required but was not found! Please install it."; exit $RET_EGGOG; } done # 'ASCII-Armoured' PGP signatures have mandatory start and end markers: START_MARKER="-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" END_MARKER="-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" # Determine start and end line positions for payload: start_ln=$(grep -m 1 -n "$START_MARKER" $SIGFILE | cut -d ':' -f1) end_ln=$(grep -m 1 -n "$END_MARKER" $SIGFILE | cut -d ':' -f1) # Both start and end markers must exist : if [ "$start_ln" == "" ] || [ "$end_ln" == "" ] then echo "$SIGFILE does not contain ASCII-armoured PGP Signature!" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG fi # Discard the markers: start_ln=$(($start_ln + 1)) end_ln=$(($end_ln - 1)) # If there is no payload, or the markers are misplaced, abort: if [ $start_ln -ge $end_ln ] then eggog_sig_armour fi # Extract sig payload: sig_payload=$(sed -n "$start_ln,$end_ln p" < $SIGFILE | sed -n "/^Version/!p" | sed -n "/^=/!p" | tr -d " tnr") # If eggog -- abort: if [ $? -ne 0 ] then eggog_sig_armour fi # Obtain the sig bytes: sig_bytes=($(echo $sig_payload | base64 -d | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x "')) # If eggog -- abort: if [ $? -ne 0 ] then eggog_sig_armour fi # Number of bytes in the sig file sig_len=${#sig_bytes[@]} # Test that certain fields in the Sig have their mandatory value sig_field_mandatory() { f_name=$1 f_value=$2 f_mandate=$3 if [ "$f_value" != "$f_mandate" ] then reason="$f_name must equal $f_mandate; instead is $f_value." echo "$SIGFILE is UNSUPPORTED : $reason" >&2 echo "Only RSA and SHA512 hash are supported !" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG fi } # Starting Position for get_sig_bytes() sig_pos=0 # Extract given # of sig bytes from the current sig_pos; advance sig_pos. get_sig_bytes() { # Number of bytes requested count=$1 # Result: $count bytes from current $sig_pos (contiguous hex string) r=$(echo ${sig_bytes[@]:$sig_pos:$count} | sed "s/ //g" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') # Advance $sig_pos by $count: sig_pos=$(($sig_pos + $count)) # If more bytes were requested than were available in sig_bytes: if [ $sig_pos -gt $sig_len ] then # Abort. The signature was mutilated somehow. eggog_sig_corrupt fi } # Convert the current sig component to integer hex_to_int() { r=$((16#$r)) } # Turd to be composed of certain values from the sig, per RFC4880. # Final hash will run on the concatenation of DATAFILE and this turd. turd="" ## Parse all of the necessary fields in the GPG Signature: # CTB (must equal 0x89) get_sig_bytes 1 sig_ctb=$r sig_field_mandatory "Version" $sig_ctb 89 # Length get_sig_bytes 2 hex_to_int sig_length=$r # Version (only Version 4 -- what GPG 1.4.x outputs -- is supported) get_sig_bytes 1 turd+=$r sig_version=$r sig_field_mandatory "Version" $sig_version 04 # Class (only class 0 is supported) get_sig_bytes 1 turd+=$r sig_class=$r sig_field_mandatory "Class" $sig_class 00 # Public Key Algo (only RSA is supported) get_sig_bytes 1 turd+=$r sig_pk_algo=$r sig_field_mandatory "Public Key Algo" $sig_pk_algo 01 # Digest Algo (only SHA512 is supported) get_sig_bytes 1 turd+=$r sig_digest_algo=$r sig_field_mandatory "Digest Algo" $sig_digest_algo 0A # Hashed Section Length get_sig_bytes 2 turd+=$r hex_to_int sig_hashed_len=$r # Hashed Section (typically: timestamp) get_sig_bytes $sig_hashed_len turd+=$r sig_hashed=$r # Unhashed Section Length get_sig_bytes 1 hex_to_int sig_unhashed_len=$r # Unhashed Section (discard) get_sig_bytes $sig_unhashed_len # Compute Byte Length of Hashed Header (for last field) hashed_header_len=$((${#turd} / 2)) # Final section of the hashed turd (not counted in hashed_header_len) turd+=$sig_version turd+="FF" turd+=$(printf "%08x" $hashed_header_len) # Compute the hash of data file and the hashed appendix from sig : hash=$((cat $DATAFILE; xxd -r -p < << $turd) | $HASHER | cut -d ' ' -f1) # Convert to upper case hash=$(echo $hash | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') # Parse the RSA Signature portion of the Sig file: # RSA Packet Length (how many bytes to read) get_sig_bytes 1 hex_to_int rsa_packet_len=$r # The RSA Packet itself get_sig_bytes $rsa_packet_len rsa_packet=$r # Digest Prefix (2 bytes) get_sig_bytes 2 digest_prefix=$r # See whether it matches the first two bytes of the actual computed hash : computed_prefix=$(printf "%.4s" $hash) if [ "$digest_prefix" != "$computed_prefix" ] then # It didn't match, so we can return 'bad signature' immediately: done_sig_bad fi # If prefix matched, we will proceed to do the actual RSA operation. # RSA Bitness given in Sig get_sig_bytes 2 hex_to_int rsa_bitness=$r # Compute RSA Byteness from the above rsa_byteness=$((($rsa_bitness + 7) / 8)) # RSA Bitness for use in determining required Peh width: rsa_width=$(($rsa_byteness * 8)) # Only traditional GPG RSA widths are supported: if [ $rsa_width != 2048 ] && [ $rsa_width != 4096 ] && [ $rsa_width != 8192 ] then reason="Only 2048, 4096, and 8192-bit RSA are supported." echo "$SIGFILE is UNSUPPORTED : $reason" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG fi # RSA Signature per se (final item read from sig file) get_sig_bytes $rsa_byteness rsa_sig=$r # Per RFC4880, 'PKCS' encoding of hash is as follows: # 0 1 [PAD] 0 [ASN] [MD] # First two bytes of PKCS-encoded hash will always be 00 01 : pkcs="0001" # Compute necessary number of padding FF bytes : pkcs_pad_bytes=$(($rsa_byteness - $MD_LEN - $ASN_LEN - 3)) # Attach the padding bytes: for ((x=1; x< =$pkcs_pad_bytes; x++)); do pkcs+="FF" done # Attach the 00 separator between the padding and the ASN: pkcs+="00" # Attach the ASN ('magic' corresponding to the hash algo) : pkcs+=$ASN # Finally, attach the computed (from Data file) hash itself : pkcs+=$hash # Generate a Peh tape which will attempt to verify $rsa_sig against the pubkey, # computing the expression $rsa_sig ^ PUB_E mod PUB_M and comparing to $pkcs. # Outputs 'Valid' and returns Yes_Code (1) if and only if signature is valid. tape=".$rsa_sig@Public-Op!.$pkcs={[Valid]QY}{[Invalid]QN}_" # Execute the tape: run_peh_tape $tape $rsa_width 3 # 'Belt and suspenders' -- test both output and return code: # If verification succeeded, return code will be 1, and output 'Valid': if [ $peh_code -eq $PEH_YES ] && [ "$peh_res" == "Valid" ] then # Valid RSA signature: done_sig_valid else # Signature was not valid: done_sig_bad fi # The end. |
Public keys for use with Litmus are Peh tapes, and their format is illustrated here. Mine (converted from my GPG public key using, for the time being, PGPDump and a few minutes of elbow grease) appears below:
(----------------------------------------------------------------------------) ( Public key converted from GPG key 17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7 ) (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) @RSA-Public-Modulus@ . CDD49A674BAF76D3B73E25BC6DF66EF3ABEDDCA461D3CCB6416793E3437C7806562694 73C2212D5FD5EED17AA067FEC001D8E76EC901EDEDF960304F891BD3CAD7F9A335D1A2 EC37EABEFF3FBE6D3C726DC68E599EBFE5456EF19813398CD7D548D746A30AA47D4293 968BFBAFCBF65A90DFFC87816FEE2A01E1DC699F4DDABB84965514C0D909D54FDA7062 A2037B50B771C153D5429BA4BA335EAB840F9551E9CD9DF8BB4A6DC3ED1318FF3969F7 B99D9FB90CAB968813F8AD4F9A069C9639A74D70A659C69C29692567CE863B88E191CC 9535B91B417D0AF14BE09C78B53AF9C5F494BCF2C60349FFA93C81E817AC682F0055A6 07BB56D6A281C1A04CEFE1 ; (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) @RSA-Public-Exponent@ . 10001 ; LC (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) @Public-Op@ (N is on stack) @RSA-Public-Exponent! @RSA-Public-Modulus! MX ; (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) @Algo@[GPG RSA]; (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) @Owner@[asciilifeform <stas@loper-os.org>]; (----------------------------------------------------------------------------) RC |
Now verify the vpatch of this chapter and its signature using Litmus:
./litmus.sh asciilifeform.peh ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch |
... which should yield the output:
VALID GPG RSA signature from asciilifeform <stas@loper-os.org> |
If you find that Litmus balks on your GPG signatures, ensure that SHA512 (the longest hash supported by old rotten GPG) is selected in your config (typically ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf) :
personal-digest-preferences SHA512 cert-digest-algo SHA512 |
In Chapter 21, we will discuss the astonishing ugliness of the GPG data format, and construct a means for semi-automatic conversion of traditional GPG public keys into the format used by Litmus.
~To be continued!~
As requested in the logs earlier:
Dear shinohai,
Congrats on being the first to test!
My signature for ffa_ch20_litmus.kv.vpatch
# Ask the public key about the Owner:
run_peh_tape "@Algo!QY" $MIN_PEH_WIDTH 1
# Ask the public key about Algo Type:
run_peh_tape "@Owner!QY" $MIN_PEH_WIDTH 1
Should the comments be swapped?
Dear photm,
This is so, and it was fixed in Ch. 20B.