"Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20B: Support for Selected Ancient Hash Algos in "Litmus."
This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical "Open Sores" abomination, in that -- rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives -- prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same manner that you would understand and pack your own parachute. The reader will assemble and test a working FFA with his own hands, and at the same time grasp the purpose of each moving part therein.
- Chapter 1: Genesis.
- Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations.
- Chapter 3: Shifts.
- Chapter 4: Interlude: FFACalc.
- Chapter 5: "Egyptological" Multiplication and Division.
- Chapter 6: "Geological" RSA.
- Chapter 7: "Turbo Egyptians."
- Chapter 8: Interlude: Randomism.
- Chapter 9: "Exodus from Egypt" with Comba's Algorithm.
- Chapter 10: Introducing Karatsuba's Multiplication.
- Chapter 11: Tuning and Unified API.
- Chapter 12A: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 1 of 2)
- Chapter 12B: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 2 of 2)
- Chapter 13: "Width-Measure" and "Quiet Shifts."
- Chapter 14A: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 1 of 2)
- Chapter 14A-Bis: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Physical Bounds Proof.)
- Chapter 14B: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 2 of 2.)
- Chapter 15: Greatest Common Divisor.
- Chapter 16A: The Miller-Rabin Test.
- Chapter 17: Introduction to Peh.
- Chapter 18A: Subroutines in Peh.
- Chapter 18B: "Cutouts" in Peh.
- Chapter 18C: Peh School: Generation of Cryptographic Primes.
- Chapter 19: Peh Tuning and Demo Tapes.
- Chapter 20: "Litmus", a Peh-Powered Verifier for GPG Signatures.
- Chapter 20B: Support for Selected Ancient Hash Algos in "Litmus."
You will need:
- A Keccak-based VTron (for this and all subsequent chapters.)
- All of the materials from Chapters 1 - 20.
- ffa_ch20b_litmus_legacy_hashes.kv.vpatch
- ffa_ch20b_litmus_legacy_hashes.kv.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig
Add the above vpatches and seals to your V-set, and press to ffa_ch20b_litmus_legacy_hashes.kv.vpatch.
As of Chapter 20B, the versions of Peh and FFA are 250 and 253, respectively. FFA and Peh themselves have not changed from Chapter 19.
Compile Peh:
cd ffacalc gprbuild |
... and install it to a path visible in your shell (e.g. /usr/bin.)
In the course of experimenting with the subject of the previous Chapter, I found that a number of current and past Vtronicists had misconfigured their GPG, and emit suboptimal signatures (i.e. not SHA-512, the strongest of the ancient hashes supported by that utility). And so I added support for these. (Litmus will emit a warning if such a signature is encountered.)
The following routine has been added to Litmus:
# If Sig was made with an unsupported hash algo: eggog_unsupported_hash() { algo=$1 echo "This sig uses an unsupported Digest Algo: $1 !" >&2 exit $RET_EGGOG } ....... # Warnings: achtung() { echo "WARNING: $1" >&2 } ....... # Digest Algo (only certain hash algos are supported) get_sig_bytes 1 turd+=$r hex_to_int sig_digest_algo=$r # If hash algo is supported, get ASN turd and MD_LEN; and if not, eggog: case $sig_digest_algo in 1) ## MD5 -- NOT SUPPORTED ## eggog_unsupported_hash "MD5" ;; 2) ## SHA1 ## achtung "This sig was made with SHA-1, which is cheaply breakable!" achtung "Please contact the signer ($pubkey_owner) !" HASHER="shasum -a 1 -b" ASN="3021300906052b0e03021a05000414" MD_LEN=20 ;; 3) ## RIPE-MD/160 -- NOT SUPPORTED ## eggog_unsupported_hash "RIPE-MD/160" ;; 8) ## SHA256 ## achtung "This sig was made with SHA-256; GPG supports SHA-512." achtung "Please contact the signer ($pubkey_owner) !" HASHER="shasum -a 256 -b" ASN="3031300d060960864801650304020105000420" MD_LEN=32 ;; 9) ## SHA384 ## achtung "This sig was made with SHA-384; GPG supports SHA-512." achtung "Please contact the signer ($pubkey_owner) !" HASHER="shasum -a 384 -b" ASN="3041300d060960864801650304020205000430" MD_LEN=48 ;; 10) ## SHA512 ## HASHER="shasum -a 512 -b" ASN="3051300D060960864801650304020305000440" MD_LEN=64 # 512 / 8 == 64 bytes ;; 11) ## SHA224 ## achtung "This sig was made with SHA-224; GPG supports SHA-512." achtung "Please contact the signer ($pubkey_owner) !" HASHER="shasum -a 224 -b" ASN="302D300d06096086480165030402040500041C" MD_LEN=28 ;; *) ## Unknown Digest Type ## eggog_unsupported_hash "UNKNOWN (type $sig_digest_algo)" ;; esac # Calculate length (bytes) of the ASN turd for the digest used in the sig: ASN_LEN=$((${#ASN} / 2)) ....... |
To test, for instance, verification of SHA-1 signatures (please stop using SHA-1, people! see e.g. here), download this Litmus-converted GPG public key of former contributor Diana Coman, and verify her signature of Chapter 1:
./litmus.sh diana_coman.peh ffa_ch1_genesis.kv.vpatch.diana_coman.sig ffa_ch1_genesis.kv.vpatch |
... which will yield the output:
WARNING: This sig was made with SHA-1, which is cheaply breakable! WARNING: Please contact the signer (Diana Coman <office@dianacoman.com>) ! VALID GPG RSA signature from Diana Coman <office@dianacoman.com> |
~To be continued!~
ftr, I don't quite get what they think they are up to there but let me tell you that it looks disgusting.
Dear shinohai,
The first link seems to broken?
Anywho, sig for chapter 20b: