X-Ray Stereography Kindergarten.

This article is a continuation of "X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten.".

Here, we see a stereo pair (approx. +/- 25 deg. one-axis rotation of the object from the horizontal plane, while film is stationary) of the device from before.

FG CPLD Stereograph

The vias are clearly distinguishable.

Exposure: 70 sec. @ 34kV; 0.3mA + 2x beam spread; film: "Eco-30".

X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten.

This article is a continuation of "PCB Radiography Kindergarten, Continued.".

The radiography system is equipped with a "microfocus" tube, and its beam has a 30 degree spread cone. So we can get a look at that very same FG TRNG XC9572 CPLD seen earlier, but with 2x magnification:

Click for full resolution (Warning: 7MB)


This time, we can clearly distinguish the gold bonding wires which connect the silicon die to the pins.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to take a shot of the die surface using this type of instrument... (or is it..?)

Exposure: 85 sec. @ 34kV; 0.3mA + 2x beam spread; film: "Eco-30".

PCB Radiography Kindergarten, Continued.

This article is a continuation of "PCB Radiography Kindergarten".

This was a second test-fire of that radiography system, using yet-another board where I already know where everything is (on account of having designed it.)

This time, the victim is a FG TRNG Mainboard:

Click for full resolution (Warning: 16MB)

FG Mainboard

For comparison, a visible-light photograph of the same section:

FG Mainboard (optical)

Detail of XC9572 CPLD:


Detail of 14.7456MHz quartz resonator:

FG Resonator

Exposure: 100 sec. @ 32kV, 0.3mA @ 25cm; film: "Eco-30".

PCB Radiography Kindergarten.

Below is the result of test-firing a newly-installed miniature PCB radiography system.

The victim is a standard FG TRNG Analogue Unit:

Click for full resolution (Warning: 14MB)

FG Analogue

Detail of left op amp, with bonding whiskers visible:

FG Analogue Amp

The substrate, aluminum RF shield frame, SMT contacts, vias, and the two layers of the PCB are clearly distinguishable. Likewise resistors (nearly transparent) from capacitors (comparatively metal-heavy.)

Exposure: 100 sec. @ 32kV; 0.3mA @ 25cm. film: "Eco-30".

More interesting applications -- later.

Lost Technology: The PQ3QI-01 Sunlight-Readable Display.

In the last quarter of the previous year, I got hold of a virginal (sealed OEM-crate) PQ3QI-01 sunlight-viewable LCD panel (and, after several unsuccessful attempts -- an old box where it fits.) These marvels are long out of print but apparently still available, somehow, from the Chinese, at around 100 $ per.

If the backlight lamp is used, even on minimal power, the colour picture remains sharp in direct sunlight, which cannot be said for any other LCD which I have previously owned.

When the lamp is not used, the reflective backing of the crystal becomes visible and makes for a razor-sharp monochrome picture, if the contents of the display are appropriately configured.

I promised several people a photograph, which follows:

Lamp enabled, Emacs in typical working mode:

pixelqi in sun with lamp on

Lamp disabled, and Emacs background set to white:

pixelqi in sun with lamp off

The spot of shade is the fault of my head plus the camera. Possibly I will re-take this picture when winter ends, for a clearer portrait, the above does not really do the thing justice.

The machine (otherwise uninteresting, and costing around 50 $ second-hand) was experimentally found to run, given a full charge, for 4.5 - 5 hours with the lamp running; and 7.5 - 8 without (given minimal CPU load.)

Before anyone asks, I have no idea why the manufacturer went broke. It was, IMHO, a great product, and in so far as I know had no competition whatsoever, nor is any direct replacement available today (aside from the Chinese old-stock.)

Posted in: Hardware, NonLoper, Photo by Stanislav 1 Comment

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 16A: The Miller-Rabin Test.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical "Open Sores" abomination, in that -- rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives -- prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same manner that you would understand and pack your own parachute. The reader will assemble and test a working FFA with his own hands, and at the same time grasp the purpose of each moving part therein.

You will need:

Add the above vpatches and seals to your V-set, and press to ffa_ch16_miller_rabin.kv.vpatch.

You should end up with the same directory structure as previously.

As of Chapter 16, the versions of FFACalc and FFA are 253 and 253, respectively.

Now compile ffacalc:

cd ffacalc

But do not run it quite yet.

First, the mail bag!

Reader bvt has given me to know that he has read and signed Chapters 1 - 6:

He also published a report of his interesting experiment with a variant of the Karatsuba multiplication algorithm.

Thank you, reader bvt!

Now, let's eat the meat of this Chapter.

We will add a very useful feature to FFA and FFACalc, a constant-spacetime Miller-Rabin Monte Carlo Primality Test:

Op Description # Ins # Outs Notes
P Perform a single shot of the Miller-Rabin Monte Carlo Primality Test on N, the second item on the stack, using the top item as the Witness parameter for the test. Places 1 on the stack if N was found to be composite; or 0, if N was not found to be composite. 2 1 If the supplied Witness does not satisfy the inequality 2 ≤ Witness ≤ N - 2 , it will be mapped via modular arithmetic to a value which satisfies it.
N ∈ {0, 1} will be pronounced composite under any Witness; N ∈ {2, 3} will be judged not composite under any Witness.
Any N which was found to be composite under any particular Witness, is in fact composite. The converse, is however, not true; see Ch. 16 discussion.

The proof of the Miller-Rabin method will be given in the next chapter, 16B.

Presently, the reader is invited to satisfy himself that the given program conforms to the stated variant of Miller-Rabin, and executes it in constant-spacetime:

Algorithm 1: Miller-Rabin Monte Carlo Primality Test.

For an odd integer N ≥ 5 and a positive integer Witness where 2 ≤ W ≤ N - 2:

  1. Find the unique values R ≥ 1 and odd K such that 2R × K = N - 1.
  2. T := WK mod N.
  3. If T ∈ {1, N - 1}:
       Return Possibly-Prime.
  4. Iterate R - 1 times:
  5.    T := T2 mod N
  6.    If T = N - 1:
       Return Possibly-Prime.
  7. Return Composite.

The astute reader will immediately observe that Algorithm 1 is not suitable for use in FFA, as it does not execute in constant time, and does not correctly handle all possible values of N: N < 5 and even N do not meet the stated constraints.

Additionally, given as most practical uses of the Miller-Rabin method involve a sequence of invocations with a random Witness parameter, it is necessary to force a potentially out-of-range Witness into the expected range, with a minimal loss of entropy.

So, let's generalize the algorithm:

Algorithm 2: Generalized Miller-Rabin Monte Carlo Primality Test.

any integers N and W:

  1. ProbPrime  := 0.

  2. DegenComp  := {N ∈ {0, 1, even and ≠ 2} → 1, else 0}.

  3. DegenPrime := {N ∈ {2, 3} → 1, else 0}.

  4. BW        := W mod (N - 1).

  5. If BW < 2:
       BW := 2;
  6. Find the unique values R ≥ 1 and odd K such that 2R × K = N - 1.
  7. T := BWK mod N.
  8. If T ∈ {1, N - 1}:
       ProbPrime := 1.
  9. Iterate R - 1 times:
  10.    T := T2 mod N
  11.    If T = N - 1:
       ProbPrime := 1.
  12. If DegenComp = 1:
       Return Composite.
  13. If DegenPrime = 1 or ProbPrime = 1:
       Return Possibly-Prime.
  14. Return Composite.

Still not a constant-time algorithm; but the sharp reader will be able to identify the missing ingredients.

Now let's rewrite it into a form suitable for use in FFA:

Algorithm 3: Constant-Time Generalized Miller-Rabin Monte Carlo Primality Test.

any integers N and W:

  1. DegenComp  := (N = 0) OR (N = 1) OR ((N ≠ 2) AND (N mod 2 = 0))

  2. DegenPrime := (N = 2) OR (N = 3)

  3. ProbPrime := DegenPrime.

  4. BW        := W mod (N - 1).

  5. BW        := Mux( 2 ← (BW < 2) , BW ← (BW ≥ 2) )
  6. R         := Count_Bottom_Zeros(N).
  7. K         := N >> R.
  8. T         := BWK mod N.
  9. ProbPrime := ProbPrime OR (T = 1) OR (T = N - 1)
  10. I         := 1
  11. Iterate FZ_Bitness(N) - 1 times:
  12.    T         := T2 mod N
  13.    ProbPrime := ProbPrime OR ((I < R) AND (T = N - 1))
  14.    I         := I + 1
  15. Return DegenComp OR (1 - ProbPrime).
  16. Returned value 0 corresponds to Possibly-Prime; 1 to Composite.

This variant will carry out the Miller-Rabin test on any possible candidate integer of a given FFA Bitness, without leaking the integer or the Witness via timing side-channel, and the Witness will be forced into the valid range. To my knowledge, this is the first publication of an algorithm which has these characteristics.

Without further delay, let's implement Algorithm 3 as a FFA subroutine:


package body FZ_Prime is
   -- Find the highest power of 2 which divides N. ( or 0 if N is zero. )
   function FZ_Count_Bottom_Zeros(N : in FZ) return FZBit_Index is
      -- The result (default : 0, will remain 0 if N is in fact zero)
      Index     : Word := 0;
      -- The currently-examined Word, starting from the highest
      Ni        : Word;
      -- The most recently-seen nonzero Word, if indeed any exist
      W         : Word := 0;
      -- 1 if currently-examined Word is zero, otherwise 0
      NiZ       : WBool;
      -- Find lowest non-zero Word (or simply stop at lowest, if N = 0)
      for i in reverse 0 .. Indices(N'Length - 1) loop
         Ni    := N(N'First + i);              -- Ni := current Word;
         NiZ   := W_ZeroP(Ni);                 -- ... is this Word = 0?
         Index := W_Mux(Word(i), Index, NiZ);  -- If NO, save its Index,
         W     := W_Mux(Ni,      W,     NiZ);  -- ... and save the Word.
      end loop;
      -- Set Index to be the bit-position of the lowest non-zero Word:
      Index := Shift_Left(Index, BitnessLog2); -- Index := Index * Bitness
      -- Handle degenerate case: if W is equal to 0, Index is not changed;
      -- Otherwise, start by advancing Index by an entire Word Bitness:
      Index := Index + ((0 - W_NZeroP(W)) and Word(Bitness));
      -- Now crank back the Index by the number of high bits of W (i.e.
      -- starting from its top) that must be discarded for W to become zero:
      for b in 1 .. Bitness loop
         -- If W is non-zero at this time, decrement the Index:
         Index := Index - W_NZeroP(W);
         -- Advance W left, i.e. discard the top bit of it:
         W     := Shift_Left(W, 1);
      end loop;
      -- If N = 0, result will be 0; otherwise: length of bottom zeros in N.
      return FZBit_Index(Index);
   end FZ_Count_Bottom_Zeros;
   -- Constant-Time Miller-Rabin Test on N using the given Witness.
   -- Witness will be used as-is if it conforms to the valid bounds,
   -- i.e. 2 < = Witness <= N - 2; otherwise will be transformed into a
   -- valid Witness via modular arithmetic.
   -- Outputs ONE if N WAS FOUND composite; ZERO if NOT FOUND.
   -- Handles degenerate cases of N that M-R per se cannot eat:
   -- If N is Even and not equal to 2, N is ALWAYS 'FOUND COMPOSITE.'
   -- For ALL other N, the output is equal to that of the M-R test.
   function FZ_MR_Composite_On_Witness(N       : in  FZ;
                                       Witness : in  FZ) return WBool is
      -- Widths of N, Witness, and Result are equal :
      subtype Width is Word_Index range N'Range;
      -- Whether N is 'small' (i.e. 1 Word) and therefore possibly degenerate :
      N_Is_Small       : constant WBool := FZ_OneWordP(N);
      -- Head of N, for detecting (and handling) the degenerate-N case :
      N_Head           : constant Word  := FZ_Get_Head(N);
      -- Zero and One are defined as COMPOSITE degenerate cases of N :
      N_Is_Zero_Or_One : constant WBool
        := N_Is_Small and (W_EqP(N_Head, 0) or W_EqP(N_Head, 1));
      -- Two and Three are PRIME degenerate cases of N :
      N_Is_Two         : constant WBool := N_Is_Small and W_EqP(N_Head, 2);
      N_Is_Three       : constant WBool := N_Is_Small and W_EqP(N_Head, 3);
      -- The COMPOSITE degenerate case of N where N != 2 and N is Even :
      N_Ne_2_Is_Even   : constant WBool :=
        (1 - N_Is_Two) and (1 - W_OddP(N_Head));
      -- Degeneracy latch. If N is Zero or One, then set immediately :
      Degen_Composite  : constant WBool := N_Is_Zero_Or_One or N_Ne_2_Is_Even;
      -- Possible-primality latch. If N is Two or Three, then set immediately :
      Possibly_Prime   : WBool := N_Is_Two or N_Is_Three;
      -- The writable copy of N that we will operate on :
      X                : FZ(Width) := N;
      -- Potentially-replaced head of X (if degenerate N) :
      X_Head           : Word := N_Head;
      -- Will be Barrettoid(X), for operations modulo X :
      XBar             : Barretoid(ZXMLength       => X'Length + 1,
                                   BarretoidLength => 2 * X'Length);
      -- The Bound Witness, constrained to valid range 2 < = BW <= X - 2 :
      BW               : FZ(Width);
      -- Head of BW, for detecting crossing of the lower bound :
      BW_Head          : Word;
      -- X - 1 (for M-R proper, and to constrain BW) :
      X_Minus_One      : FZ(Width);
      -- X - 1 = 2^R * K, with K odd :
      K                : FZ(Width);
      R                : FZBit_Index;
      -- Working register for all M-R modular operations :
      T                : FZ(Width);
      -- For subtraction where no underflow can happen, barring cosmic ray:
      NoCarry          : WZeroOrDie := 0;
      -- First: X, which will remain equal to N unless N is degenerate:
      -- If N is one of the two prohibited small primes (2,3) X will become 5:
      X_Head := W_Mux(A => X_Head, B => 5, Sel => Possibly_Prime);
      -- If one of the two prohibited small composites (0,1), or even, then 9:
      X_Head := W_Mux(A => X_Head, B => 9, Sel => Degen_Composite);
      -- Given as we're stuck carrying out M-R even if N is degenerate case,
      -- then let the M-R do The Right Thing, for added cosmic ray resistance.
      -- X gets a new head, if N was a degenerate case; else keeps old head:
      FZ_Set_Head(X, X_Head);
      -- Compute X - 1. As now X > 3, underflow is not permitted:
      FZ_Sub_W(X => X, W => 1, Difference => X_Minus_One,
               Underflow => NoCarry);
      -- Now, compute BW (Bound Witness), which satisfies 2 < = BW <= X - 2:
      -- First, BW := Witness mod (X - 1). After this, 0 <= BW <= X - 2:
      FZ_Mod(Dividend => Witness, Divisor => X_Minus_One, Remainder => BW);
      -- Now, adjust BW if it is found to be below Two (the lower bound) :
      -- Get head of BW:
      BW_Head := FZ_Get_Head(BW);
      -- If BW is equal to Zero or One, it will be forced to equal Two:
      BW_Head := W_Mux(A   => BW_Head,
                       B   => 2,
                       Sel => FZ_OneWordP(BW) and
                         (W_EqP(BW_Head, 0) or W_EqP(BW_Head, 1)));
      -- BW gets the new head, if it must; otherwise keeps its old head:
      FZ_Set_Head(BW, BW_Head);
      -- We finished adjusting X and BW for degeneracies, and can now M-R:
      -- Generate Barrettoid(X) to use in all of the modulo-X operations:
      FZ_Make_Barrettoid(Modulus => X, Result => XBar);
      -- Find R >= 1, and odd K, where X − 1 = 2^R * K :
      -- ... first, find R, the largest power of two which divides X - 1 :
      R := FZ_Count_Bottom_Zeros(X_Minus_One);
      -- ... and now obtain K := X / 2^R, i.e., K := X >> R :
      FZ_Quiet_ShiftRight(N => X_Minus_One, ShiftedN => K, Count => R);
      -- T := BW^K mod X
      FZ_Mod_Exp_Barrett(Base => BW, Exponent => K, Bar => XBar, Result => T);
      -- if T = 1 or T = X - 1, then X is possibly-prime:
      Possibly_Prime := Possibly_Prime or
        FZ_EqP_W(T, 1) or FZ_EqP(T, X_Minus_One);
      -- Needs R - 1 times, but perform for max possible count (gated):
      for i in 1 .. FZ_Bitness(N) - 1 loop
         -- T := T^2 mod X
         FZ_Mod_Sqr_Barrett(X => T, Bar => XBar, Product => T);
         -- if T = X - 1, and i < R, then X is possibly-prime:
         Possibly_Prime := Possibly_Prime or 
           (FZ_EqP(T, X_Minus_One) and W_LtP(Word(i), Word(R)));
      end loop;
      -- The output, which will be 1 iff X WAS FOUND to be composite via BW,
      -- ... or if X was found to equal Zero or One (without regard to BW.)
      return (1 - Possibly_Prime) or Degen_Composite;
      -- If X was found to equal Two or Three, output will be 0 (under any BW).
   end FZ_MR_Composite_On_Witness;
end FZ_Prime;

Observe that degenerate values of N result in a re-assignment, such that the M-R procedure (which is carried out regardless of degeneracy, for constant-time operation) is forced to arrive at a correct output, acting as "anti-cosmicray" backup to the degeneracy latches.

Now, let's run the program, and get an idea of how it works. Let's create a FFA Tape which executes M-R, via random witnesses, on the first 12 Mersenne Primes:

.2   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.3   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.5   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.7   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.d   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.11  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.13  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.1f  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.3d  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.59  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.6b  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite
.7f  .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite

Now, run the tape as follows:

$ cat 12_mersenne.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 256 3

... and if successful, the output will be:

- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime
- 1)=Prime

M-R is, of course, not the optimal means of confirming the primality of a suspected Mersenne prime. But it does give us a basic test: regardless of the output of your RNG, you will always see the above output.

Let's now try a large number known to be prime, the 18th Mersenne prime, 23217 - 1:

.c91   .1`LS.1-?P[MR(2^]`#[- 1)=]{[Composite

Run this tape as follows:

$ cat 18th_mersenne.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 4096 3

... and the output will always be:

- 1)=Prime

Now, let's test the M-R mechanism on more cryptographically-typical inputs. Let's take one of the braindamaged RSA moduli from the Phuctor zoo (the stars of the SecLab incident), and a Witness of 3:


$ cat seclab_1.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 4096 3

... and the output will be 1 (Composite), given as 3 is a M-R witness for that integer (which, like all other RSA moduli, is in fact composite.)

Let's now execute M-R on the shared factor of the two Seclab moduli, via a random witness:


$ cat seclab_gcd.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 2048 3

Do this as many times as you care to (in the next Chapter, we will discuss exactly what is gained from repeatedly invoking M-R on randomly-generated Witnesses) and the output will remain 0 (i.e. Probably-Prime. I personally gave it 40 shots, and have not found a witness of compositivity for it. At this point I would bet money that it is in fact prime -- but there is no way to settle the bet, as AFAIK there does not presently exist a deterministic primality test that will operate on numbers of this length reasonably quickly.)

Now, let's exhibit the reason why our M-R test is formulated in such a way that the operator is free to specify an arbitrary valid M-R Witness, rather than the nonsense seen in heathen arithmetrons, where the witness is either drawn from a set of fixed values, or taken directly from RNG.

The reason for this is so that the operator is able to confirm, at arbitrary times and with arbitrary values of his choosing, that the M-R mechanism actually performs M-R and not something else.

Let's perform M-R on the smallest composite integer where 2, 3, 5, 7 are "Liars", i.e. do not function as M-R Witnesses: 3215031751 (equal to 151 × 751 × 28351) :

.bfa17dc7 .2 P #
.bfa17dc7 .3 P #
.bfa17dc7 .5 P #
.bfa17dc7 .7 P #

$ cat liars.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 256 3



However we know that 11 is a M-R Witness for 3215031751:

.bfa17dc7 .B P #


We thereby confirm that the given program in fact behaves as M-R, for the given audit input. You will want to generate your own audit tape if using FFA in anger, for this as well as other commands.

In Chapter 16B, we will demonstrate a proof that the supplied algorithm is in fact a Monte Carlo Primality Test, and discuss the statistical facts governing its proper use. We will also discuss the CPU cost of the algorithm, as a function of FFA Bitness.

In Chapter 17, we will... but let's not spoil it!

~To be continued!~

“Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 15: Greatest Common Divisor.

This article is part of a series of hands-on tutorials introducing FFA, or the Finite Field Arithmetic library. FFA differs from the typical "Open Sores" abomination, in that -- rather than trusting the author blindly with their lives -- prospective users are expected to read and fully understand every single line. In exactly the same manner that you would understand and pack your own parachute. The reader will assemble and test a working FFA with his own hands, and at the same time grasp the purpose of each moving part therein.

(May 2020) WARNING: The algorithm and implementation given in this Chapter are subtly defective! Please see Chapter 21A-Bis for the corrected version and its proof.

You will need:

Add the above vpatches and seals to your V-set, and press to ffa_ch15_gcd.kv.vpatch.

You should end up with the same directory structure as previously.

As of Chapter 15, the versions of FFACalc and FFA are 254 and 254, respectively.

Now compile ffacalc:

cd ffacalc

But do not run it quite yet.

First, the mail bag!

Reader diana_coman has given me to know that she has read and signed Chapters 7 and 8:

Thank you, reader diana_coman!

Now, let's eat the meat of this Chapter.

We'll start with two very minor extensions of FFACalc:

Op Description # Ins # Outs Notes
R* Multiply top and second item and place only the junior half of the product on the stack. 2 1 The "Low-Multiply" from Ch. 14B.
MS Square the second item modulo the top item and place the result on the stack. 2 1 Conventional modular squaring.

R* (i.e. Right-Multiply) is simply the "Low Mul" helper routine from the previous chapter, now made available directly from FFACalc. It is arithmetically-equivalent to an ordinary * multiplication followed by dropping the senior half of the product, but gives a twofold saving of CPU time by avoiding the calculation of the senior half to begin with.

MS (i.e. Modular-Square) is directly analogous to M* (Modular Multiply) as seen in Chapter 13.

Both of these new FFACalc operators simply expose previously-discussed routines, and therefore do not merit further discussion.

Two typos in the comments of Chapter 14B were found, on lines 258 and 261 of:


      -- (1) Ns := X >> Jm
      FZ_Quiet_ShiftRight(N => X, ShiftedN => Xs, Count => Bar.J);
      -- (2) Z  := X * Bm
      FZ_Multiply_Unbuffered(X => Bar.B, Y => Xs, XY => Z);

They have been corrected:


      -- (1) Xs := X >> Jm
      FZ_Quiet_ShiftRight(N => X, ShiftedN => Xs, Count => Bar.J);
      -- (2) Z  := Xs * Bm
      FZ_Multiply_Unbuffered(X => Bar.B, Y => Xs, XY => Z);

Finally, let's proceed to the main subject of Chapter 15: Greatest Common Divisor. We have a new FFACalc operator:

Op Description # Ins # Outs Notes
G Find the Greatest Common Divisor of the top and second item, and place on the stack. 2 1 GCD(0,0) is conventionally defined as 0.

This is the Greatest Common Divisor operator, as originally defined by Euclid. Several constructive uses for it will become apparent in subsequent chapters.

There did not, to my knowledge, previously exist in the public literature a constant-spacetime algorithm for GCD. However, it is not difficult to produce one. As a starting point, we will use Stein's Algorithm, also known as binary GCD (refer to Vol. 2 of D. Knuth's AOP, where a detailed analysis is found.)

It should be noted that there are several other classic algorithms for GCD (e.g. Lehmer's method). Unfortunately, none of them are suitable for a constant-time implementation, as every single one of them relies on periodically examining some number of bits in the working registers and performing a variant set of operations (i.e. branching) depending on their value. This leaks, via the timing side-channel, information about the numbers being operated on -- and is therefore absolutely prohibited in FFA.

Additionally, all known GCD algorithms run in quadratic time on their worst-case input. And per the definition of constant-time, all FFA algorithms must always run in the worst-case time. Hence, the simplest practical algorithm is best, as it will have the smallest constant factor in its run-time (as well as being the easiest to Fit-in-Head !) Hence, we will be sticking with Stein's Binary GCD as the basis for our method.

Let's begin by looking at a commonly-studied recursive variant of this algorithm:

Algorithm 1: Stein's Recursive GCD.

For positive integers A and B:

  1. If B > A:
    return Stein(B, A)
  2. If B = 0:
    return A
  3. If A and B are both even:
    return 2 × Stein(A / 2, B / 2)
  4. If only A is even:
    return Stein(A / 2, B)
  5. If only B is even:
    return Stein(A, B / 2)
  6. Else:
    return Stein((A - B) / 2, B)

Chapter 15 Exercise #1:

Prove that Algorithm 1 computes GCD(A, B) in a finite number of steps.

As it stands, this algorithm is not suitable for constant-time implementation. However, it illustrates the equivalences that we will use to construct one which is.

Let's illuminate how Stein's Algorithm works:

Step 1 forces the relationship A ≥ B to hold at the start of each recursive call.

Step 2 terminates the recursion when B is found to equal zero, and there is nothing further to do but to return the value of A -- which will be equal to the sought GCD.

Step 3 determines whether the current values of A and B have a common factor of two (i.e. both are even numbers), and accumulates this common factor for later re-introduction into the computed GCD.

Steps 4 and 5 eliminate a possible non-common factor of two in the current value of either A or B.

Finally, Step 6 makes use of the elementary fact that a difference between two odd numbers (A and B are both known to be odd at this point) is always even, in order to remove a known non-common (with B) factor of two from the quantity A - B, and then proceeds to the next level of the recursion (similarly to the well-known "kindergarten" variant of Euclid's original GCD -- where only such subtractions take place.)

The re-introduction of the shared power-of-two factor accumulated in Step 3 happens as a result of the unwinding of the recursion.

It is important to note that Steps 3, 4, and 5 are the reason why Stein's Algorithm converges in quadratic (i.e. O(N2), where N is the total number of bits being operated on) time, rather than the O(max(A, B)) convergence time of "Euclid's subtractive GCD". These steps shave a single bit of length from A, B, or both whenever the respective quantities are even (i.e. have a zero for their junior-most bit.)

Recall the unsurprising Lemma 3 of Ch. 14A-Bis: if a small number is being subtracted from a much-larger one, it will take very many subtractions to shorten the quantity being subtracted from by even a single bit -- you are liable to die of old age waiting for Euclid's subtractive GCD to converge if the difference between the inputs is large.

The eventual result is that one of the quantities will equal zero, at which point Step 2 terminates the recursion. The zero always ends up in B, while the sought GCD ends up in A.

Now, let's transform Algorithm 1 into a similar but iterative one.

Observe that a constant-time algorithm must always execute exactly the same -- from an algebraic point of view -- computations, regardless of the particular inputs. Therefore, the subtractive step must be performed during every iteration of the loop, and likewise the divisions-by-two must also take place during every iteration. Fortunately, the following equivalence holds for all integers A, B, and not merely when |A - B| is odd:

GCD(A, B) = GCD(|A - B|, Min(A, B))

Therefore we can dispense with the division-by-two in Step 6, and likewise with the "shortcuts" in Steps 1-5, and get the following modified algorithm:

Algorithm 2: Iterative Quasi-Stein GCD.

For positive integers A and B:

  1. Twos := 0
  2. Iterate until B = 0:
  3.    Ae, Be := IsEven(A), IsEven(B)
  4.    A      := A >> Ae
  5.    B      := B >> Be
  6.    Twos   := Twos + (Ae AND Be)
  7.    Bnext   := Min(A, B)
  8.    Anext   := |A - B|
  9.    A, B   := Anext, Bnext
  10. A := A × 2Twos
  11. A contains the GCD.

Algorithm 2 is not yet constant-time, but the missing ingredient should at this point be quite apparent to the astute reader.

Observe that once B = 0, the value of A at step 10 will not be affected by any number of "redundant" iterations of the loop. (Wrong! See Ch. 21A-Bis!)

This fact is the key to deriving a constant-time, i.e. always-worst-case version of Algorithm 2. Let's write it out in a form directly suitable for implementation in FFA:

Algorithm 3: Constant-Time Iterative GCD.

For FZ integers A and B:

  1. Twos := 0
  2. Iterate Bitness(A) + Bitness(B) times:
  3.    Ae   := 1 - (A AND 1)
  4.    Be   := 1 - (B AND 1)
  5.    A    := A >> Ae
  6.    B    := B >> Be
  7.    Twos := Twos + (Ae AND Be)
  8.    D    := |A - B|, C ← Borrow
  9.    B    := {C=0 → B, C=1 → A}
  10.    A    := D
  11. A := A << Twos
  12. A contains the GCD.

Chapter 15 Exercise #2:

Prove that the number of iterations given in Algorithm 3 always suffices, and that the "redundant" iterations have no effect on the final output. (Wrong! See Ch. 21A-Bis!)

Chapter 15 Exercise #3:

What values of A and B, for a given FZ_Bitness, actually demand the maximum given number of iterations in order to produce the correct GCD?

And now, we will write an Ada program to perform Algorithm 3:


   -- Find Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of X and Y.
   -- Note that by convention, GCD(0, 0) = 0.
   procedure FZ_Greatest_Common_Divisor(X      : in  FZ;
                                        Y      : in  FZ;
                                        Result : out FZ) is
      -- Widths of X, Y, and Result are equal
      subtype Width is Word_Index range X'Range;
      -- Working buffers for GCD computation, initially equal to the inputs
      A      : FZ(Width) := X; -- GCD will appear in A in the end
      B      : FZ(Width) := Y;
      -- Evenness (negation of lowest bit) of A and B respectively
      Ae, Be : WBool;
      -- Common power-of-2 factor
      Twos   : Word := 0;
      -- |A - B|
      D      : FZ(Width);
      -- This flag is set iff A < B
      A_lt_B : WBool;
      -- For convergence, requires number of shots equal to 2 * FZ_Bitness:
      for i in 1 .. 2 * FZ_Bitness(X) loop
         -- If A is even, A := A >> 1; otherwise A := A
         Ae := 1 - FZ_OddP(A);
         FZ_ShiftRight(A, A, WBit_Index(Ae));
         -- If B is even, B := B >> 1; otherwise B := B
         Be := 1 - FZ_OddP(B);
         FZ_ShiftRight(B, B, WBit_Index(Be));
         -- If both A and B were even, increment the common power-of-two
         Twos := Twos + (Ae and Be);
         -- D := |A - B|
         FZ_Sub_Abs(X => A, Y => B, Difference => D, Underflow => A_lt_B);
         -- B' := min(A, B)
         FZ_Mux(X => B, Y => A, Result => B, Sel => A_lt_B);
         -- A' := |A - B|
         A := D;
      end loop;
      -- Reintroduce the common power-of-2 factor stored in 'Twos'
      FZ_Quiet_ShiftLeft(N => A, ShiftedN => A, Count => Indices(Twos));
      -- Output final result
      Result := A;
   end FZ_Greatest_Common_Divisor;

Take note that we have defined GCD(0, 0) = 0. This is technically an abuse of mathematical rigour -- the GCD of two zeroes is not a uniquely-determined value. However (unlike division by zero) there are no known down-sides to permitting a computation of GCD(0, 0).

I have found that this choice was made in every currently-extant arithmetron, including popular computer algebra systems (e.g. Octave and Wolfram's.) (Reader: if you know of one which signals an error when given GCD(0, 0), please let me know which, and the author's reasoning, if it is known.)

Now we will want to test the new GCD routine.

Let's create a test FFACalc tape for GCD by taking a famous pair of braindamaged RSA moduli from the Phuctor zoo -- the stars of the SecLab incident:


Now, run the tape as follows:

$ cat seclab.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 4096 2

... and if successful, the output will be:


A serious reader will also want to test any iron being considered for use with FFA, as previously described in Chapter 14B.

The following set of canonical GCD litmus tapes is available for download:

Verify the signature and unpack the archive. Inside, you will find five FFACalc tapes:

  • 10k_null_gcd_8192bit.tape
    Ten thousand 8192-bit GCD tests with only null inputs.
  • 10k_small_gcd_8192bit.1.tape
    Ten thousand 8192-bit GCD tests with randomly-generated inputs having a usually-small common factor.
  • 10k_small_gcd_8192bit.2.tape
    Similar to the above.
  • 10k_large_gcd_8192bit.1.tape
    Ten thousand 8192-bit GCD tests with randomly-generated inputs having a usually-large common factor.
  • 10k_large_gcd_8192bit.2.tape
    Similar to the above.

... and a simple shell script, gcd_litmus.sh.

Place all of these items into your ffa/ffacalc directory and execute the litmus script.

After less than half an hour (on reasonable iron), you will have a set of timer outputs (and no error outputs, unless your machine is catastrophically broken.)

Just as previously, with the tapes of Chapter 14B, if you discover that there is any substantial and persistent pattern of difference in the runtimes of the tapes, you have defective iron!

Please leave a comment here if you turn up a machine which fails this litmus! It is, for instance, conceivable that some piece of rubbish masquerading as a CPU performs a shift-by-zero in a different period of time than a shift-by-one; and I was recently quite certain that I had found one such CPU -- but it turned out to be a false alarm.

And that is all, as far as GCD is concerned, for now.

~To be continued!~

A Solid-State HDD for Symbolics "MacIvory" Lisp Machines.

This post concerns the "MacIvory" Model 3 Lisp Machine. It is of interest strictly to bolixologists.

This is a recipe for a working replacement of an ancient SCSI HDD, such as found in the MacIvory, with an inexpensive solid-state disk.

You will need:

1. Download the softs, and verify the signature and hashes in MANIFEST.TXT.

2. Decompress the disk image, and copy it to a 16GB or larger SD card, via unix dd command, e.g.:

dd if=MacIvory_Virginal_9GB.img of=/dev/sdb

3. Insert the SD card into the SCSI2SD device, connect the latter to a PC via the USB jack, and run the configurator. Feed it the supplied config, and trigger the upload to the device.

Edit: if your MacIvory's SCSI cable does not have an end terminator installed, you will need to re-enable the built-in termination in the SCSI2SD config.

4. Remove the original HDD assembly from the MacIvory:

bolix open small

bolix orig HDD

5. Remove the HDD from the plate.

6. Affix the SCSI2SD device to the new adapter, and then to the original steel plate, using the standoffs and nuts:

bolix ssd parts

bolix ssd bottom

bolix ssd top

Do not over-tension the nuts. (Use a tension wrench, if you have one, otherwise simply "know measure".)

7. Affix the plate, now containing SCSI2SD device, into the original nest, and connect the cabling, via the 50-to-68-pin adapter (for SCSI) and the Molex-to-floppy (for +5v):

bolix ssd fin

8. Boot!

You can now back up and otherwise manipulate the contents of the MacIvory HDD by connecting the SCSI2SD device's USB jack to a Linux PC, or by simply removing the SD card.


Symbolics "MacIvory": PCB Photographs.

This post concerns the "MacIvory" Model 3 Lisp Machine. It is of interest strictly to bolixologists.

Click on a photo to see detailed version.

Machine chassis:

bolix open small

The Ivory NuBus Board Set (i.e. the LispM itself, the Mac Quadra is otherwise ordinary):

ivory board small

"Ivory" NuBus board, component-side:

bolix ivory component-side

What's under the labels?

Bolix Label Part Notes
115999-B PLUS20L8 PAL, 14 inputs, 8 outputs, no registers
116000-B PAL22V10-10P PAL, 12 inputs, 10 macrocells, can have registers
116001-B PAL22V10-10P PAL, 12 inputs, 10 macrocells, can have registers
116004-A GAL16V8 GAL, can have registers
116007-A PAL16R8-7PC PAL, 8 inputs, 8 registers
116011-A GAL16V8 GAL, can have registers
S/N 30328 CY7C261-55PC 8K x 8 PROM, probably unit serial number
SHF-ARR4.1/116025 Actel A1010A-1 Antifuse-programmed CPLD, 1200 gates (equiv. of 12 period PALs)

What are the vertical DIP ICs???


qs74fct373z Bus Interface 8-Bit Latch


8-Bit Bus Interface Register Transceiver


Multilevel Pipeline Register (equiv. of Am29520)


d424400v-70 1M-Word by 4-bit FPM DRAM

"Ivory" NuBus board, bottom-side:

bolix ivory bottom side

"Ivory" RAM daughterboard, component-side:

bolix memboard component side

What are the vertical DIP ICs???


d424400v-80 1M-Word by 4-bit FPM DRAM

"Ivory" RAM daughterboard, bottom-side:

bolix memboard bottom side

Original 2400dpi scans of the boards (pre-photostitching) are available here:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (WARNING: 200-300MB each!)

~To Be Continued~

“Finite Field Arithmetic” vs MPI.

Let's compare the CPU cost of modular exponentiation performed on Chapter 14 FFA vs ye olde MPI.

V-press the MPI tree to mpi_second_cut.vpatch (or use diana_coman's cleaned-up variant, this should not affect the result of the test.)

Now, replace the test_mpi.c example I provided, with the following MPIistic implementation of the Ch.14 example test tape:


#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int ac, char **av) {
  MPI base, exp, mod, res, known;
  int r, cmp;
  r = secmem_init(1000);
  if (r==0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "eggog\n");
  base  = mpi_alloc_secure(0);
  exp   = mpi_alloc_secure(0);
  mod   = mpi_alloc_secure(0);
  res   = mpi_alloc_secure(0);
  known = mpi_alloc_secure(0);
  mpi_powm(res, base, exp, mod);
  cmp = mpi_cmp(res, known);
  if (cmp == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "OK\n");
  } else {
    fprintf(stdout, "SAD\n");
  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
  return 0;

Build it, and fire the test:

$ time ./koch

... on my test iron, will produce the output:

real    0m0.639s 
user    0m0.636s 
sys     0m0.001s

Now, let's feed the equivalent problem to Ch. 14 FFA:


={(do nothing if ok)}{[SAD ]}_

$ time cat 2048.tape | ./bin/ffa_calc 2048 32

... and we get, on same test iron:

real    0m0.280s 
user    0m0.277s 
sys     0m0.002s

Turns out, Koch's pile of shit, despite eschewing constant time arithmetic, and being implemented in Overflowandcrashlang... loses the footrace, when given a full-width modular exponentiation (i.e. one where it cannot cheat by skipping over leading zeroes.)