An Inexpensive Machine Park, of Yet-Indeterminate Quality.

Oct. 16 edit: included name of the vendor being evaluated.

Today I had occasion to lease some local rack space in my town. Currently I will not mention the vendor by name here, as I do not yet know the quality of the service, but if it proves satisfactory, will reference the vendor in an appendix to this post. They Coloco Inc. appear to be fine folk, offering a quality product at a "starvation" price, but appearances sometimes deceive.

The grounds. Unmarked building in "middle of nowhere":


Colo halls, fire extinguishers, etc:


Power supplies. Claimed "no outage complaints since 1990s". Diesels, lead-acids, connection to two separate regional power grids.





Not especially crowded:


Company offers hydraulic lift dock and wheeled cranes, without surcharge.




Representative of what I got:


~To Be Continued!~

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Tuesday October 15 2019 , filed under Bitcoin, Cold Air, Friends, Hardware, NonLoper, Photo . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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