X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten.

This article is a continuation of "PCB Radiography Kindergarten, Continued.".

The radiography system is equipped with a "microfocus" tube, and its beam has a 30 degree spread cone. So we can get a look at that very same FG TRNG XC9572 CPLD seen earlier, but with 2x magnification:

Click for full resolution (Warning: 7MB)


This time, we can clearly distinguish the gold bonding wires which connect the silicon die to the pins.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to take a shot of the die surface using this type of instrument... (or is it..?)

Exposure: 85 sec. @ 34kV; 0.3mA + 2x beam spread; film: "Eco-30".

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Thursday February 21 2019 , filed under Cold Air, Distractions, FG, FPGA, Hardware, Photo, Physics, SoftwareArchaeology, SoftwareSucks, X-Ray . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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