X-Ray Stereography Kindergarten.

This article is a continuation of "X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten.".

Here, we see a stereo pair (approx. +/- 25 deg. one-axis rotation of the object from the horizontal plane, while film is stationary) of the device from before.

FG CPLD Stereograph

The vias are clearly distinguishable.

Exposure: 70 sec. @ 34kV; 0.3mA + 2x beam spread; film: "Eco-30".

This entry was written by Stanislav , posted on Saturday February 23 2019 , filed under Cold Air, Distractions, FG, FPGA, Hardware, Photo, Physics, SoftwareArchaeology, SoftwareSucks, X-Ray . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “X-Ray Stereography Kindergarten.”

  • Felonious Vagrancy says:

    These posts are awesome, please continue!

    Any chance you might tell us a bit about the lab setup you used to produce these? Would be very interested.

    Only time I ever had to x-ray a PCB I wound up taking it to my dentist and pleading with him. Got some really nice jpegs showing the bridged BGA solderballs. Not really practical to do that more than once a year or so though.

    • Stanislav says:

      Dear Felonious Vagrancy,

      "Faxitron MX20". Relatively cheap on the surplus market, but quite heavy, thick lead-shielded cabinet, resembles old-fashioned safe.

      If you get one, be sure to use a "pancake" Geiger and verify that it doesn't leak.

      Initially I thought of using a dental unit, but they tend to not have adjustable voltage, and shoot into the open air, you will inevitably eat some reflected beam if using one with any regularity.


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